
Mated to Him

Sierra, mated to the Alpha King had the best marriage with him, the love of her life but what then happens when the sins of his past comes haunting their marriage, threatening to break the love they both shared.

DaoistyNmycW · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 11

Alex sat down with his friend Mark at their favorite café, a solemn expression etched on his face. He took a deep breath, fidgeting with his coffee cup before finally mustering the courage to speak.

"Mark, I need to talk to you about something," Alex began, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Things with Sierra... they've been really frigid lately."

Mark leaned forward, concern etched on his face. "What do you mean, frigid?"

Alex sighed. "We've been drifting apart. It's like there's an invisible wall between us. We used to talk for hours, share everything with each other, but now... now it feels like we're living separate lives. There's this constant tension whenever we're together, and it's suffocating."

His friend nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Have you tried talking to her about it? Communication is key, you know."

Alex ran his hand through his hair, frustration apparent in his voice. "I've tried, Mark. I've brought it up a couple of times, but it always ends up in arguments. It's like we're both afraid of facing the truth. I don't want to lose her, but I can't keep pretending everything is okay."

Mark placed a reassuring hand on Alex's shoulder. "I get it, man. It's tough when you feel like you're losing the person you love. But you have to be honest with yourself and with her. If you want to salvage this relationship, you need to take action."

A spark of determination flickered in Alex's eyes. "You're right, Mark. I can't let it go on like this. I've been thinking of taking some time off work, maybe plan a surprise trip for us. Somewhere we can reconnect and have those honest conversations without distractions."

Mark smiled, encouraged by Alex's newfound resolve. "That sounds like a good plan. Show her that you're willing to put in the effort, that you still care. But remember, it might not work out exactly as you hope. Be prepared for any outcome."

Alex nodded, acknowledging the uncertainty that lay ahead. "I know, Mark. It's a risk I have to take. I just need to know if there's a chance for us to find our way back to each other."

As they continued their conversation, Alex felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. He knew that repairing their relationship wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to give it his all. With Mark's support and his determination, he set out to confront the frigidness in his relationship with Sierra, hoping to thaw the icy distance between them and rediscover the love they once shared.


Alex and Sierra sat on the cozy bench in their favorite park, surrounded by blooming flowers and the gentle breeze of early evening. The golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow on their faces as they prepared to have a heartfelt conversation.

Sierra looked at Alex, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She knew there were tensions between them lately, and she hoped this conversation would bring them closer together.

Taking a deep breath, Alex reached out and gently held Sierra's hand. He looked into her eyes, his voice filled with sincerity. "Sierra, I think it's time we put our differences aside and focus on building a better relationship for ourselves."

Sierra's eyebrows furrowed, but she listened intently, giving him the opportunity to explain his thoughts further.

"I've been reflecting a lot lately," Alex continued, his gaze unwavering. "We've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements, and it's taken a toll on both of us. But I love you, Sierra, and I believe we can overcome these challenges together."

Sierra's heart skipped a beat as she saw the earnestness in Alex's eyes. She felt a mixture of relief and hope, realizing that he was willing to address their issues instead of avoiding them.

"We've let small misunderstandings snowball into bigger problems," Alex admitted, his grip on Sierra's hand tightening slightly. "But it's time to break that pattern. Let's focus on better communication and understanding each other's perspectives."

Sierra nodded, a glimmer of optimism shining in her eyes. "I agree, Alex. We've lost sight of what's important: our love for each other. It's time to prioritize that love and nurture it."

Alex smiled, a wave of reassurance washing over him. "Exactly, Sierra. We're a team, and teams work together to overcome obstacles. Let's be more patient with each other, listen with an open mind, and be willing to compromise. We can build a relationship that's stronger than ever."

Sierra's face softened, and she squeezed Alex's hand in response. "I want that too, Alex. I want us to grow together and create a safe space where we can be vulnerable and support each other."

As they sat there, bathed in the fading sunlight, they made a pact to mend the fractures in their relationship. They vowed to actively work on understanding, empathy, and forgiveness. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to build a love that could withstand any storm.

With renewed determination, Alex and Sierra left the park that evening, hand in hand, ready to embark on a journey of rebuilding and strengthening their bond. They knew it would take time, but they were willing to put in the effort, knowing that their love was worth fighting for.