
Master of Books

I'm a good and helpful person, in my previous world and even the second one. I often help those consumers on my books store that needs some help but... What is this? They suddenly calling me with different titles. "Master of Sea Emperor's" "Shinobi God" "Hidden Octagram Member" "8th Sin" **** Note before you read: I don't have an Editor and English is my second language so expect grammar/spelling mistakes here and there. Warning: Contains Dark elements. *If you like the story, give it some stones and i will try to write a bonus chapter for you.

DivineMelon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Mission (2) [Edited]

-[Amelia POV]-

"I will be the one going inside the slave market. Hack will be with you two to free those slaves and escort them until you feel it's safe for them," Sabo instructed. He's completely serious, different from his cheerful self. It seems that the vice admiral is really going to be a big problem for our task.

No one disagrees with Sabo's instructions as he was the vice commander in the Revolutionary Army, and we trust him.

Even if we go together with him, it will only trouble him instead of helping.

Ten minutes later.

With Koala and Hack, we are currently running towards the slave market, as Sabo said he received a call saying that the vice admiral is now close to the Island.

I don't want to reveal this yet, but it seems that this is the time. I have to use this to safely get inside the slave market.

While running, I slowly put my hand on my face and cover it.

"What are you doing? You might crash into something if you cover your eyes!" I heard Koala warning me. Her voice is full of concern, but I didn't remove my hand yet, I want to use this now.

I removed my hand from my face only to see Koala and Hack with surprised expressions.

"Who are you?!" Hack asked. He stopped running and made a battle stance, which I recognized, this was water style battle stance.

"Wait! Wait! It's me, Amelia! This is just... A power of devil fruit I consumed!" I said in panicked.

"What? Why didn't you say that before?" Koala asked, still wearing her serious expression. It seems that I surprised them too much.

How should I say this? If I tell them about Mr. Azrael, then I'll just seems like an ungrateful woman because Mr. Azrael already helped me. It wouldn't be good to tell them about him as he looks like he just wants to have a peaceful life.

"Err... I wanted to surprise you guys with this ability, but I didn't expect you two to be that surprised," I explained, trying to ease the atmosphere again.

Koala and Hack just looked at me for a second, but they relaxed again.

Sigh... I'm really bad at lying. They're probably suspicious of me now, even if we are friends, If they think something is suspicious about me, they will investigate me.

Well, I don't have any problem with it. It's my fault for not saying it earlier, and it's for the safety of the Revolutionary Army.

"Alright, but don't surprise us like that again, and... let the HQ know about your devil fruit. I'm sure they will help you develop it. it will greatly benefit the Revolutionary Army if you develop that devil fruit," Koala explained cheerfully.

"Alright, thanks, and sorry about that," I said, happy to see them supporting me.

"It's no problem. I wouldn't even shoot at you, as I didn't sense any hostile aura from you" Hack explained.

Wait, really? You looked completely serious about it a while ago!

"Well, let's go. It will be really troublesome if that vice admiral from the Marines reaches this island," Koala warned.

Well, we understand her. Even Sabo, who's the second-in-command in the Revolutionary Army, will probably have a hard time based on his expression earlier. So we start running again.

After a while, we reach an area not too far from the slave market, and from what I can see, there are many Marines scouting the area around the slave market.

It seems that they really took me seriously. Normally, I would be proud of myself if someone took me seriously, but this time it's not the case.

I caused trouble on our mission. If only I had calmed down Jane and hadn't told her about the the plan, then this wouldn't have happened.

To make up for what I did, I would really do my all to make this mission smoother without a problem. Even if it means giving my life.

"Guys, I will be going inside myself and unlock the door within."

With my new ability, I trust that I can enter inside and observe before Koala and Hack enter.

"How? Ohh! You would use your devil fruit to fake your appearance?" Koala guessed it right.

"Yes, it will be very easy with my devil fruit."

With this ability, getting inside is no problem, I think.

"Hmm... Alright, if anything happens, give a signal, and I will be there quickly" Hack said clashing his fists.

"Alright," I replied as I started running again. This time, I changed my face to a new one, taking on the appearance of a man.

Seconds later...

I slowed down to walking pace, as running might attract the attention of some Marines.

Hmm, now that I think about it, I don't have a Marine outfit...

As I was thinking about how to get myself a Marine outfit, I suddenly noticed a lone Marine.

It seems like he's called by nature.

"Perfect," I said as I ran towards the Marine.

I approached him from behind and immediately wrapped my arms around his head, breaking it a little not trying to kill kim.

I touched his Marine outfit and tested my new ability on it.

My own outfit slowly transformed into a Marine uniform: dominant white with blue symbols.

"Wow! It's really worked! I can even copy objects!" I didn't expect the Mask Person's knowledge and ability to be this powerful.

"I promise I will repay you, Mr. Azrael, for this," I said. If not for him, I would most likely be dead or being interrogated by Marines by now.

I stood and looked around. Seeing no one witnessing what I had done, I quickly grabbed the Marine and hid him in the bushes.

I started walking slowly again, towards the door of the slave market to appear normal.

After a while, I was finally in front of the door. Just as I was about to open it, a hand suddenly grabbed my wrist.

Burp "Where are you going? No Marine is allowed inside," the drunken Marine said. He looked like he would fall asleep any seconds.

"The manager called me. It seems I'm needed inside," I explained. He's drunk and unaware of what's really going on, so lying to him is easy.

"Ohh okay," the marine said. He then turned around and went back to his comrades who were also drinking beer.

"Phew~" That really surprised me. My heart almost stopped there.

Thankfully, he's drunk and doesn't even know what's really happening right now.

I pushed the door open and entered inside.

I looked around but didn't find any soldiers guarding the place. Something doesn't seem right...

"So, you can change your appearance. Did you eat a devil fruit?" I heard a voice behind me, it sent a chill down my spine. I could feel the hostility radiating from the person behind me.

"Wha- What are you talking about?" I stammered, knowing that I'm done for with just how I acted earlier.

I finally turned around and came face to face with a figure dressed in full white attire and a scary mask.

Cipher Pol!

Did they somehow find out about our mission? I need to inform the others about this!

But... how?

I know this guy is much stronger than me, so getting past him will be difficult.

"Tell me, is the Revolutionary Army here too?"

He asked with a cold voice, as if he wasn't alive but just a robot.

I didn't want to wait for him to kill me, so I immediately attacked him. I kicked him with my left foot, but he easily blocked it with his hand.


He immediately grabbed my foot tightly, causing intense pain. This guy's grip is really strong. He then proceeded to slam me against the wall.

"Damn, I didn't expect him to be this strong."

I was about to crash into the wall when suddenly a blast of water blew the door open, hitting the Cipher Pol agent and causing me to fall to the ground, landing on my feet.

"Are you okay?" Koala asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, thanks. But we need to free those slaves now. It seems they already know about us."

"Alright, I've already informed Sabo about this. Let's free those slaves now" Hack said, holding a communication snail.

Damn, I didn't expect this to happen. If we call for backup from HQ, it will take a while for them to reach here.

We soon started running again. I guided them, as I already knew where the slave cells were located.

And soon, we reached the cells. Hack started running and destroying the bars with his fist using his water-style abilities.

"Please follow me!" Koala instructed, making a gesture with her hand towards the exit.

"Alright, I've finished destroying every cell, and it seems they all are already out," Hack said. I felt a pang of sadness as I saw his hand bleeding.

Soon, we started moving again. We had many slaves following us, estimated to be more than a hundred.

I carried some children who looked like they hadn't eaten for weeks and were too weak to walk.

Koala led the way, while Hack protect us.

Finally, after a while, we made it out of the slave market.

"I got a call from HQ. They've already sent backup, and it will arrive here soon," Hack said.

"Alright, we should hide them. The Marines will be here soon," Koala warned.