
MCU Reacts to SCP Foundation

MCU Superheros are forced to read the SCP wiki by an unknown AI, asking for their insights on the SCPs.

Tarhun_Abier · Movies
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9 Chs

SCP-096 The Shy Guy

*Ding* "Would you like to view some examples of SCPs"

"Yes" Thor" Maybe somthing in there could fascinate me" He said while taking a big swig from his cup. Surprisingly the bottles on table don't seem to ever end. Thor however is no longer amused by this as he had already seen this magic trick being performed before.


Item #: SCP-096

Object Class: Euclid

"So it is not that hard to contain but you still have to be careful."Natasha

"Why are we starting from 96 Should we not start from no. 1."Thor

*Ding* "The 'introduction Protocal' suggests that we start from easier to understand SCPs before starting with SCP 001."


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.

"No Video surveillance..."Barton

"It's probably a part of its superpower if you see me you die hahaha." Tony joked earning a chuckle, not knowing just how right he was.

Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. ███ and O5-█.

"Why are thier names bleeped out." Tony

"To protect thier safety, thier are many times when we also redact names from our files to protect the safety of our agents."Nick

"You mean former agents"Steve

"Uh huh..." Neither agreeing nor disagreeing

Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.

SCP-096's jaw can open to four (4) times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.

"So it's tall, Human-like and mildly malnutrition are they sure it's not an alien."Tony

"The poor fella is also blind what kind of threat can it even pose to lock him in with such airtight security." Banner

"They are probably going to explain." Steve

SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).

Everyone looked at Tony.

Tony ('_';)" How was I supposed to know that would happen..." Before he has not time to defend himself.

Documented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h to ███ km/h, and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of SCP-096-1 does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of SCP-096-1's location. Note: This reaction does not occur when viewing artistic depictions.

*Whistle* Clint "That is speed"

"Not as fast as me." Thor

"They have also beeped out the max speed of that thing " Fury refuting Thor?Maybe

"It can also magically know somone is looking at its photo."Clint

"Wait I just thought of something!"Banner

"How will draw it if they don't look at it."Natasha finishing banners remark

"Let's see they will probably explain how they got its painting." Steve

Upon arriving at SCP-096-1's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-096-1. 100% of cases have left no traces of SCP-096-1. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED]

"I didn't actually think it would kill them." Tony

What is the data expunged and why is their no traces of the people it kills."Steve

"It probably eats them." Banner, Captain proceeds to massage his temples.

They have also conveniently decided to not mention it's natural habitat." Fury

"is it the only one of its kind."Clint

Due to the possibility of a mass chain reaction, including breach of Foundation secrecy and large civilian loss of life, retrieval of subject should be considered Alpha priority.

"You would imaging."Clint

"Imagine if somone uploaded it's photo to the internet how many people would see its face"Tony Shuddered

"Why have they not killed it yet, Can't be that hard."Steve

"I can't even imagine the amount of people that would die if that existed in our world."Banner

Dr. ███ has also petitioned for immediate termination of SCP-096. Order is awaiting approval. Termination order has been approved, and is to be carried out by Dr. ███ on [DATA REDACTED].

"So did they did try and kill it." Banner

"No they didn't it has been crossed out, they probably didn't want to kill but they were forced to." Fury

"What like the UN forced them to kill it."Steve

"No more like it caused some serious damage and they had no choice."Fury

*Ding* "End... Would you like to continue towards incident SCP-096-1-A."

"I don't see why not, plus I would like to see how they managed to get a painting of it made." Steve. Everyone agreed.

Audio log from Interview 096-1:

Interviewer: Dr. ███

Interviewed: Captain (Ret.) █████████, former commander of retrieval team Zulu 9-A

Retrieval Incident #096-1-A

<Begin Log>

[████████ ████████ Time, Research Area ██]

"Just don't mention anything id you are just going to beeb it out."

"I mean I know why do that but this is just excessive isn't it " Banner while looking at Fury.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE" Fury said 'calmly'

Capt. █████████: It always sucks ass to get Initial Retrieval duty. You have no idea what the damn thing is capable of besides what jacked up information the field techies can scrape up, and you're lucky if they even tell you the whole story. They told us to "bag and tag." Didn't tell us jackshit about not looking at the damn thing.

"What is the point of that, I am sorry if I don't see a point in sending your agents to certain death." Banner looks accusingly at Nick.

"Even we didn't do somthing this excessive."He lied through his teeth.

Dr. ███: Could you describe the mission, please?

Capt. █████████: Yeah, sorry. We had two choppers, one with my team and one on backup with Zulu 9-B and Dr. ██████. We spotted the target about two clicks north of our patrol path. I'm guessing he wasn't facing our direction, else he would have taken us out then and there.

Dr. ███: Your report says SCP-096 didn't react to the cold? It was -██o C.

Capt. █████████: Actually, it was -██. And yes, it was butt naked and didn't so much as shiver. Anyway, we landed, approached the target, and Corporal ██ got ready to bag it. That's when Dr. ██████ called. I turned to answer it, and that's what saved me. The target must have turned and my whole squad saw it.

"Why would they beeb out the temperature." Tony

"I could use the temperature to make a estimated guess for which places in Earth have such low temperature I mean it's in the negatives not many places like that." Clint

Dr. ███: That's when SCP-096 entered an agitated emotional state?

Capt. █████████: Yep. [Interviewed now pauses for a second before continuing] Sorry. Got the willies for a second.

Dr. ███: That's all right.

Capt. █████████: Yeah. Well, I never saw its face. My squad did, and they paid for it up the ass.

Dr. ███: Could you describe it a little more, please?

"This is just wrong the man just lost his entire squad and they just...*sigh*" Tony

"Doesn't help that they are the ones who caused them to actually die." Banner

Steve just sighed in the corner remembering his old friends and comrade in arms.

Capt. █████████: [Pauses] Yeah, yeah. It started screaming at us, and crying. Not animal roaring though, sounded exactly like a person. Really fucking creepy. [Pauses again] We started firing when it picked up Corporal ██ and ripped off his leg. God, he was screaming for our help… fuckin 'A… anyway, we were blowing chunks out of the target, round after round. Didn't do jackshit. I almost lost it when it started [DATA EXPUNGED] him.


"Calm down dr. banner. Please!" Nick

"Don't worry ever since I entered this room I haven't been able to become Hulk. I would have already become him." Banner said after calming down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. ███: That's when you ordered the use of an [Papers are heard moving] AT-4 HEDT launcher?

Capt. █████████: An anti-tank gun. Started carrying it ever since SCP-███ got loose. I've seen those tear through tanks like tissue paper. Did the same thing to the target.

Dr. ███: There was significant damage to SCP-096?

Capt. █████████: It didn't even fucking flinch. It kept tearing apart my squad, but with half of its torso gone. [He draws a large half-circle across his torso]

Dr. ███: But it was taking damage?

Capt. █████████: If it was, it wasn't showing it. It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart.

Dr. ███: So no actual structural damage. How many rounds would you say were fired at SCP-096?

Capt. █████████: At the least? A thousand. Our door gunner kept his GAU-19 on it for at least twenty seconds. Twenty fucking seconds. That's six hundred .50 caliber rounds pumped into the thing. Might as well been spitting at it.

"Jesus..." Banner

"I could probably take it."Thor

"I could make a suit that could probably take it on."Tony

"This is not a dick measuring competition." Natasha

"I mean we are supposed to provide our 'valuable' insights so... and ideas." Clint

"Let's keep watching to see what happens." Fury

Dr. ███: This is when Zulu 9-B arrived?

Capt. █████████: Yeah, and my squad was gone. Zulu 9-B managed to get the bag over its head, and it just sat down. We got it into the chopper and got it here. I don't know how I never saw its face. Maybe God or Buddha or whoever thought I should live. The jackass.

*heh* Stark

Dr. ███: We have obtained an artist's depiction of SCP-096's face. Would you like to view it?

Capt. █████████: [Pauses] You know, after hearing that thing's screams, and the screams of my men, I don't think I want to put a face to what I heard. No. Just… no.

"Poor guy" Banner

"I mean he did just lose all his friends." Clint

The room quieted down.

Dr. ███: All right, I believe we are done here. Thank you, Captain.

[Chairs are heard moving, and footsteps leave the room. Captain (Ret.) █████████ is confirmed to have left Interview Room 22.]

Dr. ███: Let this be on record that I am formally requesting SCP-096 be terminated as soon as possible.

<End log>

"That's probably when they decided to terminate SCP-096." Steve

"After it escaped only once fat chance."Fury, it is too valuable you could kill anyone on Earth just him/her it's picture and they are dead."

"AI is the SCP still alive " Tony


"As I said human are thier own worst enemy." Thor

After a moment if silence...

*Ding* "Do you have any unique insights."

Tony said," Have you thought of making glasses that blur out the SCPs face."

*Ding* "This has been tried unfortunately they were unsuccessful"

"I could give you a way to make them"Tony

Ding after the mechanical sound the center table flipped all the alcohol disappeared and in its place was a pen and paper.

*Ding*"Please write it down."

"Would we be allowed to leave after that?"Tony

Ding* No!

"Why?You said you wanted our insight we gave it to you." Thor

"We said we want your 'insights',"

"How much!!!" Fury

*insufficient authority*



I saw someone add this to thier library so I uploaded it,

I will probably not write this again since it felt like I was just copy pasting somone else's work.