
May it Rain Blood: Apocalypse

Just your regular apocalypse with vampires, demons, zombies, beastmen, and every other fantasy race. Max is your regular human survivor that just so happens to be so hungry he eats something weird and changes his race! Becoming a special Vampire allows many things to become easier for him with the exception of food! Now he needs tons of blood to survive after becoming this special type of vampire and must get it from somewhere! Where do you get good food now that you are a vampire? Humans! What is the best humans? Females! Now that food is sorted tons of his food is turning into vampire subordinates... and it just so happens that everything is pushing him to control everyone through his new race. Let's hope things work out...

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Vampire Zombie?

"What happened?" Waking up Max found himself surrounded by fancy clothes.

Soon the memories of the day prior flooded his mind. Killing nearly a hundred people to satisfy his hunger. Every person and the disgusting flavor they all had... Eventually, his memories stopped on the last person he had attacked. A girl he could only remember now that his sanity had returned.

"Fuck! Did I kill her too? But she tasted so good! *sigh* Wait... Why am I worried about how she tasted?"

Just as he was wondering more about what was wrong with himself a small sound attracted his attention. The beautiful girl with disheveled brown hair and dazzling emerald eyes slowly woke up.

"Oh thank god I didn't kill you too..."

"huh... What happened?" Slowly looking around while rubbing her eyes Willow slowly got up in a tired manner. After a while, she realized she was in a completely different place than last night with a strangely handsome man sitting on the ground in front of her. "How did I get here?"

"Ugghh..." 'How the fuck do I explain I attacked you and drank your blood?' "Well, I, well, you are in a clothes store selling fancy dresses and suits."

"Can you tell me what happened last night? I have no idea how I got here... Also, who are you?"

"Uggh..." Suddenly remembering that rude man he met before Max could only hope for the best while making something up. "I found you and brought you here away from all your problems."

"Oh- Thank you?" Willow could still clearly remember how Alex was treating her and wanted to force himself on her.

As he remembered more about what happened recently, Max suddenly thought of something, 'My arm... It's completely healed!' Looking back up in happiness he met with Willow's emerald eyes. Her confusion was written all over her face.

"Hey do I know you from somewhere else?... Wait I know! You look like that guy with the broken arm! Ah- Sorry you are someone different, you just look a lot alike a man I met two days ago."

"No that is me... I just found something that seemed to heal my arm, but I don't know how it did it."

Willow looked at him in surprise before looking at him more deeply, "No, you definitely aren't him, he had more muscle and he didn't have those sharp teeth. Also, he was very tanned, you are more of a cream color! Also also, your eyes! Although I don't remember what color his eyes were, they most definitely weren't red!"

"Teeth? Eyes?" Touching his teeth he suddenly realized that besides his original teeth, his canines had elongated and become more like fangs. "What the hell? I already knew I lost muscle, but what is this!"

Standing up he ran up to the nearest mirror where he could finally see more clearly. The first thing that clearly attracted his attention was the deep crimson eyes. Then his pale skin. And lastly the inhuman sharp teeth. "What the fuck! What happened to me!"

Just as he was about to complain, his complexion as a whole came together making him realize he had become way more handsome! If before he was a 7 at the best of times, now he qualified to be, at minimum, a 9. Even the clothes that were covered in dried blood didn't take anything away from his looks.

"Hey, are you ok?" Willow was really worried, after all, she really didn't want to see the man who brought her back from her misery to suffer. In her mind, he must have seen that she didn't remember her savior and latched on to the one thing she said and tried to roll with it in the hopes of not making her uncomfortable. After all, anyone would feel more comfortable with someone they know than a stranger.

"I guess? It looks like my appearance changed a lot... How did you even recognize me with such a changed appearance?"

Still thinking he was trying to make her feel better Willow only shook her head, "I only met the man that day and we didn't even talk much for the hour we spent together. So, you don't have to pretend you are someone you aren't."

"Yeah, I know. I am not lying and truly am that man. We spoke about how I had a grudge against someone from the military base that blamed me for something I didn't do. I had a broken arm and could barely walk.

Then after that, I kicked that man who was with you for taking the sunflower seeds I had found. After that, I advised you to go to the military camp so he couldn't hurt you."

Willow could only look at Max in surprise, "I... Did I tell you all that last night?"

Looking at Willow speechlessly Max could only do his best using the short exchange they had to convince her he was indeed the same person.


"What do you mean nearly a hundred people died!"

"Sir, we don't know! All we know is that people who were killed had been attacked within a two-hour time period and all were killed by having their necks bitten. Some had their neck completely ripped up while others only had a bite mark leaving two prominent holes. The only real cause of death we can find is that they were completely drained of blood."

"What, so now we have a vampire and zombies?! Say something more realistic!"

"Sir, I can confirm it. I was doing some rounds when I came across a still-warm body. It had all blood drained and only had two holes at the neck."

"First a wall of flesh and now a chupacabra..."

"Sir we also have some other strange anomalies that aren't all bad."

Patrick looked to the man in charge of organizing a group to clear trees with some hope.

"All trees seem to be growing faster than before. We had seen some small trees that we left alone, but after two days the trees had clearly grown two feet! Next, the wild grasses seem to be reaching new heights that cover our vision but have become stronger. Other grasses seem to not grow taller but have gained a strange smell that smells very sweet.

We are unsure of why this is happening or what is good or bad, but we are using the lab to do some testing and expect some results within the week. That is all I could tell from the forest."

"Fuck... Although this isn't inherently terrible, too many strange things are happening that we don't understand. That vampire might just be a different kind of zombie that mutated. The tall growing grasses will just block our vision and stop our ability to clear an area deeper into the forest. If trees can grow that fast even when winter starts then we can assume that our farming plan for the spring might be forcefully stopped."

"But if plants are growing fast we may be able to do great things if we test planting some seeds. I suggest we make several test plots that are growing food to see if we can get fresh food even before winter starts."

"I suppose we will have to hire some people to explore the forest more clearly in case they can find some strange things that are near but out of sight."

"Why hire when we can use our own men?"

"Didn't you listen to what we started this meeting with? Do you want to lose even more workers and men to this strange vampire zombie? I think exploring should be left to the people who can't fight and can only work."

"Yes, you are right..."

"Lastly... The wall..." Everyone quickly quieted down as they were waiting for the original biggest problem.

"...No one wants to climb over such a creepy wall so we shall blow a section up as we said yesterday..."

Seeing everyone nod Patrick could only complain quietly about what kind of stupidity his base was going through despite being supposedly the most prepared for this situation. "Let us get to work."


Max had finally convinced Willow of who he was giving him a chance to catch his breath.

"So what have you eaten since then?"

"Eh-" Suddenly images of people dying by his hands flashed past his mind, "Well... I haven't had real human food since that seed the guy threw on the floor..."

"Wait you ate it!"

"Ughh- Well that is all I ate since day one of the apocalypses. The last solid thing I ate was that weird plant."

Willow could only look at Max speechlessly. "Fine so you haven't eaten anything, here. Take this." Pulling out a granola bar from her pocket she shoved it into his hands.

Max seeing human food for the first time in several days smiled happily, but just as he opened the wrapper he was suddenly filled with the urge to throw up. Thinking it was the blood, he put the bar to his lips even as his whole body filled up with disgust. Still, he put it in his mouth.

Just as it reached his tongue he spit it out, "What the fuck! Why does that taste worse than that shit!" The image of the zombie's blood he put in his mouth and spit out came to mind.

"HUH! Are you OK?"

"Uggh... I think I now understand things a bit more..."

"What? Tell me about it."

"Ughh..." Thinking about how he drank blood he looked into her eyes wondering how in the world was he supposed to tell her he probably can only drink blood. "Well... I..."

Just as he was wondering how to explain himself a voice interrupted the pair, "Who's there!"

Being held at gunpoint again Max's mind told him to kill the fool who threatened him, but his years of being a human and being afraid of guns overrode that thought just enough for him to not immediately attack the man. Instead, Max stood there proudly showing off his bare chest with both hands behind his back.

Willow on the other hand being completely human simply raised her hands and spoke for him, "Don't shoot! We are just two humans, not zombies! We stayed the night here to get away from our roommates!"

The man looked at the two carefully for a while before nodding. "Very well, but you two should be more careful, we just had an attack that killed many people. From what I hear it is a new vampire zombie!" He paused for a moment to look at Max's bare chest before speaking again, "If you want a place to fuck where no one will see you then you need to find a safer place or risk dying."

Willow looked at the military man in surprise before yelling, "We haven't done anything!"

The man simply turned away shaking his head while leaving the shop, "Sure sure. I won't tell."

"But we really... didn't..." Turning to Max angrily she yelled at him, "Why didn't you correct him!"

'Who cares about trash like that-' Stopping his thoughts Max realized how out there his thoughts have been recently. Just as he wanted to keep wondering why his thoughts had become like this, Willow interrupted him, "Weeell?"

"He wouldn't have believed you or me no matter what we said. He looked confident he knew the reason for everything."

*sigh* "Fine. Anyway, a vampire zombie sounds scary. We should move to a safer place."

"Vampire?" As if something clicked Max looked at his reflection in the mirror again. "I am a vampire..."

"What's wrong?"

"...Nothing for now..."

Max could only follow Willow in a daze as he entered the morning sun. And as the sun hit his body a sudden pain coursed through his body. "Fuck!" He quickly moved back into the store as he looked at his arm which felt like it was on fire.

His completely smooth skin pale skin had turned slightly red. "What happened... ugh wait I never got your name..."

Looking at his arm he realized that this whole vampire thing might be a bigger problem than he thought before.