
matched by longdistance

couldnt find it on fanfiction . net anymore so I'm uploading a copy i have for those that still want to read it

SpectreOfKaos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

50 points to slytherin

There wasn't much Hermione hated more than being interrupted when she was deep in the throes of her work. With an anonymous tip of house elf mistreatment within a prominent pureblood household earlier in the morning, she had her work cut out for her. She needed to organize her paperwork to get the proper permits in order so that Harry and his team could accompany one of her employees on the house check.

She waved her wand over the second to last piece of parchment and watched as it dissolved into smoke on its way to Kinglsey's office for approval. Her quill hovering over the last page, a loud bang on her door made her jump.

"Whoever it is, I'm busy," she called out gruffly and began scratching out the necessary information on the form.

"Oh, you'll bloody well talk to me," Ginny grumped as she slid inside and ticked the door closed behind herself.

Hermione glanced up and then back at the parchment just as quickly. "Now's really not a good time for a social call at work, Ginny. I have to finish this so that the aurors can accompany Dennis on a house check."

"Don't you have subordinates who can do that kind of thing for you," the redhead asked as she plopped herself into a cushioned chair opposite her friend's desk.

Hermione huffed, blowing a few strands of hair from her face. Why she'd acquiesced to Draco's request that she wear it down more at work, she'd never know. She'd clipped one side back though to help keep the curls out of her face.

"I do but they're in a rush to get on with it and it's just faster if I do it."

Ginny sighed and relaxed into the seat. She tried a few positions to get comfortable until she propped her feet onto the edge of Hermione's desk.

Without so much as looking up from her writing, Hermione flicked her wand and knocked her friend's feet back to the floor.

Ginny rolled her eyes and crossed her legs while she waited. She only had to wait a few more moments before the witch tapped her wand on the parchment and it dissolved much like the last.

"Ok," Hermione finally looked up, "What has brought the elusive Ginny Potter all the way into the depths of the Ministry with the rest of us workaholics?"

"Call it instinct but my spidey senses were tinging," she grinned knowingly.

Hermione looked at her like she'd gone mad and shook her head, reaching for the mug of coffee on her desk. "What on earth are you on about?" She sipped her coffee and lifted a brow in amusement, "And you really should stop watching so many muggle superhero movies."

"I had lunch with Harry earlier and he says Malfoy has been in a decent mood all week." She leaned forward in her seat and tapped her chin. "What do you suppose that's about?"

Hermione shrugged and reached for a fresh sheet of parchment. "Is it that unusual for him not to be surly all the time? Perhaps he's just having a good week."

Ginny sat back and nodded. "Perhaps. Or…perhaps there's been a new development between the two of you that you've not told me about yet."

"Such as?"

"Oh, I don't know. Perhaps you've…done the dirty deed? And he's over the moon by finally getting to shag you senseless?"

She rolled her eyes and fought a small smile threatening to curl her lips at the corners. "No, we've not progressed to that just yet. Not that's it's any of your business."

"Aha! You used the word 'yet' which means it's on the horizon." Ginny sat back with a satisfied smirk and crossed her arms confidently. "Hmm, I do believe the magical world will rock on its axis when that finally happens."

Hermione rolled her eyes again at her friend. "Is that all you've come to pester me about? Whether I'm sleeping with my husband or not?"

"Oh no, I do believe there's more that you've not admitted. Do you mean to tell me that nothing new has happened?"

Thinking back to earlier in the week when she allowed Draco to touch her in a way no man ever had before she couldn't stop the warm blush that crept up her neck and cheeks.

Ginny watched as she blushed and grinned. "I knew it! Spill!"

Hermione shrugged and kept her eyes on her fresh sheet of parchment, trying desperately to control her straying mind. She'd spent more time snogging him in the last week since than she had reading which was shocking to say the least. Snogging and desperately trying to work out her feelings for him. Did she love him? She wanted to be sure.

"It's private, Ginny," she mumbled. She was always a bit self-conscious in regards to the physical side of things.

Ginny narrowed her eyes at the witch and tapped the toe of her boot on the floor. "Hmm, never stopped you from confiding in me before about boys." She rolled her eyes up towards the ceiling in mock thought, "Though perhaps I could pester Malfoy a bit for the information. I happen to know a good glass of Ogden's best and he sings like a canary…specifically in regards to you."

Hermione slapped her quill down on the desk with a harsh breath and scowled. "Ugh, you just won't stop. He got me off, alright?" She was blushing clear to her roots as she shook her head and took up her quill again with a huff.

The redhead's eyes widened as her friend's blunt statement—so uncharacteristic of the prim and proper Hermione Granger. Unless she was flustered of course and then the truth had a way of tumbling out of her in a most unseemly way at times.

"Oh sweet Merlin…," she muttered in awe.

Knowing Hermione as well as she did, Ginny was well aware that the witch hadn't found anyone she'd been willing to have a physical relationship with prior to this law taking effect. Hermione still hadn't admitted that she was in love yet, despite that she and Harry was perfectly certain of that fact. As far as she was concerned, it was only a matter of time before Draco broke through her last defenses.

Hermione recounted, albeit a bit shyly, what had transpired that night and though it was something small to most, it obviously meant a great deal to her.

"And you didn't feel uncomfortable at all afterwards," Ginny asked.

She shook her head, looking rather calm finally. "No, actually. I don't think I would have felt comfortable had anyone else touched me like that." With a deep breath, she sighed. "I know it sounds a bit cliché but I felt safe."

"Who would have ever figured that it would be Draco Malfoy to make you feel that way?" Ginny had her cheek propped on one hand on the arm of the chair by this point, a smile on her face. "By Merlin, when you finally admit to yourself that you love him, I swear the sex is going to be so explosive."

Hermione scoffed and threw a random quill at her friend. "Is that all you think of?"

Her friend merely laughed with a shake of her head as she stood finally. "Not usually but it seems to be on the brain a lot lately." She shrugged and buried her hands in her pockets. "I just want you to be happy, Hermione."

And she was. For the first time in years, she truly was.


Draco had never been more nervous and that included sixth year when Voldemort had assigned him the task of killing Dumbledore.

The Ministry's annual banquet had snuck up on him again. He usually loathed the stupid event but Potter always made him go. He didn't dare argue though when Draco always left early. He'd go alone, show his face for his bosses, and leave promptly an hour into the event to return home to a good book and some hot chocolate. No prying eyes and no ignorant glares.

Tonight, he didn't give a damn what people thought. He finally had a date and he'd bet his last galleon that he'd be the envy of every man, maybe even some women, there.

Ignoring how ridiculous it was that this was the first work event that he would be taking his wife to, he was beyond exuberant. He couldn't help a sense of pride knowing he'd be walking in with Hermione on his arm.

He stood in front of his full length mirror as he straightened his dress robes. He'd gotten a haircut earlier in the afternoon so his cropped short on the sides again and brushed back with little chance it would fall into his eyes. After a deep breath, he hurried downstairs to wait at the landing.

Hermione to her credit was just as nervous if not more. After her shower, she put her hair up into an elegant but comfortable French twist. She'd paced in front of the expensive red dress Ginny had talked her into before she finally caved with a dejected sigh and slipped into it. The damn thing fit like a glove, too.

"Merlin, what have I agreed to," she muttered to herself in front of her mirror.

She smoothed her hands down the length of the dress, pausing to make sure everything was secure and she wasn't spilling out anywhere. She hated to admit that it was appropriate for the event just not her usual fashion choice. The dress fit snugly through her torso before flaring at the hips. With one final glance at her back, she gulped.

With a wrap thrown over one arm and her other hand on the doorknob, she very nearly turned back to change. Instead, she harnessed the courage that had sorted her into Gryffindor and gritted her teeth.

Draco was biting the inside of his cheek nervously, tapping the toe of his dress shoe when he heard the click of her door opening. His head snapped up faster than if he'd just seen a boggart.

His eyes followed the red dress as it touched her toes, one hand holding the dress as she watched her steps. He nearly choked when he saw the way the dress dipped low between her breasts. There was no way it was staying in place without the use of a sticking charm.

Hermione didn't meet his eyes until she was standing in front of him and then she didn't know how to interpret his slack jawed expression.

She swallowed and made a nervous gesture with her hand. "Ginny suggested this. I told her it wasn't really me. I—"

"Merlin, you're gorgeous," he gushed openly, completely ignoring her self-deprecating words. He took her free hand and used it to spin her around in a short circle and whistled low when her bare back came into view, lower when the slit at her thigh was visible. "Remind me to tell Ginny thank you when we see her later," he mumbled a bit incoherently.

Hermione's cheeks flushed at his compliments. "You're making me nervous," she admitted honestly.

Draco brought his eyes to hers again and brushed his right index finger down the length of her nose. "Don't be nervous. You're beautiful. Revel in it." He reached into the pocket of his robes and produced a long, thin box. "I think red must be your color. I wasn't even thinking when I bought it that it might match."

Hermione glanced from his eyes to the box in his hands. Draco hadn't really brandished his wealth the way he used to in school but she was quite certain whatever that box contained would be worth at least half a year's salary.

She watched as he opened it to reveal a stunning necklace with a single emerald cut ruby hanging from a white gold chain.

"Draco, you didn't…"

"I didn't have to," he finished for her, "but I wanted to. Can I?"

She bit her lip to contain her smile as she turned her back to him. She watched his hands reach around her to drape the chain around her neck as he fumbled with the clasp.

"Apparently, my fingers aren't dainty enough for this bloody thing." He grunted and finally succeeded.

"I'm glad you don't have dainty fingers," she joked as she turned back to him. She leaned up on her toes to give him a soft but lingering kiss. "Thank you."

Draco held his arm out to her and felt rather content when she wrapped her hand around it.

The main lobby of the ministry had been transformed into the banquet space. Spelled cherry blossom trees had been used to decorate the space, soft pink petals falling gently and disappearing into the floor. Ornate wrought iron benches lined the refreshment area. The banquet tables this year were round and covered in black silk tablecloths.

Scenes like this were what often reminded Hermione why she loved magic so much. There was such mystery and beauty.

She and Draco were able to emerge from the floos with little notice but it didn't last long. She could feel eyes on them as he escorted her to her department's table. Being that she technically outranked him, they would be seated with the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

The table was empty minus Terry Boot and his new wife Sarah, a Hufflepuff from the year below them.

"Hermione," he waved as they approached. He glanced awkwardly at Draco and decided to hold out his hand for a shake. "Nice to see you, Malfoy."

Draco nodded amiably and shook his outstretched hand without hesitation. "Same, Boot." He turned to his wife and pulled out her chair. "Want anything to drink?"

Hermione nodded and he was off before she had time to say anything else.

"I love your dress," Sarah complimented her sincerely. "Red's a good color on you."

"Thanks," she smiled, and started to relax.

Draco made his way to the bar and found Harry and Ginny there. "Remind me to bring an extra bottle of wine to the next dinner you host," he told them as he sidled up next to them while they waited for their drinks.

"What's gotten you so blasted happy," Harry asked and accepted the wine glasses being handed to them.

"I'd wager it's the dress I convinced Hermione to choose," Ginny grinned and sipped her wine.

Draco gave his order to the bartender and turned to them. "Merlin, yes. She's stunning! I have the distinct feeling I'm going to have to hex a few men tonight if they don't keep their eyes in their sockets."

Harry glanced in the direction of their table and his eyes widened. "Bloody hell, didn't know Hermione had it in her."

Ginny elbowed him in the ribs and rolled her eyes. "Of course, she does." She gave Draco a nod in agreement.

"It's weird seeing everyone and their new spouses tonight, isn't it," Harry noted as he scanned the room quickly filling up.

"Some people look beyond awkward," Draco smirked. He felt triumphant that he no longer fell into that category with his spouse.

"Be glad you don't have that problem," she patted his arm. "Granted, I never thought you and Hermione were awkward. There was far too much sexual tension between you for that."

Both looked at her like she was mental but shook their heads.

"Ron should be here soon. He's bringing his new fiancé," Harry grinned.

"Oh, this should be good. Who's the poor soul?"

"He wouldn't tell us," Ginny shrugged.

The bartender handed Draco two glasses and the trio began making their way towards Hermione. She stood when they reached her and accepted her glass from him.

"I told you he'd love you in that dress," Ginny whispered to her before she pulled back from her hug.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Has anyone seen Ron yet?"

"Just coming in," Draco grinned, his eyes focused on the floos. He glanced down in question at his wife when she smacked his arm.

"You were looking a bit too smug about something you shouldn't," she admonished quietly.

"I knew it," Ginny smacked Harry's shoulder excitedly when she caught sight of her brother and his date. "You owe me fifty galleons and you're making dinner for the rest of the week!"

Harry groaned quietly to himself.

Ron stepped out of the floos, dusting off his robes and glanced around awkwardly. Luna Lovegood stood at his side, dressed in a shimmery navy fabric that looked much like she'd plucked it from the night sky. Her pale, blonde hair tumbled down her shoulders and to her back. She stood patiently at his side, that all too familiar dreamy smile on her lips.

Ron, to his credit, held his arm out for her and she hooked it with her own as they weaved through the crowd of witches and wizards.

"Is that Weasley," Terry Boot asked, he and his wife coming up to join the group.

"With Luna Lovegood," Hermione confirmed with a nod. She glanced at Harry. "Oddly fitting, no?"

Harry nodded with a laugh, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "Honestly, I don't know why I didn't consider that before now."

Hermione stumbled slightly and glanced up to find Draco standing behind her suddenly. "What's gotten into you," she asked so only he could hear.

He leaned down to her ear. "I was rather rude to her the last time I saw her at Hogwarts. Afraid I've never really understood her."

She reached behind her and patted his shoulder. "Luna's always been very forgiving. Underneath that dreamy look, she's rather brilliant. Very deserving of being a Ravenclaw. She won't hold a grudge."

"I always wondered why you weren't in Ravenclaw." She tilted her head back to look at him questioningly. "Well, until you punched me third year. Definitely Gryffindor."

Hermione shook her head but she was smiling and her smile always set his soul alight. The closer they became the more comfortable he felt being himself around her. She seemed to enjoy his sarcasm and friendly teasing now that it wasn't laced with venom.

"Bloody fancy party," Ron muttered by way of greeting. He glanced to his left and turned a bit red. "Uh, Luna is my…uh…the Ministry matched us."

"Oh, mum will love having you in the family, Luna. She's always liked you." Ginny shared a hug with the blonde.

"That's nice. I was quite surprised when I received my letter, what with me still searching out wild targle mice in Australia, but I was due back to England anyhow. Seems Ron was surprised, too."

"What are targle mice," Harry and Draco asked Hermione simultaneously. She could only shrug.

"They look a bit like miniature winged field mice but they get in your bed and try to steal your dreams. Dangerous buggers if they happened to come across a nightmare," Luna smiled.

Ron groaned quietly to himself, clearly not understanding how he and Luna would work together.

Hermione glanced over her shoulder and found Draco biting his lower lip hard, fighting a dangerous smirk or smartassed comment.

She nudged him gently with her elbow and tipped her head towards the dancefloor which was quickly filling with couples.

Draco interpreted her suggestion clearly: let's dance so you don't say something stupid.

"We're going to get a dance in before the first course," Hermione said by way of excusing them.

Ginny tried to convince Harry to do the same but he argued he hadn't had enough wine to get him to do that yet. They waved to Terry as they made their way to the auror's table. Ron rather awkwardly pulled out Luna's chair, though she didn't seem to notice. She struck up a comfortable conversation with Angelina Johnson and her soon-to-be husband, Michael Corner.

They watched as Draco twirled Hermione around the dancefloor with ridiculous ease. How well they looked together wasn't lost on anyone. They watched with interest as he pulled her closer and leaned down to whisper in her ear as they swayed to the music.

"Look! He's embarrassing her," Ron accused a bit too loudly. He glanced at Luna to his right but found she hadn't even noticed his outburst and was still talking amiably with her former housemate.

"No, Ron," Harry shook his head at his best friend, "He's making her blush. There's a difference. Probably whispering some sinful compliment if I know Malfoy."

"How can you say that, Harry? Look how red her cheeks are turning. And since when does Malfoy compliment Hermione?"

Ginny smirked and shared a mischievous look with her husband, "Probably telling her the sinful and delicious things he plans on doing to her when they get home later. And the way she's biting her lip, too. Obviously, just terrible, sinful things," she grinned knowingly at Harry.

Harry struggled not to laugh at the look on his best friend's face but couldn't deny that it was hilarious. He loved Ron like a brother but he wasn't blind to his faults.

"I'll bet you fifty galleons that they'll have their first kid on the way by next summer."

Ginny scoffed, "You're on. I bet it's by Christmas. And you're terrible at gambling by the way."

Only Ginny had any idea how Hermione and Draco's physical relationship had progressed as both were rather tightlipped about it but that didn't mean they couldn't mess with Ron a little. After all, he was being rather rude to Luna by not trying to get to know her better.

The song ended and Draco escorted Hermione back to their table, his hand resting comfortably on her bare back. Ron's eyes narrowed at the sight but he merely shook his head and reached for one of the drinks now filling the table's place settings.

"Why do I get the feeling Weasley is rather preoccupied with us," Draco whispered in her ear as they sat.

Hermione glanced behind them and shook her head irritably. "I love Ron dearly but he can be a prat sometimes. Ignore him. He'll get used to seeing us together eventually and he'll likely offer up some sort of truce. That's how he usually does. We just have to give him time to realize that you're not annoying me in any way."

Draco sighed heavily. She really didn't deserve this from one of her best friends. He deserved the glares, but her judgement shouldn't have been questioned.

He'd been a bit nervous about her department's reaction to him being seated with them. He hadn't been bold enough to visit her in her office since they'd had an unspoken agreement to keep their flirtations to a minimum at work. That Creevey bloke still seemed to have it out for him.

He stayed mostly quiet and merely observed their conversations. He admired the respect they all had for her hard work and intelligence. They seemed to admire her nearly as much as he did.

After dinner and a few more dances, it was clear that Hermione was beginning to fade.

"Feeling tired," he whispered in her ear. He'd been swaying their bodies gently to the soft sounds of the band playing, enjoying the feel of her head resting on his shoulder.

She nodded and lifted her head to meet his eyes. "These banquets always go too long. I think we've stayed long enough though."

"Beats my normal record by an hour and a half," he smiled.

They retrieved her wrap from the table and said their goodbyes to those still remaining in her department.

"We're heading home, too," Ginny said as they made their way over to say goodbye.

"When did Ron leave," Hermione asked as they made their way to the floos.

"About an hour ago," Harry answered. "I'm surprised he made it that long honestly."

"I think he's being a bloody prat," Hermione announced. "I saw how he ignored Luna most of the night."

Harry merely frowned and nodded his agreement. He glanced at Ginny and nodded.

"I think I'm going to talk to him. I don't know how much good it will do but someone's got to get his mind right. He can't start off on the wrong foot with this."

"Maybe you should have Draco come with you," Ginny suggested. When the other three looked at her like she was mental she added, "Well, I meant because he did so well with you, Hermione. No offense, but you're not exactly Mister Social these days."

Draco shook his head as they all stopped to face each other in a circle. "Maybe so but," he tipped his chin towards Hermione, "I also had more motivation to want to make it work. I know you all love the git but Weasley has never struck me as one to work for something he didn't actually want."

Hermione and Harry shared an awkward look, both remembering when he'd briefly abandoned them on their search for horcruxes. They both knew it was at least somewhat true.

"He has a point," Ginny sighed.

Hermione and Draco said their goodbyes and left through the floos first.

Ginny turned to her husband and frowned. "Do you think it's because Ron's still harboring feelings for Hermione?"

Harry adjusted his glasses nervously. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of it. It was Hermione who called it off with him after all. He left not long after that."

"Merlin, I hate my brother sometimes," she moaned.


Draco escorted his wife to her bedroom door as he did every night before they retired for bed. Despite that she'd allowed him to touch her more intimately earlier that week, they still hadn't shared a bed again. He expected a tender kiss from her before leaving her for his own bed.

After he received his kiss, he kissed her forehead and prepared to walk away but she stopped him with a hand on his arm. He turned back to her curiously to find her biting her lip, a nervous expression in her dark brown eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione shook her head and reached out to grip his shirt, pulling him a little closer. She had no idea saying what she wanted to say would be this scary or difficult to get out. He'd done it so easily himself.

"What you said earlier—about being motivated to want to make this work—I…" She sighed and shook her head.


He said her name with such sincerity and love that she took a deep breath and met his eyes again.

"I love you."

She was fairly sure that she'd been certain for the last week but when he made that comment she knew for sure. He had wanted to make it work. Her parents had always told her growing up that love was about hard work and it was never easy. Draco hadn't taken the easy way and he'd worked for her. He'd waited patiently for years and shown a softer side of himself that no one else knew existed.

Draco stood there in mild shock for a moment before his brain finally kicked back into gear. He cupped her face in both hands and leaned down to give her a heartfelt kiss, deep and languid as he'd learned it was her favorite way to be kissed.

Hermione licked her lips when he pulled back and slowly met his stone grey eyes.

"You already know but I think you need to hear it again. I love you, Hermione. I'm not worthy of your love but it makes me happy anyway."

She brushed the blonde hair out of his eyes as the light bit of gel he'd used was giving way and caressed a hand over his cheek. "You don't have to be worthy of being loved, Draco. If someone loves you, you accept it for the pure emotion that it is."

His expression looked pained as he gazed down at her. "What about being worthy of loving someone? I've never felt I had the right to love you."

She had to stop herself from openly scoffing at that. "That's just preposterous. You don't have to be worthy of loving someone. Feeling love just proves what goodness you have inside of you." She swallowed nervously and reached for his hand, tugging as she opened her bedroom door. "I think we both need this."

Draco's throat went dry as he realized what she wanted, what she was ready to share with him.

Her cat rushed out of the room around them as she pulled him to the edge of her bed and turned to work on removing his dress robes. "I find it odd how surly and generally stubborn you are to everyone else," she spoke quietly, shifting his jacket off of him to fall on the floor. "You're not like that with me anymore."

Draco watched her slender hands as they worked on his clothes. "You became my weakness a long time ago. I think you infected me with some of your Gryffindor courage as well. I don't seem to run away from things like I used to when they don't go my way," he admitted

He sucked in a breath when he realized that she'd unbuttoned his dress shirt and stopped suddenly. He glanced down to find her eyes glued to his chest. Her slender hands reached up and caressed across his bare chest, down to his stomach.

"I've put on weight since Hogwarts," he explained. He'd seen pictures of himself from seventh year, scowling and bone thin. He didn't like the memories.

"More like muscle." She'd been trailing her fingertips across his abdominals without even realizing it. His chest was smooth which she was thankful for. She'd never been one of those women turned on by chest hair.

Her tone had dropped a little and he couldn't help the twitch at the corners of his lips as he fought a smile. Clearly, she liked what she saw.

Draco placed a hand over hers on his chest. "Hermione, are you sure? We don't have to do this yet. Especially not to prove anything to me about your feelings."

Her cheeks colored prettily and she met his eyes again. "Draco, this is for us. Unless you don't want to have sex tonight."

His heart felt like it was ready to beat right out of his chest. She was offering him not just herself but their marriage. She was offering to stay with him—start a life with him, eventually a family.

His eyes widened and he shook his head quickly. "No, I'm a bit ashamed to say I've fantasized about making love to you for years now."

Her cheeks flushed deeper in reaction to his admission but there seemed to be the hint of a smile peeking through.

"Then I'd suggest not trying to talk your wife out of it when she wants you as much as I do right now." There was that textbook voice he knew so well. Her cheeks were pinker still as she admitted that but there was her courage showing again. Clearly, he needed to stop talking and make a move.

He shucked off his shirt finally and stepped out of his shoes and socks. He leaned down without another word and began trailing soft, wet kisses along her neck to the spot under her ear he'd discovered drove her crazy.

Draco was rewarded with her soft moan and he gripped her tighter in response. His hands came up to her hair and after fumbling a bit, he finally managed to release her mane of curls, running his hand through them as the ends brushed her shoulders.

Hermione hardly noticed when he'd backed them up against her bed until her legs hit it and his hands came to her waist to hoist her onto it. She bit her lip when he pulled back but stepped between her legs as best he could with her dress in the way. He reached for her legs and removed each shoe from her feet with a feeling of reverence she'd never felt directed at her before.

Shoes gone, his hands moved to his belt buckle and they watched each other silently as he undid it before stepping out of his dress pants. He stood there then in only his black boxers, his chest rising and falling with each nervous breath.

She swallowed against the desert in her throat as her eyes followed the planes of his body. While not the body type of someone like Viktor Krum who was built stocky like a bull, Draco's body was lean but thick in the right places. Well-developed muscle resided in his chest and abdominals, and his biceps were thick enough that she knew she wouldn't be able to wrap her hands around them. With the wide span of his shoulders, his body dwarfed her in a way that instinctively sent her arousal a level higher.

This wasn't the lanky boy she'd gone to Hogwarts with whose thin features made him look sharp and angry. This was the man she'd fallen in love with who embodied the quiet strength she wanted to hold onto forever.

Hermione couldn't ignore the itch any longer and reached for him with both hands. She placed her hands reverently on his strong shoulders. As he leaned over her, she kissed him fully on the lips before looking into his eyes for a moment. "I'm a little ashamed that I just realized I've never told you how handsome I think you are."

She felt his chuckle before she heard it and was rewarded with another kiss.

"No, you haven't but I suspected that you found me attractive. I doubt your attraction to me rivals mine to you."

"You don't know that," she argued.

Draco dipped his head to her neck again to kiss the soft skin there. "You really are an insufferable know-it-all," he teased sweetly.

That comment earned him a halfhearted smack to the shoulder but she didn't push him away.

He worked his lips across her jaw as he laid her back on the bed, his hand coming down to her thigh and he began lifting the dress up. He trailed his kisses back down her neck and to her chest, traveling the line between her breasts to where the dress dipped dangerously low. She wasn't especially well-endowed in that area but that had never been his favorite body part on a woman anyway, no matter how much he liked them.

When his hand met her rear, he groaned and gave her a gentle squeeze as he rolled his hips against her. That had always been his favorite and especially on her.

Her skin had become heated and tingly all over. She responded to his thrust by arching her back, pushing herself further into his body as a small groan escaped her. It felt as if he was slowly unlocking something inside her, unravelling her from the inside out. It was frightening and exhilarating all at the same time.

"Are you going to finish undressing me or not," she growled impatiently.

Draco pulled back to meet her eyes which he thought had darkened slightly if that were even possible. He muttered an incantation and the next thing she knew she was completely bare, save her underwear. She hadn't been able to wear a bra with the dress so they were now bare chest to bare chest.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't think I even want to know where you learned that spell."

He smirked at her as he continued to caress her rear with one hand, the other holding him up over her. "I never mentioned that I'm sometimes contracted to work with the Committee on Experimental Charms?"

She licked her lips as she felt her body buzzing beneath him, so much skin to skin contact and the way he was pressing himself between her legs was making it hard for her mind to focus.

"No, I don't believe you have. Why would they have an auror contracted for part time work?"

"Why not? We work in the field catching dark wizards and witches. Sometimes there's a need for spells that don't exist. Who better to offer input? And I did quite well on my charms N.E.W.T.s."

"Fair enough," she mumbled as he rubbed himself a little more against her, causing her eyes to flutter shut while she fought the urge to moan. "Though I should think," she bit her lip on a groan as the hard length of him brushed against her where she wanted him most, "a spell to rid your spouse of their clothes isn't that useful in your line of work."

"That one was for fun," he whispered near her ear before resuming his attack on her neck.

It wasn't much longer before Hermione found them both completely bare with her husband assaulting her mouth in the most delicious manner. She knew soon after their first real kiss that he was an incredible kisser. He hadn't disappointed her yet.

Draco gentled his kiss so he could pull back to see her for a moment. He waited for her eyes to meet his and brought himself closer to her, pushing his forearms under her shoulders as he held himself up on his elbows.

"I'll have to remind you that while I've only done this twice, I've never been sober for it."

She smiled slightly and cupped his face with one hand. "Then basically we're in the same boat. Just go slow."

He nodded with a swallow. "Tell me again, Hermione."

She moved her hand from his face and pressed it against his heart. "I love you, Draco."

She felt his body relax at her words and she became equally relaxed when he muttered "I love you, too," before capturing her mouth again.

Draco loved that she gave and took with equal measure. He left her lips, enjoying the sounds of her panting beneath him, and trailed his wet lips across her jaw. He felt her hands running the length of his back, leaving streaks of fire in their wake.

"Merlin, you're beautiful," he muttered as he trailed his lips down the valley between of her breasts.

Hermione groaned in response as he kissed his way back to her mouth. She could feel him between her thighs, the heavy pressure there teasing her. She bit her lip on a whimper before Draco released her hold on the bruised flesh as he sucked it into his mouth.

She felt his hips shift and she shivered under him. He nudged her legs higher around his hips and suddenly her husband was inside her. They were connected from the inside out and it didn't hurt quite like she'd thought it would. The sting had been quick and even quicker to dissipate when after a few deep breaths she shifted experimentally under him. There had been a slight ache but the pressure hadn't been that bad. He'd had her so aroused, her nerves forgotten, that she'd barely noticed.

Draco dropped his head to her shoulder as he concentrated. They were as close as they possibly could be as he was buried deep inside her. He'd never imagined this day would come and now that it was here, he didn't want to disappoint.

Hermione kissed the crease in his forehead as he concentrated, taking deep breaths to maintain his control. The tender ache from before was quickly shifting to something more pleasurable and she shifted her hips again.

She bit her lip harshly when he withdrew finally but he pushed back slowly. She smacked his shoulder lightly. "Don't tease me," she breathed.

Draco smiled against her neck as they began to move together. She met his every thrust, awkwardly at first until she was able to learn his rhythm. He winced as she dug her nails into his back but the pleasure made it worth it.

He knew he'd found a particularly sensitive spot when she cried out suddenly. He continued to focus on that angle with slow, somewhat shaky thrusts that caused her eyes to roll back on their own.

Draco pulled his head from the crook of her neck and watched her. His arms were becoming sore from holding himself at that angle but the small grunts and moans escaping her as she tried desperately to contain them nearly undid him and he didn't dare stop.

"Don't hold it in," he whispered huskily at her ear before flicking the lobe with his tongue. She was always holding so hard to her control. He wanted nothing more than to make her release it.

Unhinged now, she tossed her head to the side with a low moan when she felt his hand creep down between them and to touch her there. She could feel him everywhere all at once. Surrounding her, inside her body and mind, everything was Draco.

He shifted his hips and his hand grazed her intimately before something seemed to snap between them. Being a realist, she hadn't expected to climax the first time but he'd dashed those expectations. He didn't stop until she fell over the edge, not even recognizing her own voice as she groaned his name and clawed at his back.

Draco collapsed on top of her before he could stop himself. He was completely spent and utterly satisfied. He lifted his head to look at her as she lay beneath him panting. Her grip on his shoulders was lax when she finally met his eyes again.

He kissed her swollen lips and rolled gently them so he was on his back. They lay there together, her head on his rising and falling chest, slowly catching their breath while she ran her hand absentmindedly across his stomach.

Hermione closed her eyes on a content sigh when he kissed her forehead. This was what she'd always wanted. To be loved so hard that her husband set her free. Inhibitions ignored and nothing but the pleasure of each other remaining.

She wasn't very good at letting go. She'd always known that and her friends reminded her of it constantly. She was just too Type A.

But Draco was here to protect her now and with their relationship blossoming into what it was, it felt safe to relax finally. After all, he was her husband now in every sense of the word.

Draco watched contentedly as she slept on his chest. A hidden, primal part of him felt proud that he'd so thoroughly exhausted her. He lay there rubbing her back, which she apparently seemed to enjoy by the way she'd snuggled closer, and couldn't contain his smile when he realized her breathing had fallen deeper. Her limbs went heavy and limp against him and his heart twitched.

In his opinion, people often took sleep for granted. For someone to feel safe enough to drop their guard and sleep in your presence was a gift.

And Hermione slept there on his chest for the entire night. She awoke the next morning in stages. The room was dark still which meant it was rather early and not time to get up yet. Her skin not covered by the layers of blankets was chilled and goosebumps erupted along her exposed arm. It was then that she noted the warmth behind her.

Somehow she'd shifted during the night and Draco's chest was pressed tightly against her back. One of his arms had swept under their pillows and the other was curled tightly around her waist, making escape almost impossible.

She warmed at the tender feeling between her thighs as she remembered how they'd changed their entire marriage last night.

When she thought there might be panic settling in her chest, she realized that instead she felt completely contented, further assuring her that she'd made the right decision to consummate her marriage.

"You're cold," a deep voice rumbled against her neck.

She shivered more from the sound than from the temperature in the room.

Hermione felt warm lips press against her shoulder before he rested his cheek against hers.

"Ok," he asked softly.

She didn't need to ask what he meant. Yes, this was ok. They were ok. It was all much better than that.

"Amazing," she answered quietly, not wanting to break the gentle moment they were having.

Draco loosened his grip when he felt her begin to turn in his arms to face him. She curled her arms up between them, hands caught between them as she snuggled closer again and tucked her head under his chin.

He was a bit surprised that she didn't shy away now that the heat of the moment was gone. No shy embarrassment had reared its head as they lay completely bare together under their covers.

"Where'd you learn that," she mumbled. "Not that I'm complaining because you were wonderful last night but I thought you said you'd only done this twice before."

He lifted a hand from under the covers to run though her hair, brushing a few strands away from her face and appreciating the beautiful flush of her skin. "I did, and it was terrible. Promise you won't laugh?"

She pulled back to meet his eyes for the first time and lifted a challenging eyebrow but nodded.

"Ginny dropped one of those muggle women's magazines on our sofa when she came over recently. It had an article on tips for men in bed."

Hermione snorted before she could stop herself and quickly bit her lip to contain any further reaction. "You got sex advice from a muggle magazine?"

Draco narrowed his eyes at her. "You promised not to laugh and no, not entirely. I did read it though. I was curious. I knew—hoped—we'd eventually sleep together and I didn't want to disappoint you. It was going to be your first time and I wanted to make it good for you. So I made it a mission to read up more on the female body."

She shook her head but she was still smiling at him. "Fifty points to Slytherin then because you certainly succeeded."

Draco disturbed the silence with a loud rumble of laughter. "Mark that as the one and only time Hermione Granger says that!"

Hermione sighed and snuggled closer again. "I love you, Draco."

He returned the squeeze with an added kiss to her forehead. "I love you, too, Hermione. You don't even know how much."

She licked her lips as she closed her eyes contentedly. "Good. I expect a lot more of what you showed me in the future."


"Draco, if you don't get your hands off of me, I'm going to burn lunch and we'll be eating ashes," she laughed. His hands were everywhere it seemed. All over her hips, her stomach—he couldn't stop. She suspected if she'd been facing him, he'd have been grabbing at her rear as well.

After falling asleep again for a short while, they'd awoken and hadn't been able to resist another round in bed. And in the shower, the sofa, and against Draco's bedroom door when they'd decided to move his things back into the master bedroom.

Hermione was fairly certain he'd try laying her out on the kitchen table if she let him. Needless to say it had been a rather eventful morning.

"I offered to cook," he muttered with his lips against her neck, slowly moving towards her ear.

"Yes, and you can see the lack of concentration you have at the moment."

"Lack of concentration for anything but you."

She rolled her eyes, though she knew he couldn't see it. "Sorry about the scratch marks on your back by the way," she muttered self-consciously. She'd caught sight of them that morning when they'd taken a shower together. She'd never had a shower last quite that long before.

"I'll gladly wear your scratch marks anytime," he mumbled in return, his lips still busy running along her neck.

She was busy swatting his hand away from the button on her jeans when they heard their floo roar with flames.

Draco lifted his head and slowly released her. "The hell?"

A short middle-aged wizard hesitantly peered into their kitchen. "Terribly sorry for the unannounced intrusion." He tipped his hat to each of them. "Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Granger-Malfoy."

Draco faced him with arms crossed over his chest. "And who the bloody hell are you and what are you doing in our house?"

"Emergency visit, sir. I'm Murford Dillinger of the probation office."

Hermione came to stand by Draco's side, her wand now drawn and hanging protectively at her side. "That doesn't exactly answer my husband's question, Mr. Dillinger. As I'm sure you're aware, he's not been on probation in over six years."

The older man shook his head quickly, looking slightly panicked. "Oh, no, no! I'm not here because of Mr. Malfoy. Well, not exactly." He reached into his dull, grey robes and produced a crisp envelope. "You received a letter from your mother, Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy, recently. When she received no response, she contacted our office to approve a temporary visit to speak with you."

Draco groaned in exasperation. "Pocket your wand, Hermione. He's harmless. You can tell my mother I have no wish to see her."

Mr. Dillinger stood there wringing his hands nervously. "Well, sir, unfortunately she's already on her way. My supervisor approved an hour. She should be coming through your floo momentarily."

Draco's nostrils flared with anger. He fought the urge to threaten the ministry peon but knew it wouldn't matter. He wrapped a protective arm around Hermione's shoulders and jerked his chin up in preparation. He hadn't seen his mother since the ministry ruled on her exile to France seven years ago.

"Whatever you do, you stay by my side," he whispered to his wife. "She's perfectly harmless physically but it's her words that hold the venom."

Hermione swallowed nervously but nodded. She hadn't thought she'd ever have to see Narcissa Malfoy again but those hopes were about to be dashed for good.

The floo roared again and everyone in the room stiffened.