
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Eastern
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57 Chs


Seven days had been gone since the harrowing night that left a deep scar across prosperous Gale City. The once vibrant hum had been replaced by the steady sounds of reconstruction.

The city lord has already declared the next day to be the start of the festival to cheer up the residents. Although late, the City Lord executed his part successfully.

Liu Feng, now healed from his wounds, found himself in a secluded chamber within the City Lord's residence. Elder Shen, Elder Yang, and City Lord Li sat opposite him in the thick air filled with unspoken emotions and the weight of recent events.

Liu Feng started the discussion with a summary. He recounted his encounter with Zhang Yan in the Green Python Bandit's hideout and the revelation of the Chen family's nefarious plot. While he kept his past hidden, the elders listened intently, their tactical minds accepting his narrative without much question.

"As you know," Liu Feng began, "defeating the Chen Patriarch wasn't the end of it all."

He recounted the chilling events of that night. The monstrous Malevolent Blood Spirit, summoned by the desperate Chen patriarch, refused to dissipate even with its master's demise.

While Liu Feng defeated the patriarch, Elder Shen remained locked in a fierce battle against the summoned creature.

"Elder Shen's efforts were crucial," Liu Feng continued. "His attacks created an opening that allowed me to identify the creature's core and take action."

Liu Feng explained his actions, omitting the details about the Dao Fragments. He described how, with his remaining strength and using his martial techniques, he seized the Blood Core, effectively destroying the creature.

Though suspicion flickered in Elder Shen's eyes regarding the swift destruction of both the Blood Core and the summoning artifact, he regarded it as Liu Feng's young impulsiveness.

With the destruction of both items, there was not much he could investigate related to this matter.

"I know it might seem rash," Liu Feng admitted, a hint of apology in his voice, "but I saw an opportunity and seized it."

A loud silence descended upon the chamber. The weight of Liu Feng's revelation hung heavy in the air. If the Chen family's actions had been suspected from the start, the destruction of the Zhang Family might have been stopped but there was no real evidence against them before.

Despite the city's best efforts, the Zhang family's suffering remained unchanged. All the members of the family were driven out from Gale City. Scattered and enslaved, even the servants of the Zhang Family bore the brunt of the Chen family's cruel actions.

It was decided that the Zhang family would be re-established with the remaining Zhang family members, with Zhang Yan as their successor. They, in turn, would receive a portion of the Chen Family's confiscated wealth.

All of the Chen family's wealth was seized, with some returned to the Zhangs and the rest claimed by the king.

Liu Feng, aware of the region's political structure, understood the hierarchy. Though several small kingdoms existed under the Qin Empire, their power was mostly symbolic.

"Very well," Elder Shen conceded, a hint of resignation in his voice. "Unorthodox as your methods may be, they achieved the desired outcome. That suffices for now."

"I have already received an official summons from King Cheng," Elder Shen continued, "and I plan to visit him soon to clarify these matters. I believe Elder Yang will be joining me shortly, and based on my estimation, you'll likely receive an official invitation as well."

Elder Yang, ever the composed figure, spoke up. "Indeed," he said, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "I plan to leave for the King's court at the beginning of dawn tomorrow."

A grim satisfaction settled over the room. Elder Yang continued, "The other Elders of the Chen Family have been dealt with accordingly. Their corrupt nature has been exposed, and justice, though delayed, has been served."


As the week drew to a close, and the next day started, a new hope began to mend the city's defeated spirit. The annual festival meant to celebrate life and prosperity, was back on, albeit in a more subdued fashion. A somber undertone lingered, a reminder of the recent ordeal.

City Lord Li's booming voice echoed through the central plaza, addressing the gathered crowd. Righteous anger fueled his words as he exposed the Chen family's treachery; their past actions to frame the Zhangs and the valiant efforts that stopped them. He declared the remaining Zhangs – young Zhang Yan and his sister, Zhang Ling innocent.

A wave of joyous cheers erupted, as this marked the beginning of the festival. The city could finally begin to heal, rebuilding itself brick by brick, both physically and emotionally.


Meanwhile, within the City Lord's residence, Liu Feng sat quietly, busy in his cultivation. Taking a moment to assess his progress, a satisfied smile touched his lips.


[Name: Liu Feng]

[Age: 18]

[Dao Points: 33296]

[Spiritual Roots: Low Grade Dao Roots]

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation Stage 5(11%), Blood Refinement Stage 5(32%)]

[Cultivation Technique(s):

> The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture (Intermediate)

> Ancestral Origin Physique Refinement Technique (Intermediate)]

[Martial Technique(s):

> Beast God's Movement Art (Intermediate)

> Beast God's Claw Art (Advanced)

> Beast God's Whip Art (Advanced)]


>{Unnamed Wood Dao} (Origin: Dao of the Five Elements) (Lesser Grade) x20,

>{Unnamed Fire Dao} (Origin: Dao of the Five Elements) (Lesser Grade) x18,

>{Unnamed Fire Dao} (Origin: Nine-Tailed Fox Clan) (Lesser Grade) x5,

>{Unnamed Earth Dao} (Origin: Dao of the Five Elements) (Lesser Grade) x15,

>{Unnamed Water Dao} (Origin: Dao of the Five Elements) (Lesser Grade) x13,

>{Unnamed Summoning Dao} (Origin: Whispering Spirit Jade) (Lesser Fragment) x865,

>{Unnamed Blood Dao} (Origin: The Blood Sacrifice Formation) (Lesser Grade) x589,

>{Unnamed Eight Trigram Dao} (Origin: Dao of Eight Trigram) (Lesser Grade) x685]

After days of dedicated study, Liu Feng felt he had mastered the intricacies of the poison elemental change in his cultivation technique. He was now confident in upgrading his cultivation techniques.

Absorbing the formation at the beginning of the incident had provided him with a lot of Eight Trigram Dao Fragments, while the Blood Core had significantly boosted his collection of Blood Dao Fragments. Now, it was time to put them to good use.

{Unnamed Blood Dao} (Origin: The Blood Sacrifice Formation) (Lesser Grade)

[ Obtained from the Blood Sacrifice Formation created by the Blood Sovereign for harvesting the blood and life essence of others, turning the blood and flesh of his victims into his nourishment. When activated, this formation absorbs the blood and essence of the trapped in its core. However, the vengeful spirits of the victims also get absorbed with it. The Blood Core it creates is considered a treasure that can be used in various ways.]

Apart from these, there was a brand new Dao Fragment in Liu Feng's collection that had been retrieved from a jade token taken from the Chen Patriarch.

"Seems like he used this Blood Core to summon the blood creature," he muttered, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

{Unnamed Summoning Dao} (Origin: Whispering Spirit Jade) (Lesser Fragment)

[Obtained from a Whispering Spirit Jade, an ancient relic said to have the ability to communicate with benevolent spirits residing within the Jade Forest and call upon them to forge a spirit pact.The offering presented by the summoner determines the nature of the summoned spirits.]

"The Blood Core's essence likely caused the spirit to mutate into that monstrous form," Liu Feng concluded, his eyes gleaming with newfound purpose. "I have enough Dao Points with me, it's time to see what these fragments can do."

"System, use all the {Unnamed Blood Dao} from the collection and incorporate them into [Ancestral Origin Physique Refinement Technique]."

[Ding. Consuming 5890 Dao Points to modify the medium Ancestral Origin Physique Refinement Technique.]

[Medium Modification is in progress]

[Ding. Medium Ancestral Origin Physique Refinement Technique modified successfully.]

Although he did not gain any special ability, there was a remark on his system.

[Remarks: The Medium has reached the Maximum Grade it can achieve. Incorporating more similar fragments will not upgrade the technique anymore. The Host is advised to incorporate suitable Dao Fragments to upgrade the technique to the next level.]

Liu Feng was ecstatic, "Finally, a Grade 2 technique is almost within my reach!"A familiar sensation washed over him as the illusory red particles dissolved into his mind. A torrent of information flooded his consciousness, detailing the intricacies of his upgraded body cultivation technique.

After absorbing the knowledge, Liu Feng took a moment to analyze the changes. While the core principles remained the same, the efficiency and complexity had undergone a dramatic transformation. Now, he could focus on upgrading his Qi cultivation technique.

"System, use all the {Unnamed Eight Trigram Dao} from the collection and incorporate them into [The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture]."

[Ding. Consuming 6850 Dao Points to modify the medium The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture.]

[Medium Modification is in progress]

[Ding. Medium The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture modified successfully.]

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