
Master of Books

I'm a good and helpful person, in my previous world and even the second one. I often help those consumers on my books store that needs some help but... What is this? They suddenly calling me with different titles. "Master of Sea Emperor's" "Shinobi God" "Hidden Octagram Member" "8th Sin" **** Note before you read: I don't have an Editor and English is my second language so expect grammar/spelling mistakes here and there. Warning: Contains Dark elements. *If you like the story, give it some stones and i will try to write a bonus chapter for you.

DivineMelon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Stabbed Prince

-[Amelia POV]-

It's dark in the forest, which will help us hide from our pursuers. I didn't see any marines chasing us from behind, but I'm concerned about the CP chasing us. I wouldn't be surprised if they have already found us and are hiding not far from where we are.

We are running towards the cave where we had our meeting. It's the only place we know that is far away from here and close to the sea, so we will get immediate help from the backup once they arrive.

As we are running, Hack suddenly stopped, which confused me, so I stopped too.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him.

"I will go to the back to guard there," Hack replied.

As always, he is kind. His face is determined to protect all the people with us.

I know that disagreeing with him would be a waste of time. He would probably get angrier with me than being happy. Even if I go with him, I will only be causing trouble instead of helping him.

I didn't say anything anymore and just nodded at him. Hack first gave the communication snail to Koala and ran to the back.


-[Sabo's POV]-

I received information that the CP knows about our mission and they have already tried to capture Amelia.

I wanted to come back and guard them with Hack, but Hack told me not to. He said it would just waste our efforts to save the princess and the slaves. The HQ backup is already close to the island, so he told me not to worry about them anymore and continue with the plan.

Currently, I am observing inside the slave market. In the princess's cell, I can see that she has chains around her neck and her face are even covered.

Dragon told me that something is special about the princess's eyes. It's incredibly important, and it would give our force great power if we could get the princess out of here.

My only concern is that there aren't any CP guards. It seems suspicious. The only ones guarding her are the normal slave market guards. I can take them down, I know it.

But what if they're secretly CP agents and it's a trap? I have to observe more to see if it's safe to get her out.

I have been observing for ten minutes straight now. I have waited enough and haven't found anything here except the two soldiers guarding the princess.

I grab the pipe on my back and activate my Armament Haki. My hand turns black at a fast rate, and once my hand is black, my Haki immediately covers my pipe too.

I slowly emerge from the wall. I can see them looking at me with surprised expressions, but they quickly pull out their weapons and get ready to fight me.

I jump towards them and move my pipe towards my back to gain momentum for a powerful strike.

I hit the closest one with my pipe, and he immediately flies back, hitting his partner behind him.

I quickly look at the cell where the princess is and strike my pipe against the bars.


The force of my pipe creates sparks on the metal bars, but it immediately bends and destroys them.

"Princess, I'm here to save you," I said.

I felt like a prince saving his princess from the books I read when I was a kid.

I extended my hand towards the princess, and she grabbed my hand. Her hand was not what I expected for a princess; it was a little hard, as if she had been working. I knew princesses shouldn't do that kind of work.

The only guess I had was that they made the princess do many hard tasks here.

I immediately carried the princess with my two arms. She wasn't saying anything, which was weird. Either she was traumatized or something else was going on.

I quickly ran from this place and headed towards a wall. Activating my Armament Haki on my feet, I jumped and kicked the wall as hard as I could.


The wall was destroyed, leaving a big hole. Smoke was still visible, but I ignored it and immediately jumped into the hole.

I landed and started running again. Unexpectedly, I felt something on my chest. I looked down and saw it.

The princess had stabbed me.


I immediately dropped the princess to the ground. No... she wasn't the princess. The woman who stabbed me didn't fall but balanced herself with her hands and made a momentum to kick my feet.

I quickly jumped backward as high as possible to assess the situation.

It made me realize that I was trapped. I was surrounded by many marines. A CP agents, along with a person wearing a vice admiral coat.

"How did you guys know about our plan?" I asked.

"Hoho, the second in command of the Revolutionary Army... I didn't expect you to be this easy to trap," the vice admiral said, not replying to my question.

Well, I didn't care about that right now. I focused on the woman who was supposed to be the princess, removing the iron mask from her face.

I saw a woman with red hair and a beautiful face. She had a crazy smile on her face.


I shouted, but I needed to be calm right now. I needed to find a way to escape. I knew it would be really difficult, but I would still try. If I somehow didn't make it out, I only had one option left: to kill myself.

"Enough talk," the vice admiral said as he jumped towards me with a katana in his hand. He had already covered it with Armament Haki. I knew I would be dead if I sustained any more injuries here.

This wasn't my usual strategy, but I turned around and, with all my strength, jumped from where I was standing. I held onto the place where I was stabbed to reduce blood loss.


I heard a sound. I knew that was the vice admiral's attack hitting the ground, so I didn't turn my head to look at it.


I will die.

I'm full of cuts all over my body, i honestly know i will die today with this injuries, my body is full of blood, i was now running slow, I'm still trying my best to run.

But i just can't anymore, I'm lucky i still reach this forest, far away from where Amelia and others is, i don't want them to be hurt and probably die if i go there.

Earlier i thought that i already outrun the marines and CP but I didn't expect them to be all skilled.

Many of them is using chains as they're weapons, they don't attack using it, they use it to capture my feet.

I had to fight all of them, i only defeated most of them but most of them are low rank marines, the cp and the vice admiral is still strong and probably didn't get injured much from my attacks.

My pipe which i treasured for many years broke in this confrontation, i used my pipe which is covered by my armament haki, full strength i smash it to the ground which created a big explosion enough to buy me some time to escape from them.

The forest I'm currently in right now is dark, i can't feel any life here, atleast from what i can sense with my observation haki, it's still weak as i found myself untalented on observation haki, I did train this a lot but this is all i got.

I'm tired, my body can't bear the pain and fatigue anymore, i walk towards a tree that i closed to me, and i sat there.

Waiting for my death.

I was now recalling memories from my brain, i guess this is all what people that will die do, my memories of my childhood, my brothers luffy and ace come to my mind.

I wanted to tell them personally that I'm not dead yet but it seems, this is my last day to be alive.

With my shaking hand, i tried my best to grab the communication snail on my pocket, i slowly take it out.

I called the snail towards the snail on hack.

"Sabo where are you?!" Amelia asked.

"Ar- Are you guys safe there?" I said.

"Why is your voice sounds weak, what happened to you?! Tell me?" Amelia said, her voice is panicking.

"I will be there soon" I said, i force my voice to be calm as possible as i know they will comeback for me there, which will put them in danger.

"Pew~ i thought something happened, we will be waiting for you here, be safe" Amelia said.

I turn off the communication snail, i smiled, slowly closing my eyes.

"This is really weird for a dream"

I suddenly heard a voice Infront of me...