
Mated to Him

Sierra, mated to the Alpha King had the best marriage with him, the love of her life but what then happens when the sins of his past comes haunting their marriage, threatening to break the love they both shared.

DaoistyNmycW · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 10


I attended a party one night, looking forward to a fun-filled evening with friends. I decided to wear a daring outfit, something that made me feel confident and empowered. Little did I know that my choice of skimpy clothes would soon lead to a chain of events that would shatter my relationship.

As the night went on, the atmosphere grew lively, and the drinks started flowing freely. I found myself caught up in the excitement, surrendering to the allure of the party. I began indulging in one too many drinks, losing track of my limits and the consequences of my actions.

Unbeknownst to me, lurking in the shadows, paparazzi were present, capturing every moment of my intoxication. Oblivious to the flash of cameras, I continued reveling in the night, unaware of the chaos that was about to ensue.

The next day, as I flipped through the pages of a gossip magazine, I froze in shock. There, splashed across the glossy pages, were photographs of me, stumbling and disheveled, my skimpy outfit on full display. The tabloid headlines screamed scandal, exposing my drunken escapades for the world to see.

As the realization sank in, a pit formed in my stomach. I knew that Alex would have discovered the truth as well. The thought of him seeing me in such a vulnerable state, publicly humiliated, filled me with dread.

Days passed, and the atmosphere between Alex and me grew heavy with tension. Finally, we sat down to confront the truth that had now become an unspoken barrier between us. His face betrayed a mix of emotions: anger, disappointment, and a deep sense of shame.

"You know, Sierra," he began, his voice laced with hurt, "I never expected to see you like that. Those pictures... I couldn't believe my eyes. How could you let yourself get to that point?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to explain, my voice choked with remorse. "Alex, I'm so sorry. I never intended for things to spiral out of control. I got caught up in the moment, and I made a mistake. I understand how much this has hurt you, and I deeply regret my actions."

His eyes searched mine, filled with a mix of love and disappointment. "Sierra, I love you, but I can't ignore the fact that you betrayed my trust. Our relationship is built on respect, and your behavior that night was anything but respectful. I need time to process all of this."

His words cut through me like a knife, leaving me raw and exposed. I understood the weight of my actions and the consequences they had brought upon our relationship. I hoped against hope that Alex would find it in his heart to forgive me, but deep down, I knew that repairing the damage would not be easy.

As I watched him walk away, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of shame and regret. I had let myself down, but more importantly, I had let down the person I loved the most. The road to redemption seemed long and arduous, and only time would tell if our love could withstand the scars of that night.


I sat on the edge of my bed, staring blankly at the wall, feeling a heavy weight of sadness settling in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over as I replayed the events of the evening in my mind. Alex and I were having a massive misunderstanding, and the lingering tension hung in the air, suffocating any hope of resolution.

We had been dating for months, and I had believed our connection was unbreakable. But tonight, words were exchanged, and our emotions had spiraled out of control. Misinterpretations and hurtful accusations filled the space between us, leaving us both wounded and distant.

Feeling utterly lost and alone, I reached for my phone and dialed my best friend's number. As the line rang, my heart ached with the need for comfort and understanding. She picked up on the third ring, and I could hear the concern in her voice as she asked, "Sierra, what's wrong?"

I struggled to find my voice, my throat tight with the weight of my emotions. Finally, I managed to croak out, "Alex and I had a terrible fight, and I don't know what to do. I'm so hurt, and I feel like everything is falling apart."

Silence hung on the other end of the line for a moment, but then I heard the gentle sigh of my friend. "Oh, Sierra, I'm so sorry. Take a deep breath, okay? I'm here for you. Let it all out."

As I poured my heart out, my friend listened intently, providing a comforting presence even from a distance. She understood the complexity of relationships, the tangled web of emotions, and the pain of misunderstandings. Her soft words of reassurance and empathy offered me solace when I needed it most.

With each word she spoke, the weight on my chest began to ease, and the tears slowly subsided. I realized that despite the turmoil with Alex, I had a support system in place, someone who would always be there to help me through the darkest moments.

Through her understanding and compassion, my friend reminded me that relationships have their ups and downs. She assured me that misunderstandings were not insurmountable obstacles, but rather opportunities for growth and healing.

By the time we ended our conversation, my spirit felt a bit lighter. The pain hadn't completely disappeared, but I knew I wasn't alone in this journey. I hung up the phone, still feeling a touch of sadness, but also a glimmer of hope that things would eventually get better.

With renewed determination, I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. I realized that communication and patience were key, and that understanding could be found even in the midst of chaos. Armed with this knowledge and the support of my friend, I resolved to reach out to Alex, to open up a dialogue and work through our differences together.

Though the road ahead may be challenging, I knew that with the love of my friend and the strength of our bond, I could weather any storm.