
04| midnight sun





Her ash eyes wandered around the living room before they fell on me. I swished the contents around in my glass while she held hers. Deciding that she was never going to talk, I went first.

"You said you came to talk about the Tribrid?" I questioned and she nodded dropping her glass on the stool we provided for her.

"Yes but I'm here to talk to you only." She said in a tiny voice and I stared at her shocked. She wanted the guards to leave?

"My guards need to be around me," I answered haughtily and sipped a little out of my glass. "But they'll leave for a quick moment so hasten your words."

I signaled to the guards to leave and they all briskly walked out of the living room leaving the girl and me behind. She looked at me with a straight face and I gave her a stern look.

What? I have trust issues.

"I-I was going for an early morning run when I saw him." My heart skipped a beat as she spoke of him.

"He was cleaning his face off the blood at the lake. The beautiful lake near the borders of my pack, my father sort of owns it. He laid back on the sand then suddenly got up and left. B-but before he did, I took a picture but it turned out blurry. When I looked at the picture, it looked like he was staring at me. His red eyes were haunting." She rushed out stammering a little.

So, she was the one Alpha Adrien didn't want to speak of.

"How did you give the picture to Alpha Adrien?" I asked wanting to know her status in her pack.

"He is my father. I know you might be shocked but he doesn't like anyone knowing of my existence. He is overprotective." Her head lowered sadly as she spoke and I smiled sadly too.

Sounds familiar.

"So you sneaked out?" I asked and she nodded giving me a mischievous smile which I liked. "Cool." I completed and she nodded giggling a little.

"Thanks. Your husband and my father are good friends. I heard you don't show yourself outside so I was scared that you were hideous but you are really beautiful. Breathtaking in fact." Her words made me laugh and turn red at the same time.

"Thank you, Avery. So, what did this Tribrid look like?" I asked with curiosity at its peak.

"He looked so damned and beautiful. Like an angelic demon. I couldn't believe my eyes. The scenery of him and the lake was mesmerizing. I guess the legends are true." She said with so much courage and thoughtfulness that the shyness she had displayed earlier flew out of the window.

My heart lurched at her explanation. Damn, he's a model now.

What was with me and this monster? "Why did you come to tell me?" I asked sincerely. Normally, this was a case the Alpha would handle.

"I don't know. I just wanted to. Plus, I wanted to see the Luna they had hidden and maybe cause I was tired of my father hiding me. He was at my pack yesterday. He could cause us danger." She said and her words made me smile at her.

"Alright. Drop your number so we can keep in touch." I proposed and she nodded excitedly. I was excited too, I mean, I had a friend. She wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"I see, Avery huh? Call me Adriana. You might as well be the next Alpha." She nodded and smiled happily at my words and I felt a sense of goodwill within her but she couldn't know anything about me. Not yet.

Knock. Knock.

I signaled the guards not to get to the door when I noticed the horrified look on Avery's face. "Follow me," I whispered to her as the knock continued.

We both ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked up to the window and opened it before looking back at her. "You can manage this?"

She laughed at my question. "Pretty sure. This is my usual escape device." She said and I laughed with her. "Okay, mind keeping me coming here a secret?"

I sighed with a smile. "Sure. I'll call." She smiled too and climbed unto the window seal.

Giving me a wink, she jumped to the ground, changing to huge brown wolf mid-air. My eyes widened at her Alpha size as she dashed through the woods.

I walked out of the room only to see Justin at the staircase. Oop-

"Where were you?" He asked with a stern look on his face.

"I was waiting for you in my bedroom so I kept myself busy with a novel and fell asleep," I answered with a yawn for extra effect. His stern look drained out and was replaced with a guilty one.

"I'm sorry. I had to attend to a quick job. Okay, let me make it up to you. Choose the movie?" He suggested and I smiled knowing I had won this time.

"Yeah sure," I replied and dragged his hands to follow me before he started picking up any unusual scent.

I picked the remote in the living room and started scrolling through the top tens at the moment. I later decided on Midnight Sun.

"You want that?" Justin asked handing me my favorite cookies. I collected it with glee and popped it open.

"Yeah, it looks like comedy." I shrugged and he nodded too with his mouth moving fast. Thank God, Justin was here.


I blew my fifth tissue while staring at the end credits rolling on the screen. Justin's eyes remained red as he chewed on his last cookie.

"I've decided. Humans are heartless. Who would make a movie like this?" He asked in horror and I shrugged still affected by Charlie's stupidity.

"This is so sad. I can't believe I thought this was comedy." I switched off the TV and stayed in silence with Justin. We were both reminiscing our cheerful moods.


"I'll get it!" I screamed so that the guard would hear me. I wanted to welcome my husband home myself. I opened the door to a smiling Chris.

"Hey b—hey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly looking for any scratches on my body.

"Yes. I'm hurt by a stupid movie." I sighed and he shook his head at me. "What? It hurt though."

Placing a kiss on my forehead, he signaled Justin to follow him which he did. I turned back to the living room and picked up all the wrappers then walked to the kitchen to throw them.

My mind flew back to Avery and her discovery. I wanted to find out more about this monster. Why he was tormenting me? I had every right to. He had come to my window and my bed.

Deciding on a glass of water, I gulped the contents down thirstily and walked to the office to go see my husband.

Getting there, I realized the door was closed so as an eavesdropper that I was, I stuck my ear to the mahogany door.

"Did you find out anything?" A voice said and realized that was my Beta.

"No, but the council is doing everything possible to stop him. He was at Moon Dust today. He could find here anytime soon." My husband's voice replied.

"Alright, but he hasn't been killed today?"

"Yes, so far. The Council is trying to find him before he kills an Alpha or worse his pack."

I stepped away from the door shakily. After all those information, I still wanted to find him. I couldn't get his touch out of my head and half of me wished he could—

He could what?

Did I want him to touch me again?

Yes, I did.

and that was so stupid and weird.

I walked towards my room and entered, shutting the door before jumping on the bed. There I laid, deep in thought of what step I would take next.

Right now, my body needed a shower and some rest.

Would I dream of him again?