
Masterpiece in Gotham

what if the “perfect being” Ayanokōji Kiyotaka was reborn in the horrifying universe of DC. ——— (note there will not be any system or anything like it cause those stories are repetitive) ——— (I will not put my soul into this im going to at best half ass this and I’ll probably use ai to do most of the writing)

Moodyreads · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch:3 Ward

Kiyotaka's Pov:

A day had passed since Dick shared the tragic story of his parents' demise. Since that revelation, our conversations had dwindled significantly.

While part of me wanted to stop he silence between us but his closed-off demeanor suggested he wasn't ready to talk. Respecting his need for space, I decided it was best to wait until he felt more comfortable opening up again.

For now, we were simply co-existing peacefully, engrossed in the distraction of cartoons on the television in our shared room. The animated characters' antics provided a light-hearted contrast to the heavy atmosphere that had settled between us.

Our quiet morning was abruptly interrupted when the door swung open, revealing a young woman in her late twenties. She stepped in with a sense of urgency that immediately drew our attention.

"Mister Richard Grayson, I need you to follow me," she stated promptly, "a very important man is waiting to see you."

Dick gave me a brief wave as he stood and followed the woman out of the room. I was left alone, my curiosity piqued. Who was this important person seeking out Dick?(Ayo)

Dick's Pov:

The woman, who introduced herself as Kathy on the way, led me through the halls. She mentioned that I was about to meet someone very famous.

which sent my mind racing through possible figures of such stature. Yet nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greeted us when Kathy finally halted.

Standing in front of a large, ornate door was a man who looked to be in his early thirties, rather than his twenties as my first guess might have surmised from afar.

His black hair was slicked-back, and his intense blue eyes seemed to take in everything with sharp clarity. His clothing was nothing short of sophisticated

He wore a dark navy blue suit accented with subtle gold touches, including the glint of gold cufflinks at his wrists.

I immediately recognized him, it was Bruce Wayne, the famous billionaire playboy of Gotham. He was the last person I expected to see.. I hadn't even considered him in my wildest guesses.

"Excuse me, uh, Mister Wayne, can I ask why you're here?" I asked, my voice had a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Bruce's response was both gentle and direct, "I came here to ask if it would be okay if I could adopt you."

His words took me aback, rendering me momentarily speechless.

"Well, to be exact, I was going to ask if you would be okay with being my ward," he clarified, seeing my confused expression.

I furrowed my brows, still processing. "Sorry, but I don't know what being a ward means, sir."

Bruce offered a small, understanding smile. "Oh, I'm sorry for the confusion. A ward is essentially someone for whom I would be legally responsible. It means I would take care of you, ensure your well-being, and provide for you as a guardian would."

The concept slowly began to sink in, stirring a mix of emotions within me. The idea of being under the guardianship of Bruce Wayne was a little worrying yet strangely reassuring.

As I contemplated his offer, my thoughts drifted to Kiyotaka, who had been a steady presence these past few days. Maybe he can also benefit from this.

"Mr. Wayne," I started hesitantly, "there's someone else who might need this kind of support. His name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, He's been with me these past few days. Could he... Could he become your ward as well?"

Bruce regarded me thoughtfully for a moment, then nodded. "Let's go meet him. If he's in a situation similar to yours, I don't see why not. It's important to ensure both of you feel supported."

With that, we turned and made our way back to my room to introduce him to Kiyotaka. As we walked, I felt a slight ease at the thought that Kiyotaka and I might both find a new beginning under Bruce Wayne's care.

Bruce Pov:

As I walked alongside Dick back to his shared room, I mulled over his request to consider Kiyotaka as another potential ward.

The boy's thoughtfulness in thinking of his roommate's welfare spoke volumes about his character, something that resonated deeply with me.

Gotham, with its towering shadows and whispered secrets, often felt like a solitary battle, but here were two young souls, seeking solace and perhaps a semblance of family.

Upon reaching their room, I knocked gently before entering. The room was tidy, with a bunk bed which was neatly made and personal items kept to a minimum, a stark reminder of their transient status in this facility.

Kiyotaka was seated on his bed, a book in hand, but he looked up as we entered. His gaze was piercing, almost too steady for someone his age.

"Hello, Kiyotaka. I'm Bruce Wayne," I introduced myself, extending a hand. His handshake was firm, betraying a controlled strength that was unusual for his age.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Wayne," Kiyotaka's voice was calm, his expression unreadable. His demeanor was composed, almost too composed, which piqued my curiosity further.

"I understand you've been sharing a room with Dick," I started, trying to gauge his comfort level with conversation. "He speaks very highly of you."

Kiyotaka nodded slightly, a polite smile briefly crossing his features. "Dick has been a good friend," he replied, his tone even.

I decided to get straight to the point, curious about how he would respond. "Dick and I were discussing the possibility of you becoming my ward as well. This would mean I'd take responsibility for your well-being and provide you with a stable environment. What are your thoughts on that?"

Kiyotaka's eyes held mine, his gaze sharp, almost assessing. After a moment, he responded, "I am grateful for the offer, Mr. Wayne. It is an unexpected opportunity. May I inquire what led you to consider this for someone you've just met?"

His question was insightful, displaying a maturity that belied his youthful appearance. I chuckled softly, impressed by his directness. "You're right to ask. I believe everyone deserves a chance at a better life, especially those who have faced challenges early on. Dick's situation moved me, and hearing that he had someone he trusts and respects in this place made me think you might be in a similar need of support."

Kiyotaka listened intently, nodding in understanding. "I appreciate your honesty and your generosity. If you are willing, I would like to accept your offer."

"Excellent," I replied, feeling a sense of relief mixed with intrigue. This boy was an enigma, and something told me that unraveling his story would be an interesting journey.

[we time skipping all court affairs and everything else done, this is still in Bruce's POV ]

As we left the room to finalize the arrangements, I noted Kiyotaka's graceful movements, his silent steps. He was trained, perhaps self-taught, but the discipline was evident.

It was a trait I admired and one that made me more certain of my decision. Yet, there was more to him than met the eye, and I was determined to learn what made Kiyotaka tick.

With that I took both Richard and kiyotaka to the manor.