
Maxed Out in Another World

This is not your ordinary 'Hero Summoned' to another world type novel. This novel follows our MC Mikax after he is summoned to the world of Bedel. This is much like any typical medieval magical fantasy world except our MC refuses to follow the social norms or structure of the denizens who live here. Follow him as an unstoppable force meets a world full of very movable objects.

Zerosum89 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Group meeting

Mikax made his way downstairs after seeing his guild mates all waiting for him. Much to their surprise Mikax didn't carry his usual swagger as he sauntered on over. Contrary to their expectations Mikax made his way before them and took a deep bow.

Once Mikax had straightened himself back up he began to apologize, "I first want to say that I am thankful that all three of you chose to come back to us, I'm not sure of all of your reasons but that doesn't change how grateful I am to all of you."

"Second, I'd like to apologize to every one of you, not just the three that we almost lost. This only happened because I was careless, cocky, and arrogant. I hadn't prepared everyone properly which left us open to being attacked and taken advantage of by unknown forces."

Taking a deep breath Mikax decided to tell them a little of his consciousness being summoned the night before. "Lastly, how much do all of you know about Gods and Goddesses?"