
Master Of Fate

Scott is a normal kid... nope. A person who can see one-eyed monsters and overgrown dogs is not normal. Scott is thrust into the world of gods and monsters as he triumphs over fate and saves the day.

Raj_Chatterpaji · Book&Literature
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There is only one word to describe Scott King; gorgeous.

He is unique. He might be the only human on the planet to have amber eyes. People must freak out just by looking at his eyes but he is proclaimed as the most beautiful/sexy boy in St Bright School in New York.

For his age, Scott is really well built, he is 5'6" tall with blond wavy hair and an angled jawline, and a straight nose. Coupled with his red eyes and a birthmark in the bottom right of his face, he is surely the cause of numerous heartbreaks in school.

Despite his beautiful countenance and his being gifted athletically, he is below average in his studies. ADHD and Dyslexia are not a good combination. He carries himself full of confidence but is not overbearing. He is kind but authoritative and has the innate qualities of a king.

Today is his birthday and despite being the most popular guy in school, he does not have any friends. It has always been like this, he always felt he never belonged there, where everything is so...normal.

On this day his life took a turn. Any semblance of normality got ripped apart when he saw two girls, aged twelve on average, taking down one-eyed monsters who are 9ft tall right over his once apartment.

As he got closer, he could see a girl with auburn hair and silver eyes wearing a silver parka and knocking arrows and decimating the monster with her silver arrows. The other girl with black hair and volcanic eyes wearing the same attire as the previous girl with an exception of a silver tiara on her head. Both girls were really beautiful but he could feel a sense of kinship with the tiara girl.

After turning the monsters into golden dust (really weird), the auburn girl spotted him and she came up to him and snapped her finger in front of him saying "You have not seen anything here, turn around and go away".

Scott had an amused smile on his face. He decided to act along. "Yes your highness, where should this lowly servant of yours go?"

The auburn girl was confused before spotting the light smile on his face. She had a scowl on her face and looking at her, Scott could not hold it in any longer. He burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, the look on your face! What is it with the finger-snapping and 'Turn around and go away'

Do you think you are a Jedi? Hahaha!" Scott was rolling on the ground, clutching his stomach, and wheezing.

The auburn girl is not amused. "Listen here boy, what are you doing away from camp. Are you on a quest?"

Scott calmed down and asked her "What camp? Are you from a camp?"

Artemis was shocked. "How old are you boy?"

This is getting creepy. "I am 14, why? What camp is this?"

Artemis was contemplating when the black-haired tiara girl came up to her, "Who is this boy milady, is he not a mortal."

Scott was staring intently at her. "Hey, do I know you?"

Zoe looked at the boy in front of her. "No, we didn't boy, who are you?"

"Oh right, my name is Scott King and I am a student. Are both of you doing a movie around here?"

Artemis and Zoe did not know how to reply. For the first time in their life, hunting monsters is being compared to taking movies.

Scott noticed his building apartment. "No no no, what happened to my house. My ramen. My PS5. NOOOOoooooooooo!!" Scott was distraught. He had no parents. He did not know his father and his mother died when he was really young. Artemis and Zoe were watching the boy in front of them. They did not know what to make of him. They could feel that he was different from all the men they have met. They could not feel any ill intent or any ulterior motives, or else she would have turned him into a jackalope.

"Listen here boy d-" "My name is Scott", Artemis' brow was twitching and Zoe was suppressing a chuckle. "Listen here Scott, who are your parents?"

"I do not have any. I am an orphan, but I never knew my father."

"Did you ever see any monsters before the ones we killed" Artemis on her last straw.

Thankfully, Scott turned serious and asked her, "Those monsters were real? You weren't making a movie? I surely thought you were the heroine" Scott said with a grin.

Artemis should have turned him into a jackalope but she could feel herself blushing. Zoe was shocked, the man-hating goddess is blushing.

"Ahem, anyway, I am going to break it to you, you are a demigod and the Greek gods are real."

Scott thought she was joking around, but looking at her serious expression, he was blank. Artemis continued, "One of your parents is a god, and looking at your aura, I think you are the son of a minor god." She looked at him and instead of him being shocked, she could see his beautiful amber eyes glowing faintly and a wide smile etched on his face. Scott took Artemis's hand and pulled her into a hug. Zoe's jaw was wide open and Artemis was blushing a storm.

"Hahaha, thank you very much, I can get out of this boring world! I always knew something was different with me like I can count time to its last second or my perception is insanely fast and stuff."

Zoe was about to ask him what is he talking about before he beat her to the punch.

"So what are your names and why are you wearing silver and stuff"

Artemis got out of the hug which she was enjoying (not that she will acknowledge it) and turned to him with a red face. "I am Artemis, the Goddess of Hunt, Forest, and Childbirth and this is Zoe Nightshade, my lieutenant."

Scott was shocked, 'This little girl is the Artemis, that man-hating Artemis. She is nothing like it.' Instead of freaking around and groveling at her feet, Scott could not feel any fear within him.

"Wow, so my first experience into the Greek world and I already meet a goddess, damn I am lucky."

Both the ladies could not figure him out.