
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 740: Greyback's Change (Edited)

After dinner, the Newt family took the Grangers first. Bill, Fleur, and Percy sat for a while and then got up to leave.

But Fish and the others didn't leave because they were staying at Black's house tonight.

Fish noticed that Hermione felt a little down after saying goodbye to her parents, so he grabbed her and ran out of the house to catch up with the cats and dogs that had been with him when he fought the Aurors and the police.

After Fish left, the members of the Order of the Phoenix quickly headed to the meeting room, where Lupin had brought important news from the werewolves that needed to be discussed.

Once again, George and Fred were not happy about being left out, and they extended their retractable ears, which had been improved several times, to eavesdrop. Unfortunately, they couldn't hear anything.

"It's true... We never succeed when Dumbledore is around." George retracted his ears and slumped in defeat, to the curiosity of Harry and the others.

"Haven't you joined the Order of the Phoenix yet? Didn't Mum say you could join after graduating?" Ron asked with a slight grumble.

Fred raised an eyebrow and explained, "It's not that easy to join the Order of the Phoenix. Each member has to go through a long investigation process... George and I are still being tested."

As Harry and the others reluctantly dispersed, in the meeting room, Lupin informed Dumbledore about the information he had brought.

"I saw Wormtail in the area where the werewolves are gathering."

"What?! How dare that scum show up!" Sirius slammed his fist on the table and jumped up from his seat. He turned to Lupin with an angry look and asked, "Did you catch him? Have you avenged James and Lily?"

"I haven't done anything," Lupin calmly said, shaking his head.

"How can you? Have you forgotten how James and Lily died?!" Sirius shouted as he crashed into the chairs and lunged at Lupin, grabbing him by the collar.

"Sirius! Let him go! Don't forget that Lupin had other obligations at that time!" Professor McGonagall's thunderous voice calmed the furious man.

"I'm sorry... Remus..." Sirius released his grip, distressed. "I was just... a little impulsive..."

All this time, Sirius had been blaming himself for the indirect death of Harry's parents, so it was difficult for him to remain calm after hearing the news about Peter.

Lupin naturally understood how Sirius felt, so instead of blaming him, he patted his shoulder and persuasively said, "I understand how you feel, and I also want to catch the traitor Peter. But I still can't expose him."

He turned to Dumbledore and continued, "After finding Wormtail, I followed him and saw him enter Greyback's house. I don't know what the two of them discussed inside; Greyback had guards outside. Last night, Greyback sneaked out of the werewolves' meeting place..."

"I followed him for a while, and he seemed very cautious, changing directions multiple times and doubling back twice." Lupin shook his head, frustrated. "I nearly got caught when he turned around the second time, and I lost him while seeking cover."

"That doesn't seem in line with Greyback's character..." Mr. Weasley furrowed his brow analytically. "To sneak out quietly and not attack anyone, but instead crawl all the way—that's sinister! I think only Voldemort's orders could have made Greyback suppress his habit of attacking innocents."

"I thought the same," Lupin sighed. "But unfortunately, I couldn't continue following him."

"Can you determine the general direction Greyback went?" Tonks couldn't be bothered to argue with Lupin at this moment. "It will be easier for us to search if we have a general direction."

Tonks and Kingsley were Aurors, often using their positions to gather useful information for the Order of the Phoenix while on duty.

For example, Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf with a long history of attacks, had been on the Ministry's most wanted list, so they could use the search for Greyback as a reason for other Aurors to assist in the search together.

As the Order of the Phoenix worked out their plan, they didn't realize Dumbledore was frowning.

Although everything seemed to have been discovered accidentally by Lupin, Dumbledore felt there was more to it because... he couldn't think of any reason why Voldemort would leave something that could be so important and needed to be hidden to the infamous werewolf Greyback.

Wouldn't Peter Pettigrew, as an Animagus, be more suitable for such a task when he had a group of unexposed Death Eaters in his hands, or maybe just Peter?

Knowing that in Voldemort's eyes, werewolves were as powerful a tool of domination as giants and Dementors, and as a wizard, Voldemort actually discriminated against werewolves more than any other wizard, it was hard to believe that Dumbledore would entrust such an important task to Greyback.

If all of this was a facade, it meant that Lupin's presence was truly exposed, even though he hadn't hidden his tendencies much within the werewolf community. But for the same reasons as before, Dumbledore found it hard to believe that Voldemort would pay attention to a "low-level" werewolf, and that's why he had asked Lupin to try to contact other werewolves.

"Albus, what concerns you?" Professor McGonagall's voice snapped Dumbledore out of his thoughts. "Do you need to add anything more?"

"No," Dumbledore hesitated for a moment before shaking his head, "Just for now, Tonks, I will have to bother you to contact Kingsley. After that, Remus, you'll have to take further measures with Greyback..."

Dumbledore systematically assigned the work to the group.

As for his suspicions, he decided to wait for the Aurors to finish tracking Greyback before making a judgment based on the results. If it was indeed Voldemort's plot, then Greyback wouldn't be very difficult to find.

By the time Fish and Hermione returned, Lupin and Tonks had long since left, and most of the others had gone to bed, except for the two house-elves, Kreacher and Comey, who had been waiting in case Fish wanted a late-night snack or something, so they hadn't gone to bed.

"We have already eaten with Jack and the others, meow."


Fish waved his hand, sending the two house-elves to bed, and he and Hermione returned to their room and went to sleep.

The next morning, Fish and Hermione got up for breakfast and left the Black house with Professor McGonagall, while the Weasleys decided to stay until the end of the holidays, after Harry and Sirius warmly agreed to stay.

And so, the Christmas holidays passed quickly, but this time, Fish expressed no displeasure at the end of the holidays because according to Dumbledore and Hermione, he would soon be able to learn the Apparition Charm!