
Maxed Out in Another World

This is not your ordinary 'Hero Summoned' to another world type novel. This novel follows our MC Mikax after he is summoned to the world of Bedel. This is much like any typical medieval magical fantasy world except our MC refuses to follow the social norms or structure of the denizens who live here. Follow him as an unstoppable force meets a world full of very movable objects.

Zerosum89 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

The Oath

The rest of the day The Misfit Toys Guild Hall was quiet. Only Phup, Kydorzia, and Zed had made an appearance, the others had holed themselves in their respective rooms watching over the bodies of those who had laid down their lives.

The three had spent the majority of the day cleaning up the mess that had been created. Multiple times people had come to knock on the guild hall doors after seeing the spectacle Mikax had created by hanging the corpses of the dead. Regardless of how many times anyone knocked no one was willing to open the doors. They wouldn't care if all the Kings and Queens in the world had gathered outside, no one else was coming in today.

As night finally had come the three had finally gotten to sleep, they were exhausted after the intense day that had occurred. As if Mikax was waiting for this cue he had finally appeared from his room. It was clear that the events of the day were weighing heavy on his mind.