
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 765: Easter Anecdotes (Edited)

The support operation by the Order of the Cat went well, and almost all Muggle wizards found families to protect their loved ones, while a few, like Hermione, chose to send their parents abroad to escape.

Harry was undecided for a while but borrowed the school owl and sent a letter back to inform the Dursleys that he had no control over what they decided to do.

As it was nearly Easter break, many students chose to return home, arrange for their parents to stay with their classmates, or have their parents come to their houses... although there had been no reports of Dementor attacks on Muggles since the Dementor riots.

Fish, on the other hand, didn't end up hosting any of the families, not only because of the fierce competition but also because Professor McGonagall refused to accommodate them when Fish told her about it.

It's not that Professor McGonagall didn't want to host them, but she had to deal with the school and the Order of the Phoenix so often that there was often no one at home, and it wasn't convenient to have anyone else in the house. Otherwise, Hermione's parents would already be living there, and no one else would have to do it.

But when Easter break arrived, Fish left the school, and Dumbledore, who hadn't been there in a while, took him to Sirius' house.

"Fish, Dumbledore said you could lift the curse, so can you also fix the one on werewolves?"

A pink-haired Tonks ran up to Sirius' house, grabbing Fish by the shoulders and asking excitedly.

Behind her, Sirius, Lupin, Moody, and the others watched with anticipation.

"Fish doesn't know either..."


Fish scratched his head and explained, "Fish's spell is to remove harmful magical effects from people, but when Remus transforms into a werewolf, he not only grows claws and sharp teeth but also has a beautiful fur, and even his life force is enhanced a bit, so it doesn't seem harmful at all..."

"But if you don't take the Wolfsbane Potion, werewolves become irrational when they transform and are weak for days after they recover, so in that sense, isn't it harmful too?"

Before Tonks, Sirius, and the others could show their disappointment, Dumbledore said with a smile on the side.

He had noticed that many of Fish's spells were based on Fish's own thoughts, so it was highly likely that the effects of those spells were also related to Fish's thoughts.

Of course, if the spell itself couldn't be done, even if Fish believed in it, it was most likely useless, but it was possible that something that could be done would be compromised or even rendered ineffective because Fish thought it couldn't be done.

So, just in case, Dumbledore decided to convince Fish to try treating Lupin first, and if it worked, then the werewolf pack would no longer be a threat.

Anyway, it wasn't that difficult to convince Fish...

"That's right!"


Fish clapped his hands and realized.

Fish's approval came so easily that Dumbledore didn't feel any sense of accomplishment... He hadn't been able to use many of the "arguments" he had planned!

"[Nature's Healing] nya!"


Without knowing what Dumbledore was thinking, Fish was convinced to unleash [Nature's Healing] on Lupin.

After a flash of rainbow-colored light...

Lupin hadn't changed at all.

"Well? Has the curse been lifted?" Tonks nervously looked at Fish.

"I don't know nya!"


Fish shook his head and said with a serious face, "When Remus can't transform into a wolf, there's no difference nya, so how could Fish know?"

The group looked at each other, Fish's words made sense! But it hadn't been much time since the full moon, so they would have to wait another twenty days or so to see if it worked or not.

Sirius and the others, who had been so excited to witness the miracle, were a little disappointed, and the most disappointed of all was Tonks.

"It's just a matter of waiting a few more days to find out." Lupin himself was the most open-minded, shrugging his shoulders and saying, "It doesn't matter if it doesn't lift, I've been living like this for decades anyway."

Thinking the same, everyone settled down and joined Lupin in waiting for the next full moon.

However, Tonks wasn't going to wait any longer and attacked Lupin once again.

Due to the encounter in the cave, Dumbledore knew that Lupin had probably been discovered by Voldemort, and to avoid his wrath, he had asked Snape to warn Lupin when he returned to school. Lupin had been at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix all that time, and Tonks had tried to get a statement out of him on more than one occasion, but Lupin had used the excuse of being a werewolf to evade the questions.

"Now you can't keep running away, can you?"

Tonks asked aggressively, standing in front of Lupin.

"I haven't made sure yet that my curse is cured," Lupin said in a low voice, avoiding her gaze.

"And if it's cured? You'll give me an answer now. There's no need for me to wait another month," Tonks continued pressing Lupin, though she wasn't going to give up even if he denied it again this time, but she still wanted to get a positive response from Lupin first.

"Oh..." Lupin sighed, finally ceasing to avoid Tonks' gaze. He looked at the girl in front of him and said earnestly, "Yes... Yes, I'm fine, and it doesn't matter to you that I'm old and poor..."

"Of course not! Even if you were a werewolf, I wouldn't mind," Tonks cried with joy and embraced Lupin.

Lupin wanted to push her away, but when his hands were halfway there, he let them drop, wearing a bittersweet smile of happiness and anguish on his face, uncertain if he should have done it or not.

Sirius didn't have the same concerns as Lupin, who had been trying to convince him to accept his niece, but Lupin had been too foolish to say yes.

So when Lupin finally showed signs of wanting to accept Tonks, Sirius laughed and shouted, "Kreacher, go prepare a feast because we're celebrating today!"

"Yes, master."

Because of Regulus, Kreacher's attitude towards Sirius remained quite cold, but not as much as before.

The main reason, of course, was that Fish was here today, and Kreacher knew that Fish liked to eat all kinds of food.

After Sirius' meal, Dumbledore didn't leave, but discussed his plans for Voldemort with the Order of the Phoenix and waited for Snape to bring the latest news from Malfoy Manor.

Fish, of course, wasn't interested in Dumbledore's plans as he was too heavy a lure for Voldemort.

And the reason Fish was staying was simple. Dumbledore hadn't brought him here just to lift the werewolf curse from Lupin; there were other things to do...

To be precise, Dumbledore was going to take Fish to a special place.