
matched by longdistance

couldnt find it on fanfiction . net anymore so I'm uploading a copy i have for those that still want to read it

SpectreOfKaos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

not switzerland

Draco changed into a pair of comfortable khakis and a black cardigan over his white t-shirt. He always wore long sleeves. Not just because of people like Hermione Granger but because he didn't want anyone to see it. It was bad enough that he had to live with his mistakes staring him in the face. He didn't need everyone else staring and dissecting him.

He'd only been waiting for about two minutes before Hermione came barreling down the stairs nearly two at a time. Had he not been paying attention, she would have smacked right into him.

He reached out and grabbed her shoulders before she could fall into him, effectively knocking them both over. He waited for her to catch her balance and dropped his hands to his sides as if she were on fire. She'd changed into muggle jeans and a cozy looking sweater in a light brown color. He had to fight the urge to reach out and wrap his arms around her like an idiot.

"Sorry," she muttered. "I thought I'd taken too long."

He couldn't help but snort. "Hardly. You rush everywhere, you know that?"

"I do not," she sniffed.

Draco rolled his eyes but his trademark smirk was still in place. "This way then."

He led her in the opposite direction down the hall from the living area and kitchen. It dawned on her that she hadn't even seen the front façade of the house yet. She followed closely behind him, passing through the empty hallway.

Maybe it was just how she had grown up in the muggle world but it struck her as odd that the walls seemed so bare. Though Sirius' family home had been adorned with family portraits, she had no idea what was normal for the Malfoy's. Though Draco did seem hell bent on disconnecting from them. For that, she should be thankful.

He stopped in front of sliding wooden doors and pushed them both to reveal a semi-circular room. A large hearth sat against one wall and a tall window opposite the entrance. All other space was filled by bookshelves from floor to ceiling.

Draco stepped aside and watched hesitantly as she slowly entered behind him. There was a definite look of contentment in her eyes and he felt his muscles relax, not even realizing that he'd been so nervous about her reaction.

"The shelves aren't full obviously. I didn't take all of the books from the manor library. Only the ones worth reading."

Hermione glanced at him over her shoulder, a third edition copy of Hogwarts: A History somehow already in her hands. She watched as he shuffled over slowly, seemingly wary of getting too close in a space so sacred to her.

He released a sharp breath through his nose, an almost snort, when he saw what was in her hands. "I'd heard you had a particular fondness for that book."

She ran her fingers over the old binding, the stamped letters rough under her skin. "It was my introduction to this entire world. I'd have been lost without it," she admitted.

And it made sense to him. After first realizing his attraction to her, the fact that she was muggle-born became a fascination for him in and of itself. Her sense of wonder for the wizarding world and appreciation for her magic was something that people like himself had lost. It made her even more attractive to him, exotic and forbidden almost.

Draco nodded. "I'd never really thought about it that way."

Hermione finally met his stony eyes and shrugged. She offered him a small smile to ease the tension. "I wouldn't expect you to. Not even Ron really ever understood. Harry did because he'd grown up the same way I did."

He felt utterly stupid for not knowing quite what to say. She was baring a part of herself and he was just standing there blinking like an idiot.

She picked up on his discomfort before he could say anything and decided to change the subject. "You said you didn't bring all of the books?"

Draco nodded and took a seat in the lone beige armchair near the fireplace and watched as she perused the titles. She had a way of biting her lower lip when she was focused and completely enthralled with something. He felt that irritating sense of yearning for her that he'd fought for years now.

"Many weren't worth the paper they were printed on if you understand my meaning. I asked McGonagall if Hogwarts had any use for them. They took them all and I really don't know what they kept and what they didn't."

"Dark magic," she asked with a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in her hands now.

He merely blinked. "The darkest."

Hermione replaced the volume where she found it and crossed her arms across her chest as she turned to face him. "You only have one chair in here?"

He shrugged and the corners of his mouth turned down into a grimace. "Never figured I'd be living with anyone else. I didn't really think I'd ever get married if I'm to be honest. I don't have much company. Didn't seem necessary really."

She narrowed her eyes at him and he was sure she was searching his face for some sort of hidden meaning. She was certainly a thinker. Always thought before she spoke. Granted it took her half the time it took anyone else.


He lifted his brow questioningly. "Were you exactly excited over the idea of marrying an ex-death eater?"

There. He'd finally said it. The red and green elephant in the room was out and waving its trunk enthusiastically.

He watched her eyes darken noticeably and wondered if he should have held back. What was the point though? There would always be like a wall between them anyway. He'd once stood for everything she was against. He'd once called her some of the vilest names possible and for a while even believed them.

"Draco, you and I have a history between us that goes beyond that. I know you believed the things your father taught you, at least you did at one point. But I also know you hated me for more than my blood status. So no, I wasn't particularly thrilled."

His heart was hammering in his chest by now. He wanted to tell her just what he felt but it wasn't the right time. It might never be the right time and by then they'd be allowed a divorce and she'd have a husband who hadn't tortured her for the better part of their adolescence. It might be better that way.

"Past tense," he finally spoke calmly.

Hermione lifted a single eyebrow in question. "You've been wonderfully courteous and respectful, Draco. You don't have to pretend to like me though. I promise I won't hold it against you for the next year."

Swallowing as he considered his response, he grimaced. "I don't dislike you."

As soon as he said it, he hated the words. It wasn't what he wanted to say. Wasn't what he wanted to mean.

For some reason that made her laugh. "You don't dislike me but you don't like me either. I suppose that makes you Switzerland."

Draco's features twisted into a look of confusion. "Sorry?"

She rolled her eyes and finally let loose a relieved sigh as some of the tension dissolved again. "Muggle expression. It means you're neutral."

Not dislike or like. Love. But explaining that was confusing and likely wouldn't be well received. Best keep it to himself no matter how many of Ginny's letters (and a howler) had urged him to divulge that information before the wedding ceremony.

"So does your singular armchair mean that you're opposed to sharing the room at the same time as me?"

She couldn't very well kick him out of his own library but the space was far too enticing to not enjoy it now that she lived here. She was already making plans for the next gloomy day to be huddled up near that lovely window with a good book.

"I don't mind at all. We can find another chair for the room. I actually wondered when I saw what furniture you'd had in your room if you wanted something similar for reading in there."

Hermione felt a genuine smile curve her lips at the thought. "I didn't keep a lot of furniture in my flat to start. I've always wanted a wingback chair with a matching ottoman to have near my bed for reading. I have a bad habit of falling asleep with a book on my chest if I read in bed. I don't like that it musses the pages."

Another smirk lifted his mouth at hearing that information. He could very well imagine her passed out amongst her pillows with a large tome resting on her chest, riotous curls everywhere.

"Well, we could go to Bingerham's Furniture Emporium in Diagon Alley tomorrow if you'd like and you can pick something out."

Her mind went blank for a moment. For whatever reason, she imagined after they were married that they wouldn't spend much time together outside of home. She had a hard time imagining public outings for shopping or entertainment with Draco Malfoy.

But he was offering and he looked very genuine. Even hopeful? They cleared some awkward air between them just now so why not.

"That sounds fine. But no mocking when I go into Flourish and Blotts as well. I don't make leisurely trips to Diagon Alley and not make a stop in."

Draco held his hands up in mock defeat. "Fine, fine. No mocking. Only furniture and book purchasing." He stood from the chair and held out his hand. "You drive a hard bargain."

Hermione looked up to meet his eyes and clasped hands with him and shook. It was odd how well they fit.

Draco gave her space for the rest of the day to settle in and arrange her large collection of books on the shelves. He had Bitsy bring her his favorite sandwich he'd made and was thankful when she ate it without complaint. Bitsy even returned with a compliment about the ingredients. He had the distinct feeling that she was the type to have a one track mind when it came to working on a project. He didn't want her going hungry.

He didn't see her again until dinner which they shared at the kitchen table instead of the formal dining room. Having dinners at a formal dining table wasn't something he missed about his upbringing. He found he quite enjoyed the casual nature of dinner being held pretty much anywhere but a dining room.

"Is that a microwave," Hermione squinted as her eyes fixed on the far countertop.

Draco glanced over his shoulder. "Why, yes, it is." He turned back to her and speared a potato before bringing it to his mouth.

She opened her mouth to ask something else and stopped short. Clearly, she was speechless. He didn't think he'd ever witnessed Hermione Granger speechless.

"But that's a muggle invention."

He nodded knowingly. "Quite useful really. Though Bitsy hates it. I can't tell you how many times I've caught her glaring at it. Perhaps you can teach me what the hell that defrost option is all about. I've not mastered it."

Hermione shook her head in disbelief. Beyond getting married and moving into her childhood enemy's home, she now discovered he had a muggle contraption in his house. Teenage Malfoy would have died before conceding anything muggle-related was useful.

It was one thing to change his opinions on things but entirely another to embrace them so openly. Add another bullet point to her mental list on him.

After dinner, they bid each other goodnight and Hermione retired to her room. After a hot shower in the ridiculously luxurious bathroom, she still had trouble getting to sleep initially. She'd never been very good at sleeping in strange places and the hunt for horcruxes years before hadn't helped the problem.

Her mind kept drifting off to her new husband just doors away. In her exhaustion she couldn't keep her mind from wondering to odd topics she normally wouldn't allow herself to acknowledge in the daylight. How did he sleep? Did he sleep right in the center of the bed like she did? Sweet Merlin, did he sleep in boxers or nude?

More importantly, how did he feel about her being here in his house? Their house.

She finally drifted off some time after midnight and still managed to wake up by eight. She lifted her head when she smelled coffee wafting in her room.

Bitsy grinned at her from the edge of the bed, her large ears visible before her face, as she set a small tray holding a single cup with cream and sugar on the side.

"Bitsy thought Mistress Hermione might like coffee in the morning but she didn't know how Mistress likes it."

Hermione sat up and rubbed her eyes. She had to fight the instinct to tell the poor elf not to worry over her. "One cream and two sugars usually. Thank you, Bitsy."

"Mistress is most welcome. Bitsy will remember that for next time. Master Draco is in the kitchen having his morning coffee. He wanted Bitsy to tell you he is ready to leave for Diagon Alley whenever you are but not to rush."

She stretched her arms before she patted her head to check her hair. She was thankful she'd remembered to braid it before bed or else it would have been a nightmare. Taming her hair over the years hadn't been easy but she had it down to an art these days.

"Please let him know I'll be down in thirty minutes."

After practically chugging her coffee she retreated to the bathroom to freshen up. She dressed in some comfortable skinny jeans, a long forest green cardigan, and a pair of brown oxfords. She had no idea how Draco usually dressed outside of work when he was in public but she surely wasn't getting overly dressed up for this trip.

Just as Bitsy had said, she found him seated at the kitchen table nursing what she could only assume wasn't his first cup of coffee if the state of the pot was any indication.

He was always immaculate in his suits at work but she was thankful he'd dropped the suit look outside of it. He had put on black jeans and a beige sweater this time.

Draco looked up from the copy of the Daily Prophet he was perusing and looked her over before he could stop himself. He had no idea when he'd decided he liked the muggle clothing over the robes most witches and wizards wore all the time but he obviously did.

He missed seeing the blush creep over her cheeks when she caught him doing it.

She mentally cursed Ginny.

"Ready to go then," he finally asked. He'd been sitting in the kitchen for quite some time just waiting for her to wake. His third cup of coffee did nothing to stall his excitement for spending the morning with her.

She nodded and turned to walk to the fireplace with him. "So did we make the Prophet again," she asked, sarcasm obvious in her voice.

Draco chuckled as he pressed a hand gently to her lower back to guide her. It wasn't really necessary but far be it from him to enjoy the excuse to touch her. "Of course we did. Would you expect anything less of Rita Skeeter?"

Hermione rolled her eyes but shook her head. She hadn't even really taken notice of touching her back. "I really despise that woman."

He offered her a gentle smile as he grabbed a handful of powder. He'd slept quite well himself just knowing that she was down the hall. He hadn't realized the full extent of the eagerness he experienced in the last two weeks just waiting for this.

"Diagon alley," he spoke clearly.

It was early still so the foot traffic in the Alley was light. They walked side by side in companionable silence.

Hermione noted the way he'd stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and kept his gaze straight ahead. Of the few people they passed, all eyed them curiously. Some with contempt directed towards him, looks of pity for her. Others looked purely curious. The war had made many people move on but that didn't mean there wasn't still some contempt held for those who'd taken Voldemort's side.

She hadn't really considered other people's perceptions towards their marriage. She'd hardly gotten past her own.

The weight of the rings on her left hand became more obvious suddenly. They really were tied together for the time being.

Draco rushed ahead of her as they came upon the shop and pulled the door open. She couldn't help but wonder if his chivalrous attitude was a remnant of his pureblood upbringing that he now felt acceptable to use on her or if this was just who Draco Malfoy really was. Maybe both.

So many questions and few answers, she mused to herself.

"Morning," a middle aged man greeted her immediately from behind the front counter.

"Good morning," she smiled.

Draco finally caught up to her and stalled at her side.

"Mr. Malfoy," he smiled sympathetically, "I do believe you know Mr. Bingerham's rules."

Draco nodded and withdrew his wand from his pocket and handed it to the man with little argument.

"Take care of it, Tom. We'll just be browsing a bit."

"Very good, sir," he nodded with a genuine smile as he placed Draco's wand behind the counter.

Draco sensed Hermione's look of concern and placed a hand on her lower back to steer her towards the section of the shop with armchairs and the like.

"Ok, what just happened there," she finally asked when they were out of earshot.

He glanced around the rows of chairs and finally plopped himself down into a silver armchair with twinkling midnight buttons. He gave a bored shrug as he made himself comfortable.

"Nothing unusual. I've found many shop owners still don't feel totally comfortable with people like myself, given what happened to Ollivander's and all. They'd rather not take any chances."

Hermione looked appalled. "But you're an auror! You catch dark wizards for a living. For Merlin's sake, you work with Harry. "

Draco rolled his eyes and turned his attention to survey the furniture around them. "That doesn't matter to them. All they know is who my family is and the shitty things that I did. The past seven years doesn't make up for all of the stupidity and hate. Especially to the people who lost someone in the blasted war." He shifted in the armchair and made a face. "Definitely not this one. Quite lumpy. Aren't you supposed to be picking out chairs? I believe we needed two. One for the library and one for your room."

Hermione shook her head with a look of amazement. He didn't seem like he was happy about it but he also accepted that he'd hurt people. She supposed that was noble.

To say she was mildly shocked would be an understatement.

Silently, she left his side to inspect a purple wingback chair with a matching ottoman.

Draco released a sigh when she walked away and moved the opposite direction and sat down on a rather soft looking cream colored settee. He brought his legs up and crossed his arms behind his head with a sigh.

She might like this one, he mused as he closed his eyes.


Draco's eyes snapped open suddenly and he stood quickly as Theodore Nott approached him with a smirk plastered on his face. He watched him closely, glancing behind him quickly to make sure Hermione wasn't close by.

"Nott, what are you doing here?"

Theo held his hand out to shake but Draco ignored it, not taking his eyes away from his face. Theo bit the corner of his mouth and dropped his hand.

"I was across the street getting fitted for robes. Bloody wedding is next month. I got my match from the ministry last week."

"Oh? I didn't realize they'd already finished matching within the Ministry. Who'd they match you with?"

"They're just getting started outside of it. Matched me with bloody Pansy Parkinson. I don't know how you ever tolerated her hanging on you all the time."

"It certainly wasn't pleasant, I'll say that much." He glanced behind him again to make sure he knew where she was and was relieved to find her talking with Tom, the salesman.

Theo followed his gaze and a smirk formed on his lips again. "So it's true then? The Ministry really did force you to marry Granger?"

Draco turned back to him with a hard glare. "More like she was forced to marry me. The ceremony was yesterday in the Minister's office."

Theo misread his glare and snorted. "The mudblood could only be so lucky."

Draco's grey eyes turned darker. "Watch yourself, Nott. I don't take kindly to that word being used anymore. Particularly about my wife."

Theo looked appalled. "You used to hate her!"

Draco was a few inches taller than his former housemate and used that height to his advantage as he loomed over him. "I used to do a lot of things I don't do anymore. But it doesn't matter. I protect what's mine. Now that we're married, she's mine to protect."

"You're mental, you know that? I'd heard you'd gotten on as an auror and were hanging around with Potter but I never took it very seriously. Figured you were just doing it for your image. What the hell happened to you?"

"I grew up and saw past the stupid lies my father fed me. I might suggest you do the same."

Nott glared at him but turned on heel without another word.

Draco released an irritated growl and sunk back down onto the settee. He jumped when he saw Hermione standing there watching him.

"What was that all about?"

He shook his head and rested it against the back of the furniture. "Nott's never moved on. Still a rich brat just like I was and holding on to old hatred." He opened one eye to peer at her. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her head tipped to the side as though she were examining him for the first time. He patted the spot next to him and closed his eyes again. "Try this one. It's quite nice."

Hermione uncrossed her arms with a sigh. She'd heard the latter half of his conversation as she was walking up and felt utterly bewildered. His to protect?

Instead of mulling over the odd streak of possessiveness he'd shown, she sat next to him and felt herself sink into the soft cushions. It wasn't a very large settee so there wasn't much space left between them. She followed his example and rested her head against the back of it.

Her brow furrowed as she shifted a bit. "This is quite comfortable. Better than the one I'd just been sitting on."

Draco turned his head to look at her and she met his eyes. There was a moment there where they simply just stared at each other, oddly transfixed by the other's eyes.

He shook it off first and cleared his throat as he turned his gaze forward again. "Did you find a wingback you liked?"

Hermione swallowed and shook her head to herself. "Yes, there's a brown one near the corner. I've already informed Tom. I think I'd like this for the library."

He turned his eyes skyward again and nodded in agreement. "Good choice."

Tom approached them both with an easy smile. "Found the other piece you were looking for, Miss Granger…err Malfoy." His mouth twisted as he tried to remember which it was. He'd read the announcement just like everyone else in the papers.

"Granger-Malfoy," Draco corrected him without so much as opening his eyes.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, Tom. We'll take this one as well."

"Very good! If you'll follow me to the counter, I'll get you to sign for them and we can have them delivered within the hour."

Hermione stood and pulled Draco up with her. He groaned but followed a few steps behind.

"Will someone be home to accept the delivery," Tom asked as he wrote out their bill.

"My—our house elf, Bitsy, will be. She'll know where everything goes." He pulled out his wallet and counted out the appropriate amount of galleons and sickles, ignoring Hermione's protests that she'd pay for the furniture. Probably a good time to discuss bank accounts when they left, he reminded himself.

After signing the bill, Tom handed Draco his wand and they reemerged on the street.

"I had the money on me, Draco. I'm not broke."

"Never said you were. Consider them a wedding present if it helps you. I added you to the Malfoy account at Gringotts last week by the way."

Hermione followed when he started steering them towards Flourish and Blotts. He was staring straight ahead again when she glanced up at him.


He shrugged but didn't look at her and kept walking. "We're married. Seemed like the right thing to do."

The question was on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't seem to will herself to ask it. Sometimes it seemed like he meant for their marriage to last. How could that be though? He didn't like her but he didn't dislike her. They had started a tentative friendship. But she had always wanted more in a marriage.

Was it so wrong to want a husband that loved her?

With a heavy sigh she walked past him as he held the door for her again and entered the shop. Hermione paused to take a deep breath and a slow smile formed on her lips. The smell of books, fresh parchment, quills, and ink flooded her senses. There wasn't much else that could relax her and take her mind off of things quite so quickly. She certainly welcomed the distraction.

Draco followed her in and couldn't help but grin at the look of pure joy on her face. His brain told him to let her go off by herself but his gut and heart were in agreement to follow her and find out what she was searching for.

"What are you looking for," he asked bravely.

He'd tried to discreetly watch her seventh year when they'd both returned. Potter and Weasley had opted out to jump straight into work. He'd had nothing better to do during his yearlong probation and the Ministry was in agreement with McGonagall that school would do him well.

He'd been completely alone. No one had really been open to associating themselves with him again just yet at that point, including most of his house. Most avoided him out of sheer nerves but a few openly showed their hatred.

After he had started spending so much time in the library to escape everything, Granger watching became a favorite pastime. She was always there as well.

He'd sit quietly working at his table and watch as she entered the library and took up her regular seat at a nearby window. There was one time near Christmas when a couple of fifth years thought to take her overstuffed chair near that window.

Draco felt anxious as he watched the two Hufflepuffs approach that sacred window seat. He bit his lip as they shucked their robes and bags before plopping down in the overstuffed chairs, chattering quietly all the while.

He glanced at his watch and became mildly alarmed. She'd be here any minute to start her leisurely reading for the evening. It was no secret that she was weeks ahead on their homework. She's started a book by some Jane Austen woman the evening before and he made a mental note to familiarize himself with the obviously muggle author.

Draco licked his lips and stood slowly. He pulled the sleeves of his uniform down, making sure to hide his dark mark, before he approached the two students hesitantly.

"Oi, you two," he spoke quietly, calmly. "Could you sit somewhere else?"

The two boys exchanged a look, one looking nervous and the other disgusted.

"Why should we move for you," the braver of the two asked. "Haven't figured out that everyone hates you yet, Malfoy?"

His friend nudged him nervously, trying to shut him up.

Draco swallowed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "It's not for me, you nutters. Granger sits there every evening. Do you really want to upset the Head Girl?"

The more nervous of the two looked mildly shocked. "Come on, Ted," he pulled at his friend's robes.

He watched with satisfaction as they shuffled off across the library.

No one bothered to sit in her spot for the rest of the year.

Coming back to reality, Draco watched as she ran her fingertips along the spines of the books lining the many shelves. Something in his chest tightened as saw the engagement ring shine in the light. Temporary to her or not, she'd still chosen to wear it. He felt a rare wave of pride swell in his chest.

His wife. Sweet Merlin, and he was a husband. Not just any husband, he was Hermione Granger's husband. Even if it was only on paper, the fact was still settling in for him. It was best to enjoy the thought while it was still true.

"Not sure yet," she finally answered him, bringing him back to reality. "I've read all of my last purchases. It's a good thing we came today."

He nodded to himself and reached for a book well above her head. A History of Gringotts and its Peculiarities.

"This is new." He held it out to her when she turned to him with three books already in her arms.

Hermione glanced at the title and her eyes widened. "I've been waiting on that!"

He smirked and reached for her other books to hold them. He could see she was getting ready to protest. "Just enjoy the perks of having a husband and let me hold them. I'm sure you're not done so keep looking."

He hadn't been able to hold her books in school like a boyfriend would have. He could do it now as her husband though.

She looked at him strangely but nodded and turned to go deeper into the store. Draco followed behind her accepting books as she added them to her stack. He ended up adding two of his own but couldn't compete with her stack of eleven as they made their way to the register.

"So how long will this hold you," he asked with his chin on top of the stack to balance them.

She smiled and shrugged. "About two weeks."

"Bloody hell," he muttered, eyes wide.

Hermione laughed at the look on his face but she was telling the truth. "You obviously still have things to learn about me, Draco Malfoy."

"No joke," he mumbled to himself. He set her stack on the counter when it was their turn and was ready to pay when she beat him to it.

"Yours as well," she ordered with a single lifted eyebrow.

He remembered that look from her time as Head Girl seventh year and followed her order without question.

"Miss Granger," the gentleman behind the counter greeted with a grin. He spotted Draco and his eyes lit with awareness. "I'm sorry, I suppose it's…"

"Granger-Malfoy," he supplied drily. It was a bit of a mouthful.

He nodded with a polite smile and began wrapping their books. "Congratulations then."

"Thank you, Marcus," she smiled courteously.

"I suppose we'll be seeing you more often then, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco glanced down at her and met her eyes, "More than likely, yes."

He took the two bundles by the string wrapped around them. Hermione waved goodbye and they exited the shop.

"Thank you," he told her once they were on the sidewalk and heading back to the Leaky Cauldron.

"Just returning the favor. I suppose we are sharing everything now, aren't we?"

Draco swallowed hard and remembered Ginny's words from a week ago. Honesty. "I have a confession."

"Oh?" She looked up at him as they walked.

"I'm not Switzerland. I do like you."