
Max System

What will happen if You got a System that can Do any thing as long as you desire whether Power, Supereme tem, Skills and any thing can be done with the help of System. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A person living a normal life not much rich and not much poor but A life where you can can't Live life that you want because of Society that want you to never leave your bondrees where you are born and die without knowing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ At night in College Student room Sahil is sleeping and in the middle of night in his head sound like alarm start ringing........ [ beep! beep!] [Life Galaxy Found] [Detecting life Planet's in Galaxy Found] [ Searching Database Found acquire name Earth555 ] [ Searching Origin Capabilities Soul in Earth555 Found] [ Location India Found] [ Default Host Found] [ Binding Complete ] [ Congratulations Master Getting Supreme Overlord of all System / God of All System] [Binding] [10%..30%..50%..100%] [Hello, Host I'm A System That can do anything as Host want any thing can be done with the help of System. I'm What you call only Supreme Overlord of all System] [Hello,Host there are Infinite function every thing unlocked but before the you have to read an agreement for the power and pass test ] [ The agreement are... ??, and test..??] Let's Dive this Modern Magical Adventure Story. --------------------- ----------------------------- This Story based on Imagination , every character is just a part of imagination that does not effect in reality in any way.

BlastterAngel · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


A New Modern And Magical Adventure,

Our Hero will Dive into The new adventure Defeating villian, Traveling Movie World and many more .

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