
Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Chu Nan was just an ordinary student, but because of an accident, he obtained the data collection, analysis and processing ability equivalent to the most advanced optical brain. In his eyes, everything in the world could be analyzed with the most accurate data. Any attack by the enemy was only a combination of countless data points. Even the flow of Internal Breath in his meridians could be accurately quantified with data. With the help of such extremely accurate data, he could use his physical strength optimally and also create the most suitable internal cultivation method for himself. Following this, his strength naturally advanced by leaps and bounds. After such a sudden event, his life was completely changed.

Eight O'clock At Night · Sci-fi
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1781 Chs

Stop Joking

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chu Nan was stunned for a moment before he smiled and shook his head, "Miss Cardale, this joke is not funny."

Cardale had expected Chu Nan's various reactions in advance. The only thing she did not expect was that not only was he not tempted by her confession, but he could also even show such an indifferent expression that he was joking.

This time, she was stunned for a moment before realizing it.

"No, I'm not joking. Mr. Chu Nan, I'm serious. After seeing your heroic figure in the competition, I discovered that I'm completely obsessed with you. I originally thought that I would probably never have the chance to express this love to you in person in my life, but I didn't expect that you would actually come to this planet one day! Do you know? I know you…"

Chu Nan raised his hand and stopped her from continuing.