
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 788: The Dark Lord Escapes Again! (Edited)

With Fish's reaction time, a stealth attack of this level would have no effect.

With a casual flap of his wings, the pebbles on the ground swelled and quickly took the form of Voldemort, standing heroically before being shattered by the Killing Curse from the real Voldemort.

"How dare you... how dare you mock me!" Voldemort, trembling with rage, raised his wand once again.

Of course, he, who believed that Dumbledore had passed the ownership of the Elder Wand to Fish, had already switched wands a moment ago.

However, Fish wasn't going to stand idly by and take a beating. He raised his wings faster than Voldemort.

"Take this!"


A lunar shadow appeared over Voldemort's head, followed by a descent of white moonlight.

[Moonfire Spell]

Voldemort's face immediately changed.

"Damn it! Not this spell again!" He could only invoke the silver shield, as he had done last time, to protect his head.

Then, Voldemort produced two more long swords with the same silver glow and swung them at Fish.


Recalling his experience with the strange metal, Fish flapped his wings and the wind swept the two swords aside, causing Voldemort to stumble back before he could cast a spell to steady himself.

Even the other Death Eaters were affected, each of them being blown back and forth, and Harry and the others, who had been at a disadvantage, seized the opportunity to regain the upper hand.

At that moment, Fish didn't pursue victory, but turned around and cast a healing spell on Harry and the others.

A magic flower bloomed beneath everyone's feet, continuously emitting a soft light to the surroundings, healing the wounds of nearby individuals.

[Hundred Flowers' Bloom: A field of healing flowers grows within the target area, healing the wounds of injured allies.]

The Dementors had been contained by Fish, but Harry and the others had been affected in some way and were not in their best state.

But now, not only had the Dementors been annihilated, Professor McGonagall had rejoined the fight, and because her wounds had been healed by Fish, the tide had turned.

However, Voldemort didn't have time to worry about his subordinates at that moment. He thought he could get rid of the troublesome brat once he dealt with Fish's Patronus.

But things didn't go as smoothly as he expected. Fish, transformed into the form of the Wild Lord, was able to cast spells much faster and stronger than ever before, and even had time to turn around and heal his injured companions.

Voldemort couldn't use his special metal to trap Fish as he had done before, as Fish could now use Apparition Charm, and when he sensed Voldemort's movements in this regard, Fish didn't hesitate to use Apparition Charm to get out of the range of the two swords.

Voldemort could still fight against Fish, but he knew that the ultimate outcome would be his subordinates being defeated and him having to flee once again...

The Dark Lord couldn't accept that.

Dumbledore had been boiled to death by him, and Voldemort couldn't accept being repeatedly beaten by another wizard, a young wizard who had just grown up.

Furthermore, the only way to obtain the Elder Wand was by defeating Fish.

So, no matter what happened, Voldemort wouldn't flee this time... at least not as long as he could continue fighting against Fish.

After all, if he were to retreat again, it was unlikely that his "less-than-loyal" subordinates would continue to support him.

In that case...

Voldemort's eyes flickered red, and suddenly he pointed his wand at Wormtail, who was being chased by Sirius and Lupin.

The silver arm that Voldemort had "gifted" to Wormtail immediately detached from his hand and transformed into a third silver sword, slashing towards Fish.

"No~!!! Master!!" Wormtail screamed in panic at the sudden loss of his arm.

Voldemort, however, didn't even bother to look at him.

A gleeful smile appeared on Sirius' face, and he laughed heartily, "Look! This is the result of betraying James and serving Voldemort! Wormtail!"

Then Sirius violently waved his wand, casting a powerful explosive spell on the panicked Wormtail.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Wormtail instantly exploded, his entire body turning into dust, with only a small fragment of a finger falling to the ground.

This time, he was truly dead, and only a finger remained.

"Ah!!!" Sirius let out a howl of pleasure, finally finding some relief after years of frustration.

Peter Pettigrew was just the beginning, as the strength and momentum of Harry's side rapidly increased, more and more Death Eaters were defeated and subdued.

Finally, a Death Eater suddenly shouted, "Master! I'm going to the Ministry of Magic to seek help." He immediately used Apparition Charm and disappeared.

When the first fleeing Death Eater appeared, the others also left under the pretext of seeking reinforcements. Whether they actually went to the Ministry of Magic, only Dumbledore and the others knew.

"Damn it! Traitors!" Bellatrix screamed, "The Master won't forgive them!"

"You could worry about yourself!"

Alice Longbottom roared, casting a spell at the ruthless woman who had tortured her partner into insanity. On the other hand, Frank Longbottom was also fighting against Rodolphus Lestrange.

Moody tracked down Barty Crouch Jr., who imprisoned him, and the Weasley brothers joined forces to deal with Antonin Dolohov, who had killed their uncle.

Harry Potter and his godfather, Sirius, faced off against Draco Malfoy and his godfather, Snape, two "father and son" pairs on the same side but at odds with each other, both seemingly determined to settle their differences. So, what was supposed to be a fake fight was no less intense than the others.

When Professor McGonagall and the others were about to finish off the Death Eaters, Fish, who had been having a great time with Voldemort, started to feel a bit anxious.

Fearing that his prey would be stolen was one thing, but additionally, Fish's competitive nature was getting the best of him...

He wanted to win before the others!


"These swords and shields are so annoying!"


While Fish struggled to figure out how to deal with the three troublesome swords and the shield that had been protecting Voldemort, a new spell appeared in Fish's mind for the first time in a long while.

[Rust Claw: Your touch can rust iron and alloys]

"Goo goo goo! Voldemort, you're finished, Goo!"

Fish laughed heartily, then quickly transformed into his white tiger form.



Instead of dodging the three swords, Fish raised his paws, which were enveloped in a gray mist, and slapped directly at them.

Voldemort wasn't sure what Fish was trying to do, but he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass. The three swords instantly turned into silver liquid that wrapped around Fish's paws, and part of it transformed into ropes to bind Fish.

However, Voldemort soon lost control over them, and at the same time, an ugly black stain appeared on the silver metal enveloping Fish's paws, rapidly spreading.

Fish raised his palms and clapped them together, and the completely blackened metal crumbled easily.

[Stride] [Freedom of Movement] [Leopard's Swiftness] [Gallop]


Before Voldemort could react, Fish freed himself and shimmered in front of him, then slapped at the silver shield.

The same black stain appeared on the shield, and in an instant, the shield was reduced to a pile of scrap metal.

Voldemort was so shocked that he left the group of Death Eaters behind and quickly triggered the Apparition Charm, disregarding the dignity of the Dark Lord or the ownership of the Elder Wand.

"I knew you would flee again, coward!"


Fish had slapped a [Wild Mark] on Voldemort's body and, sensing his location, immediately followed him.

"Fish will catch you nya!"