
Chapter 1: The Present

As Mavour returned home tired after a long day search with her friend, a gift pack awaited her lying in front of the door. Being in the mood she currently was, she wasn't interested in having a look at what was inside the pack. All she thought of and felt bad was for her friend who is missing since the last week. Her friend, puppy escorted the gift pack into the room and as she opened the door the cold gushes of wind blowing through the window opposite the main door hit Mavour, this brought a sense of calmness. she lay on the sofa positioned to welcome the cool breeze

"would you like me to get something to eat, Mavour?" asked puppy moving into the kitchen.

"Nothing, I'm Fine"movour replied .Puppy went into the kitchen and brought herself a Fruit juice bottle and as things settled down, puppy's eye set on the gift pack and she tries to find out what awaited them, inside the box. The gift pack was a cube of considerable size enough to fit a cutlery set, with no name of the presenter. The words "To My Most Beautiful Recipient, Mavour" greeted puppy as she tried opening it and found it appropriate for Mahout to own it as it was intended to her. Puppy said "wow Mahout, this is for you. It would be better only if you open it." "no issue up you can carry on with it", Mavour gave a green signal and pup split open the top of the box and she found a letter at the top with a small box underneath it. pup left aside the letter was of Mavour and she carried on with searching the box.

Another small box greeted her."oh my god! oh my god!"puppy started screaming and Mavour shook from her state of serenity and walked over to puppy. "whath happened? what is the matter?" Mavour inquired trying to calm down puppy. The shock confined the words to puppy's voice box, and they refused to come out. Puppy felt unconscious and fell on the ground.

Mavour stood there she'll shocked at the sight of the box bearing a little finger of a girl. Mavour took took to the letter and started reading, which read "Dear Mavour, I present you the little finger of your dearest friend, Mitchell I have nothing much to say, just that I have what you don't. Bye my dear, Take Care"

she felt someone staring at her through the window as she read the letter, she shouted at that intruder and as the person started to run, she ran behind him and the building has no back gate, the only option the intruder has was to jump the wall. The intruder was no not someone who would back down, the intruder's the maritalarts skill was on display

Mavour was no match for the intruder as the latter climbed up the wall in a jiffy. As all the transpired she shouted as hard as she can, so that the her neighbors can trap the intruder

"You pig, I'm going to catch you. I will hunt you down" she shouted, and she felt someone holding her with the image of the intruder slowly fading away into the darkness. The shouts of "Mavour, Mavour" grew in intensity, the pressure of someone holding her increased all this lead to her to wake up from sleep.

"What happened Mavour? What are you talking about?" inquired puppy. "The box, the box. The intruder, whereis he? I need to catch him" Mavour spoke still in a state of shock, with sweat dripping down from her cheeks. "What box?What are you talking about?" asked puppy , trying to calm down Mavour by taking her into her sweaty arms." The box which was left at the door when we came in, the box contained.....,"

"The box wasn't for us, it was for our neighbors, presenter got confused and put it in front of our door room. I handed it back to them."

"No you are lying that was intended to me, and there was this intruder in your house I remember things Pup"

"Maybe you had a bad dream Mavour. You too don't seem to be well after Mitchell went missing. Take your time calm down, we will find Mitchell and we can be together."

Mavour was still wasn't willing to believe her word, "Then what about the sweat on my body? I did run to catch the intruder and chase resulted in the sweat" "The wind was too cold and I was shivering, So I shut the windows and switch on the fan, but thanks to the power cut, I now stink off my sweat, and you too FBI officer" clarified puppy

Mavour was not ready to believe her words wbut the trust on her friend won the battle over,

her suspicion.