
May it Rain Blood: Apocalypse

Just your regular apocalypse with vampires, demons, zombies, beastmen, and every other fantasy race. Max is your regular human survivor that just so happens to be so hungry he eats something weird and changes his race! Becoming a special Vampire allows many things to become easier for him with the exception of food! Now he needs tons of blood to survive after becoming this special type of vampire and must get it from somewhere! Where do you get good food now that you are a vampire? Humans! What is the best humans? Females! Now that food is sorted tons of his food is turning into vampire subordinates... and it just so happens that everything is pushing him to control everyone through his new race. Let's hope things work out...

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

New Name

"I wish I knew... No, I do know... I really don't want to believe it." Max looked up to see Willow who was standing in the sun just fine. Her slightly brown skin almost glowing making her look beautiful.

Confused, Willow followed Max back inside in confusion. "Can you at least explain to me what is happening? If you don't tell me I will just leave you alone. It isn't like it is me who got beat up by some military man."

Looking at Willow in confusion. Max was truly wondering what he should do, but just as he heard the word 'leave' came out of her mouth, every cell in his body was screaming at him to stop her! "What is going on?"

"If you aren't going to explain then I will just get going!" Annoyed that he wouldn't tell her anything Willow simply turned around and started walking out once again.

Just as she took one step out the door Max's body moved on its' own as he moved at an inhuman speed as he grabbed her and pulled her back. "MINE."

"Huh?" Just as her mind came further into confusion she felt a soft feeling of pleasure flow through her body spreading from her neck. "ahh~" Letting out a soft moan Willow let her body drag her into the pleasure.

Max on the other hand quickly realized what he did and forcefully stopped himself, "Ah! Sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

Willow looked back at him with hazy eyes making her look extremely sexy, "What?"

Seeing this Max's eyes were inadvertently drawn to her neck where two holes leaked blood. Seeing the blood drip from her neck made his mind go blank again letting his instincts take over completely.

Walking back to her neck he licked her wound a couple of times making the wound close completely. Seeing the wound close gave him a feeling of pleasure as he nodded in approval at his own work.

Seeing there was still some extra blood covering her neck he bent over and licked her body clean of any leftover blood that might have spilled due to his drinking. Willow could only shiver in pleasure as his tongue touched her skin.

"So sweet~"

He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him, "You are mine."


"Fire in the hole!"


"It's 'CLEAR' idiot! Fuckin newbies..."

As everyone stopped covering their ears they all looked to the place where the wall of flesh should be at.

"Looks like it sort of worked, but the damage is less than expected for something that is made of flesh and meat..."

In the huge wall of flesh, a clear hole was made as the explosion cleared an area of about a meter wide. Flowing slightly out of the hole was a mist with a slight red tint to it. Seeing this people quickly got to work setting up another explosive device but this time with gas masks.



Seeing the clear two-meter-wide hole in the wall some people cheered while others just followed their orders and prepared for the last explosive. A few others were obviously preparing for some type of expedition.



"Alright! Team Alpha! Are you ready?"

A team of eight holding gas masks loudly answered, "YES SIR!"

"Good! Team Omega are you ready?"

Another team of eight holding gas masks answered the same, "YES SIR!"

"Good. Now let's start this shit!"


"What did you do!"

"I don't really know I keep telling you. I think I somehow became a vampire by eating that strange plant."

"How the hell is someone supposed to become another race just by eating a plant?! At least come up with a better excuse!"

"That is why I am telling you I don't know."

"Fine... *sigh* I will believe you, but why did you have to bite me, and what about that whole 'mine' thing?"

"I... I think that is just because you are so sweet."

"What does personality have to do with this!"

"No not personality, I would have said kind and sweet if I wanted to describe your personality. I am talking about taste. You taste amazing! Better than anything I have ever have tasted in my life. Even as a human I never tasted anything half as good as you do."

"Am I really just food to you? Wait if I am food to you, then are you that vampire zombie that man was saying killed people!"

Max stopped arguing and cringed slightly, "I couldn't control myself ok..."

"YOU MONSTER!" Willow was now fuming. She had treated this man as her savior, but he only treated her as a meal. Not only that he seemed so nice yet killed so many people!

"Listen, I... if I had control, then none of this would happen..."

"You think that gives you an excuse!"

"I was human just yesterday too, I understand your anger, but can you at least try and understand the strangeness of my situation? I have no idea why exactly this happened or even how to control my own body!"

Suddenly as if something in her mind clicked Willow's rage calmed down quickly. *sigh* "Fine, I will put my trust in you for once. You win alright. I will stay here and watch you for now. But! If you attack someone again I will make sure you regret it!"

Breathing a sigh of relief Max nodded his head rapidly agreeing to all her demands.

"I guess if we are going to be going together for a time then I suppose we should officially introduce ourselves. My name is Willow." Reaching out for a handshake Willow officially introduced herself.

"Hello Willow, my name is Max." Shaking her hand the pair had rapidly come to an understanding.

"Wait if you are now another race then shouldn't you have like a cool vampire name?"

"Huh? Why does that even matter?"

"Well if not for a cool vampire name, then why not so your enemies who broke your arm to never find you? After all, I didn't know you that well and could tell who you were despite not knowing much about you."

Taking a moment to think Max nodded deciding to officially change his name into something completely new. New look. New race. Now new name.

"Then what should be my new name? After all, you are the one suggesting it."

"Huh? You are the one going to be called by the new name for the next few years probably, so you should figure it out yourself."

"No no no. We can just name out ideas that sound decent and come up with it then."

"Fine, how about Azerrad? Cool vampire name right?"

"The name still needs to fit in human society since I will still be interacting with humans... How about Damascus like the steel?"

"Still sounds a bit weird right?"


"No, Bane?"

"NO. Solomon?"

"No, Drake."

"Maybe... Xavier?

"Maybe... Dragos is much better than Drake."

"No I prefer Drake over Dragos."

"Classic Vlad?"

"I prefer not. Sullivan?"

"No. Victor?"

"Maybe... Damien?"


"Is this really the city?"

"I don't really know anymore."

Standing in the middle of a city several men were looking at the surroundings that were covered in fog tinted red. Covering the ground was a thin layer of red seeming to be crystallized blood giving it an eerie beauty. The buildings having red moss covering them similar to slime mold.

They had already known about the fog that was blocking most of the view from the outside, but now that they could explore it everything only became weirder. No creatures could be found inside and not even a bird. The only sound being their feet crushing the crystalized blood as they walked.


"As team Alpha, we need to search the buildings, but is it even safe with that weird mossy goo?"

"Forget if it is truly safe. Our job is to search a few buildings and give survivors gas masks if needed... Even if I doubt that we will find any..."

"Let's just get this over with and search this building."

*sigh* "Mark it and let's go!"

Soon everyone got over their disgust and awe. Getting to work they took out several bright orange spray cans and started marking the building they had chosen to search. After which they started prying the moss off the main doors.

"Alright! A1 A2 you go first! We need to know what is happening and if the fog is still inside!"

Two men quickly ran up to the door holding their guns at the ready. They paused while holding the door nob before nodding to each other and opening it at the same time. *creak* As the door opened a rush of red fog quickly flooded out the building.


They quickly ran inside quickly checking around.

"A3 A4 Back them up! Everyone else make sure to check everything you pass! I don't want any mistakes so check everything that seems weird! We have six hours so get going!"





In another area of the foggy city, another group of people were grabbing all the abnormalities including the moss and crystallized blood. This group was stationed very close to the area where the hole had been made. Some others were taking the samples directly outside the wall where several people in full hazmat suits were checking everything under both microscope and several chemicals.

"This just appears to be regular blood. Jason what about you? Have you found anything special?"

"No special reactions yet."

"Moss seems special though. Can't tell at all how it is supposed to work but it appears to be letting out a lot of gas with the increased sunlight."

"Hey isn't that moss sample letting off a lot of red mist? Just like the city!"

"What? Shit. Looks like we need to take them to set up a temporary building to house it."

"What about the live test subjects?"

"They need to catch an animal first. I think we won't be able to get a living test subject today. We are either military or scientists, not trappers."

"Oh! I finally got a reaction!"

"I thought it was just normal blood? I couldn't even see any movements to signify it was alive."

"Look! When it warms up it starts changing."

Most of the people stopped what they were doing to look at the man who was warming up a test tube filled with crystallized blood.

"Weird flow but it doesn't show anything we can experiment with."

"Hand it here I'll need to see what changed."

"No I'll start another one up for you, I want to see if anything will change when it comes to a boil."

"That's fine."

Everyone quickly got back to work as they focused on their own experiments. As they waited to see if something different would truly happen to the test tube.

After several minutes a loud shout came from the man who was warming the crystallized blood, "What! How is that possible!"

"What? What!" Inside the test tube, the crystalized blood that should be boiling was instead letting off a deep blue flame. The test tube that should be at most warm was red hot.

"Take away the flame?"

Soon the flame heating up the tube was taken away but the blood kept burning and making the tube itself become red hot. All the scientists stood watching the flame with awe as the flame just kept getting hotter and hotter making everyone worried it would destroy the quartz tube. Luckily the fire stopped after the blood had all burned away leaving a small pile of black ooze at the bottom.

"As if the moss giving off fog wasn't weird enough even the normal blood is giving us problems."

"Fuck... Let it cool down and start more experiments..."

"Mary, it looks like you will have the time of your life here."

A female scientist looked at the black ooze with great fervor. "I couldn't be happier! I am so glad I didn't transfer as I had planned!"