
Masterpiece in Gotham

what if the “perfect being” Ayanokōji Kiyotaka was reborn in the horrifying universe of DC. ——— (note there will not be any system or anything like it cause those stories are repetitive) ——— (I will not put my soul into this im going to at best half ass this and I’ll probably use ai to do most of the writing)

Moodyreads · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

prologue: weird city

Ayanokōji's POV:

As confusion swirled within me, one question relentlessly tugged at my thoughts: "How did this even happen?"

I was just relaxing on the cruise ship which was headed towards my school. When out of nowhere, an abrupt flash of light plunged me into darkness, which somehow caused me to go unconsciousness.

Upon awakening, I found myself in a drastically altered reality. Night had cast its dark shroud over this new environment, an area more reminiscent of the slums instead of an actual city.

As I navigated through the mesh of crumbling asphalt ,ancient cobblestones, and graffiti-covered walls.

During this exploration, a profound realization struck me—I had not only changed location but also age, regressing to a mere 7 or 8 years old.

This unexpected reduction in both stature and strength was disconcerting, yet, I acknowledged this setback as temporary, I could easily gain back my strength with some effort. My current state, though youthful, was surprisingly robust.

While walking my attention was captured by a tattered poster on a building, a hint in English that provided a crucial clue to my whereabouts: "Haly's Circus and The Flying Graysons in Gotham City." This fragmentary information was vital, although incomplete.

As I mulled over "Gotham City," the enigma of the name spurred a desire to delve deeper.

While the need to seek a library for answers loomed large, the immediate necessity for shelter was paramount. Under the cover of darkness, I wandered the streets until a chance encounter altered my course.

A concerned woman approached me as I walked. "Are you lost, young man? It's very late for someone your age to be out alone," she observed, her tone laden with worry.

"Yes, I seem to find myself in quite the unusual situation," I replied, my voice calm and composed, belying my youthful appearance. "I have been inadvertently separated from my guardians."

Her brow furrowed in confusion, struck by the formality and maturity of my speech. "That's... quite formal for someone so young," she remarked, her voice a mix of bafflement and concern. "Let's get you to safety first. I'll call the authorities to help sort this out."

Grateful yet anxious, I watched as she dialed the emergency services, explaining the situation with intermittent glances at me, as if trying to reconcile my composed demeanor with my apparent age. The police arrived promptly, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and skepticism as they listened to my carefully constructed narrative. Despite extensive efforts and numerous calls, no one could verify my identity or claim me.

Faced with a child unclaimed and unrecognized, the authorities decided to place me within the foster care system. However, an unexpected hurdle arose—every orphanage was at capacity, unable to take in another child.

After some deliberation, the police officers provided me with temporary identification documents. "We'll need to find another solution for you," one officer remarked, his voice tinged with regret.

As they escorted me to a temporary holding facility for the night, the questionable circumstance of my predicament intrigued me. Left alone with my thoughts in a sparse room, the events of the day replayed in my mind. The complexity of navigating this unforeseen chapter in Gotham City was daunting yet strangely invigorating.

Now, more than ever, I was determined to devise a strategy to navigate through this unexpected turn of events, to unravel the mysteries surrounding my arrival and existence in this world. The road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, yet I was ready to face whatever challenges it brought, armed with resilience and a keen intellect.

If there's one thing I truly appreciate about this situation, it's the freedom it grants me. I am no longer bound by that man, finally free from the clutches of the white room. With these thoughts comforting me, I let my eyelids close and drift into slumber.