
matched by longdistance

couldnt find it on fanfiction . net anymore so I'm uploading a copy i have for those that still want to read it

SpectreOfKaos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

A health check

Miss Hermione Jean Granger,

The Ministry of Magic has appointed a new committee to oversee all marriages under the new wizarding marriage law. We would like to expand upon your previous notice to your match to one, Draco Malfoy.

In order to ensure the health of all witches and wizards, the ministry requires all matches to complete a health check at St. Mungo's. Your time has been set for Tuesday evening at 6pm. Should this provide any conflict with your schedule, please notify us immediately.

In addition, our office will now take over all check-ins at the one year mark of your marriage to ascertain whether you and your spouse have chosen to stay married to one another or will choose your one and only option of being rematched. We will inform you closer to the time when this meeting will take place.

Best wishes on your impending nuptials,

Office of Wizarding Marriages

Hermione was running late. She positively despised running late but it was unavoidable. Since becoming department head, she'd had more responsibility. So when a disgruntled centaur made the trek all the way from the Forbidden Forest via Hogwarts' floo system, you made time to meet with him even if it meant you'd run late for an important appointment for your farce of a marriage.

He'd left happier than he'd come but now she was running late for her health check appointment at St. Mungo's. She and Draco had both received letters from the ministry informing them that prior to being married, they each had to submit to a health check to ensure that neither of them were harboring any sort of diseases or under any dark curses.

After a flustering apparation to the front lobby, Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief as she approached the witch at the desk designated for pre-marriage checks.

"Name," the young witch asked without bothering to look up from her parchment.

"Hermione Granger."

The woman finally looked up with wide-eyes and set her quill down slowly. "Miss Granger…err…we were expecting you—"

Hermione sighed and nodded. "Yes, I'm very sorry. I'm not usually late. I was held up in a last minute meeting. I hope they'll still be able to see me."

"Oh, of course! They'll make time for you. Just have a seat and we'll call you back shortly."

She shrugged to herself and took a seat in the waiting area. She'd not made many trips to St. Mungo's in her time in the wizarding world. Depending on what the issue had been, there were still some things she favored muggle science for and saw her doctor in London if necessary.

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione looked up and saw an older mediwitch waiting expectantly. She followed her past the waiting area and down a long hallway. "Your fiancé is already done with his health check."

She'd had no idea that she and Draco were supposed to have their checks at the same time or even in the same room until she followed the mediwitch into a stark white exam room with only an exam table, a stool, and one chair.

"Get comfortable on the exam table, dear."

Draco met her eyes as she entered behind the woman, hands focused on buttoning his grey dress shirt. She was almost ashamed to admit she caught a glimpse of his chest before his fingers reached the buttons and found herself more than a bit curious about the muscle she'd glimpsed there.

"Draco," she greeted casually.

He nodded as he reached for his waistcoat to slip his arms in. "Hermione." He took the seat that the mediwitch indicated in the corner and waited patiently.

She began to remove her coat but found there wasn't anywhere to lay it with Draco taking the only seat outside of the witch's stool. She was a little taken aback when he noticed her problem and held out his hands to her. It was more than a little odd to be here with him since they hadn't spoken a ton since their dinner.

She slipped her coat off though and handed it to him graciously and hoisted herself onto the cold exam table. That was one thing the muggle and wizarding world had in common, she mused. She crossed her legs, adjusting her skirt, and waited as the mediwitch finished scribbling with her quill.

Draco laid her coat across his lap while he waited. For whatever reason, they had insisted that the new couples do this together. The mediwitch had been reluctant to start without Hermione but when twenty minutes had passed, she'd given up as she didn't want to get behind.

"This will be a very simple exam. I'm going to cast a few spells to check your person for any dark curses and then we'll test for any sort of muggle ailments."

Hermione arched a single eyebrow. "Excuse me? Muggle ailments?"

The older woman paled and quickly shook her head. "Oh no, nothing against muggles. Just ailments or medical issues that can be prevented with magic or potions but haven't been we call muggle ailments. For instance, I believe some might be referred to as sexually transmitted ailments."

"So it's more of a classification then?"

"Exactly," the woman nodded, clearly relieved she hadn't inadvertently upset her. "We'll also be checking your fertility levels. With this new law, the point is for couples to begin families so the ministry wants to make sure everyone is fairly matched."

"Lovely," Hermione mumbled, shooting an awkward glance in Draco's direction.

"Alright then, dear. I'll need you to unbutton your shirt so we can check your vitals and do the breast exam."


Surely, Hermione hadn't heard her properly. She knew the wizarding world checked for signs of breast cancer just as muggles did but did she really have to disrobe in front of the man she was sure still didn't exactly like her. Tolerating was one thing but liking someone was something else entirely and she was certain they weren't there yet.

The older witch smiled merrily as she reached for a pair of latex gloves and her wand. "I wouldn't be shy about it now, dear, he'll see it all soon enough," she teased like a mother would.

Hermione glanced at Draco again and watched as he swallowed, his grey eyes as impassive as always. She was nearly certain she caught his eyes move to her chest for a quick look before returning to her face. It was so fast that she couldn't be sure though.

Draco had the good grace to avert his eyes and picked up a disheveled copy of the Daily Prophet left on the floor.

It was almost comical the way he held it up over his face to keep himself from seeing anything. She appreciated that he respected her unspoken discomfort though.

The mediwitch shook her head at the two of them. "Fine, be shy about it now. But the Ministry expects there to be plenty of children soon enough. Only one way to go about that that I know of. Two young, attractive people like yourselves shouldn't have much trouble in that department."

Hermione nearly choked and she swore she heard Draco groan irritably behind the paper he'd apparently enlarged with an engorgio charm.

She sighed and began unbuttoning her blouse. She felt utterly ridiculous sitting on the cold exam table half dressed. A part of her wanted to argue that she'd seen her muggle doctor just six months ago and had already had all of her exams done. Couldn't those records suffice? She knew there'd be no arguing with the ministry on this though. This marriage law and all it entailed was something they were being rather stubborn about.

Draco half listened as the two chattered about her health—were her menstrual cycles regular, did she have any problems, did she check her breasts for lumps regularly—all things he knew next to nothing about.

The terrible part of himself allowed him to chance a quick peek over the top of his paper. He watched for a short moment as she sat stock straight, shoulders drawn back and eyes straight forward as she answered the mediwitch's questions with little enthusiasm.

He'd been guilty of checking her out as soon as she entered the room. Her skirt was similar to the others and her blouse was a deep Gryffindor red. Now sitting there in nothing but her skirt and bra, he was surprised to find her bra matched her blouse. The lacey fabric adorned her ivory skin beautifully and sent a wave of heat straight through him.

He quickly averted his eyes, feeling rather guilty for the look he'd stolen, and hunched further behind the paper. There wasn't anything of interest on the damn page he'd opened it to. Nothing but silly pumpkin pasty recipe variations. He cooked but he didn't bake so what the hell did he care.

"Alright, dear, you can dress again."

Draco stayed put behind his paper until the bloody interfering medwitch lifted it from him with her wand.

"No need to hide anymore, dear. We're all done with that."

He met Hermione's eyes as she buttoned the last button on her blouse and straightened her clothing as best she could. Her cheeks were a touch pink but other than that she was still the very embodiment of Gryffindor courage.

"Now then, you're both in perfect health. I see no reason at all you should have any trouble bringing some new little witches and wizards into the world," she grinned.

Draco cleared his throat awkwardly and Hermione swallowed nervously as she fidgeted on the table.

"Merlin," the woman sighed sounding much like Molly Weasley, "I think you two are the most bashful I've seen yet." She shook her head and signed the parchment on the clipboard with her quill. "Alright then, you both pass with a good bill of health. Go on then."

Hermione slid off the exam table and accepted her coat from Draco. They both ignored the mediwitch as she shook her head at them, a wry smile on her face as they left the room.

"They'll cave to each other eventually," she muttered to herself.

"I think that was possibly the most awkward healthcare experience I've ever had," Hermione spoke once they were in the lobby again.

"You weren't stuck having your exam alone with her," he cringed. He held the hospital doors open for her and they both stepped out onto the cramped side street. "I received quite the lecture on 'baby making'." He made air quotes with his fingers.

She could hardly help the bubble of laughter in her throat and snorted. "I believe I did dodge the bullet then."

Draco's face twisted in confusion. "Dodge the bullet?"

Hermione waved a hand through the air, "Sorry, muggle expression."

He shrugged and turned to survey the quiet London street. This was the first time they'd spoken in person since their dinner a few days prior. He glanced at his watch to see that it was nearing seven o'clock. Perhaps she'd consent to dinner with him again if he asked nicely.

He turned back to her and was about to open his mouth to speak when she beat him to the punch.

"Well, I must be off then. I have work to do at home."

Hermione stood for a moment trying to decide what the appropriate way to say goodbye was. If he were Harry or Ginny, she'd hug him. Perhaps a handshake? But technically he was her fiancé.

She ultimately sighed and gave him a small wave. "See you soon, I suppose, Draco."

He watched as she turned and apparated with an audible crack.

Who had he been kidding? She had no interest in him whatsoever. Why would she bother to spend extra time in his presence?


Wizarding Love on the Horizon

by Rita Skeeter

The Ministry is at it again, my dear readers. Official word of the new Marriage Law has spread far and wide, and for you this means your faithful writer has the latest scoop. Word has it that the Ministry is focusing on their own first. All employees aged twenty-one to thirty have already been matched. Our lovely officials will be given up to one month to lawfully wed before the Ministry focuses on the rest of you beautiful souls.

While the reasoning for the Ministry's concern over the magical population is understandable, what's not is their match-making skills. I have it on good authority that quite a few couples already matched are causing quite the stir. Who might you ask, my lovelies? Why where better to start than war hero and Ronald Weasley's ex-love herself, Hermione Granger, and ex-death eater and royal bully of the halls of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy.

Reliable sources claim that the youngest Mr. Malfoy has been fully rehabilitated for some time but no word yet on if he's open-minded enough to accept his muggle-born fiancée. Miss Granger dutifully, most claim, worked her way up the Ministry ladder in short measure to become one of the youngest department heads since Mr. Newt Habersham himself some two-hundred years ago. Mr. Malfoy works now as an auror under one, the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter who became head of the auror's office this time last year. Perhaps he's trying to make up for past mistakes by apprehending those committing crimes like his own?

The young couple was spotted leaving the most elite restaurant in Diagon Alley just last week looking quite cozy already. Perhaps time really does heal all wounds then.

Will the union, as well as many others, end as the Ministry hopes? In bouncing little cherubs who will grace the halls of Hogwarts in some eleven years' time? Only time will tell, my faithful readers. I'm sure we'll all be following this couple quite closely, among many others.

Faithfully yours,

Rita Skeeter

Dearest Draco,

I received a recent copy of The Daily Prophet from Pansy Parkinson's mother just this morning. I assume it's true then? They've matched you with Hermione Granger? As I'm sure you know, your father will be livid. While I'm not the happiest about the ministry's decision at least she's intelligent and acceptably pretty. Please do take things slowly. If I understand correctly, if you and Miss Granger don't consummate the marriage then you have the opportunity to be rematched. This is your whole life, Draco. Choose wisely.



You need not concern yourself with my impending marriage or Hermione Granger. I'll make my own decisions as I have been doing for the past seven years. Stay out of it. I won't tell you again.



I feel honor bound to inform you that we were apparently spotted leaving the restaurant last week. As much as I'd like to believe I'm no longer a complete git, I'd hex Rita Skeeter within an inch of her life given the chance. Anyway, just wanted you to be prepared that people will obviously be talking about us. I don't particularly enjoy the attention as I once might have.


P.S. I wouldn't actually hex her, I hope you know. Merely an expression. Thank you again for being so cooperative over dinner last week.


I saw the article as well. I've not paid her any mind since she tried to link Harry and I together during the Tri-Wizard Tournament fourth year. The woman is mental and clearly desperate for topics to write about. I thought I'd taught her a lesson when I briefly kept her in a jar once I discovered she was an unregistered animagus. Obviously, I failed. Odd that.


P.S. I wouldn't judge you if you actually did hex her. She's not very high up on my most liked people list. And no need to thank me. It seems we're both on the same page and willing to cooperate. It's the best I could hope for.


I had no idea she was an unregistered animagus. That certainly explains a lot. And I had no idea you were that devious. I'll have to remember this in the future in case I upset you. I don't much like the idea of being kept in a jar.



There are obviously many things you don't know about me. I don't very much blame you since we haven't exactly been friends the last fourteen years we've known each other. Perhaps we can change that aspect at least?



Yes, I believe friendship is a certain possibility. It's been pointed out to me that we apparently have many things in common. Perhaps the ministry wasn't completely out of their minds?

Also, Potter informed me that you had a cat at Hogwarts. Do you still have said feline? I'm not overly fond of animals with excessive fur but I'm willing to make exceptions.



Many things in common? Is Harry being a prat again? I don't doubt we have some things in common. I do remember you being a fairly good student, particularly in Potions.

No, I do not still have Crookshanks. He was much older than I'd originally thought when I'd bought him before third year. He passed not long after graduation. I was actually thinking of getting another but you've just killed that thought. Thanks for that.



Potter is always being a prat. I believe it's in his DNA. Don't tell him I said that though. I'd rather not be assigned the office filing again. It's atrociously behind as always.

I apologize for sounding insensitive. While I don't particularly enjoy felines, I'm not a tyrant. Should you decide to acquire another I only ask that it doesn't come into my room.


P.S. Magical cats freak me out.


While I'm saddened to learn that magical cats give you the heebie jeebies, I can agree to your terms should I get another. Any other house rules I should be aware of before the marriage ceremony next week?


Ginny reread the letters as she stirred the contents of the pot on her stove. She couldn't help but chuckle as she passed them back to Draco who was sitting at the island in her and Harry's kitchen.

"Was that your way of flirting with her or something?"

Draco looked up in alarm and glanced at Harry who was now reading the letters next to him. "Is that what she was doing?"

Harry set the letters down with a chuckle. He straightened his glasses and reached for his wand. With a wave, he pulled a bottle of butterbeer from the refrigerator and set it in front of Draco. "Just calm down, would you? I don't think that Hermione was flirting with you at all. I've only ever really seen her flirt maybe once or twice and it comes out completely awkward."

Draco narrowed his eyes at him and nudged the bottle away. "I've never seen that woman be awkward a day in my life. Unsettlingly brilliant—yes, but awkward—never."

"Then you've never seen Hermione flirt," Ginny agreed. "Or you're just ridiculously clouded by your love for her that you can't see it."

He dismissed them both with a wave of his hand. "Well, I wasn't flirting with her. I was trying to ease the awkward tension and keep some sort of connection between us until next Saturday."

"And you came here after work because," Ginny asked, an expectant eyebrow lifted high.

He glared at Harry. "I thought you said she'd be sympathetic and possibly even help me with this."

Harry grinned, "I never said she wouldn't make you work for it though, now did I?"

Draco groaned and stood from the stool he'd been seated on. He clasped his hands behind his back as he began pacing back and forth.

"He's doing it again," Harry laughed.

A loud crack interrupted them and for a millisecond, Draco looked petrified that it could be Hermione that had just apparated into the Potter kitchen.

"Oh calm down, Malfoy, it's only Neville."

Neville Longbottom stood there looking between each of them, completely befuddled. "Thanks, I think."

Draco's shoulders sagged with relief and he commenced his pacing again, this time muttering to himself.

"What's gotten into Malfoy," he asked, pointing a thumb over his shoulder.

"Hermione," Ginny smirked as she took up Draco's seat next to Harry. She didn't dare mention the part about him being in love with her for the past 7 years. That was something only she and Harry knew. After all, it had been an accidental drunken admission anyway.

"Ahh, so it's all true then. I wanted to ask but I've been busy with my Herbology lessons. I think the students get worse every year!" He untucked the writhing plant he'd brought with him from under his arm and placed it on the counter in front of Ginny. "There's the Dragon's Weed you wanted, Ginny."

Harry pushed himself away from the counter as he watched the plant's leaves twist and turn. "What the hell are you going to do with that thing?"

"It's good for soothing burns. I got a wicked scrape on the pitch at practice yesterday."

Harry shook his head and glanced back at Draco who was still pacing.

"Oi, Malfoy! Would you stop that? You're going to wear a hole right through our floor."

"I need help," he growled.

"What's he going on about," Neville asked as he pulled up the spare stool.

"I think Draco needs help figuring out Hermione," Ginny surmised.

Draco nodded his head quickly, looking utterly exasperated. "Yes, that would be somewhat helpful."

"What's to figure out," Neville said. "She's bloody brilliant. Never met anyone as smart as her. She's one of the most loyal people I've ever met. How many times did she have your back, Harry, when even Ron didn't?"

"Too many to count," he agreed.

"She values honesty," Ginny added. "Hermione absolutely hates lying. She'd rather you hurt her feelings by being honest than you lying to her. Although she can be sensitive at times."

"Don't forget her passion for all the things she cares deeply about," Harry interjected.

"She's bloody stubborn sometimes, too, though," Ginny grimaced as she got up to turn off the fire on her pot.

Draco stopped pacing and stood to face them, his face solemn. "Basically, more than I'd ever deserve then."

Ginny's expression dropped into a frown as she glanced at Harry. "The first thing you have to do, Draco Malfoy, is find a way to forgive yourself. You have to realize the changes you've made and the person you've become. That was one small part of your life. You have the rest of it ahead of you."

Neville nodded in agreement. "A person isn't who they are in one moment but who they are over the course of their life." He shrugged when everyone eyed him suddenly. "Something Hermione taught me. I think it might be some muggle saying."

"Basically," Harry stood and approached him, "Stop beating yourself up and try to imagine that maybe one day she might actually come to like you. After all, we were stupid enough to learn to like you."

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head at him. "Fine, Potter." He glanced at Ginny. "What are her favorite flowers?"

Ginny grinned at him. "Tulips. Purple ones."

Draco turned his attention to Neville who only grinned.