
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 640: Kind Fish (Edited)

"A werewolf!"

Mrs. Weasley and her children were taken aback and quickly distanced themselves from the anxious wizard.

And Fish scratched his head, "A werewolf? The same as Remus, nya?"


He shrugged sadly, then cast a rejuvenation spell on the other man and said, "Fish can only heal your wounds, not prevent you from turning into a wolf because it's not a poison."

The wizard sat down on the floor, groaning.

"There's nothing wrong with werewolves," Fish said, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly. "The Remus that Fish knew was a werewolf, and he's alive and well."


The wizard weakly responded and then lay stunned on his hospital bed.

The rest of the day was spent with the healers at St. Mungo's, treating all kinds of patients, and everyone gradually understood the extent of Fish's abilities...

Fish was able to treat all sorts of injuries, toxins, and even dragon pox.

This meant that patients on the first three floors of St. Mungo's—Artifact Accidents, Creature-Induced Injuries, and Magical Bugs—were essentially cured by Fish, except in some cases like werewolf bites that could leave lasting effects on the body that Fish couldn't treat.

But on the fourth floor, the situation was different.

The fourth floor housed the Spell Damage unit, and the patients were mainly those who had been hit by dark or poisonous spells, for which Fish's spells were not as effective.

Nevertheless, Fish's abilities were enough to astonish the healers at St. Mungo's, and the current director tried to recruit Fish to work at St. Mungo's after graduation.

"Next, this way."

The current director of St. Mungo's led Fish to a new room with a sign on the door that read "Janus Thickey Ward, Permanent Spell Damage."

The director pushed open the door, and the healer in charge of the ward, Miriam Strout, had been waiting for a long time.

"Hello, Fish." A maternal witch with a crown of gold and silver greeted Fish with a touch of excitement and sweetness. "I hope you can heal them."

And the director of St. Mungo's said, "You better not get your hopes up, Meriem. Fish's spells don't work very well on spell-like injuries."

"Even if we can't heal them, it would be good to alleviate their condition a bit," said Healer Strout, very optimistic. "Perhaps after they improve, we can find a cure."

"Let's hope so." The director shrugged.

He thought more rationally than the emotional Meriem Strout, hoping for miracles but not placing her hopes in them.

Behind Healer Strout stood a stern-looking old witch, dressed in a long green robe, adorned with a moth-eaten fox fur and what appeared to be a pointed hat with a vulture perched on top.

"Hello, Fish." Granny Longbottom stepped forward and greeted Fish warmly. "Greetings, I'm Neville's grandmother." She extended a wrinkled hand with eagle-like claws and shook Fish's hand. "Neville speaks very highly of you."

"Hello, nya." Fish tilted his head and asked, somewhat curious, "What are you doing here, nya?"

Then Fish heard her say proudly, "My son and daughter-in-law are receiving treatment here. They were tortured by You-Know-Who's subordinates."



Fish looked at the elderly Longbottom, astonished and speechless. The situation was a bit complicated for Fish, unsure of how to act around her.

"Don't worry," said the elderly Longbottom, understanding Fish's confusion. "Even if you can't heal Frank and Alice, it can't get any worse, right?"

"Well, well..." Fish said, regaining composure. "Fish will work hard, nya!"


Instead of using her grandson's relationship with Fish to prioritize the treatment of her son and daughter-in-law, Neville's grandmother silently stepped aside after the summons and watched as Fish attended to the other two patients in the ward.

The first patient was a sad, yellow-faced wizard who lay in his bed without saying a word, as if unaware of his surroundings.

"Mr. Broderick Bode, an Unspeakable from the Ministry of Magic, was attacked by an unknown assailant some time ago, causing him mental problems," said Healer Strout helplessly. "Now he believes he's a teapot."

The old wizard with the hearing aid had gone to visit him in the waiting room, but Fish hadn't seen him, so he probably went back.

Just like before, Fish had used all his rejuvenation, stabilization, toxin-neutralizing, and disarming spells on Mr. Bode, but he remained motionless and curled up in bed.

The elderly Longbottom seemed a little disappointed, but she quickly got up and followed Fish to the second patient.

The second patient, Agnes, was a witch who had failed in her Animagus Charm and was in a state similar to that of using Polyjuice Potion, with long hair all over her face and some canine features. However, her condition was likely permanent, and she was unable to speak, limited to barking...

Of course, Fish could still understand what she said.

"Isn't it cuter when it's fluffy?"


Seeing Agnes's timid look, Fish transformed into a furry human-like cat.

This made Agnes feel much better. She hugged Fish and cooperated with Fish's treatment.

Fish's healing was more than effective, as the spell to undo the magic not only thinned Agnes's fur but also restored her normal speech.

"That's as far as it goes, nya..."


Fish said with some regret after a few more spells to dispel magic.

"That's fine, thank you, Fish!" Agnes hugged Fish again.

Meanwhile, the Director of St. Mungo's said, "If it's something like this, the chances of recovery are still very good. Don't underestimate St. Mungo's abilities."

Fish became encouraged, and Mrs. Longbottom's hopes increased once again.

Without further delay, they headed to the other end of the room, lifted the curtain, and entered.

Behind the curtain, there were two patients, a man and a woman, dressed in the same flower-patterned pajamas, clumsily folding sugar paper like two young children and occasionally giggling. However, they looked thin and frail, with white hair, and appeared much older than the Weasley couple.

"Frank and Alice, come here. I want to introduce you to a new friend," the elderly Longbottom said kindly.

Both of them looked up and smiled at Fish with innocent and childlike smiles.

Alice let out a cry of surprise and approached Fish, hugging him and stroking his cat ears.

After a moment of hesitation, Frank approached slowly, grabbed Fish's tail, and played with it in his hands.

Fish, who had never liked having his ears rubbed, stayed still and let the two of them play with his ears and tail.

"Hello, my name is Fish, Fish McGonagall."


Not only that, but Fish also greeted them warmly.