
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 629: Seeing Through the Eyes of the Snake (Edited)

The special event of the Order of the Cat certainly didn't involve a real fight with Grawp.

Although Grawp had become much more docile under the guidance of Fish and the others, it was too much to ask a giant to restrain himself in a fight.

In Fish's words...

With a pat on the back of Harry and the others, Grawp would turn them into meat pies.

So, the main purpose of tonight's special event is not actual combat training, but rather to make new friends and have a party before the holidays.

Of course, there was a lot of training, and this time Fish found some level XXXX magical creatures as training partners, and the Order of the Cat lost as expected.

But not everyone was discouraged, as they had celebrated many special events, and each time they switched partners, they basically had to endure a beating before gradually figuring out how to deal with it.

It can only be said that Fish's talent in combat is truly high. Every time he finds a training partner, this training partner can effectively attack everyone's weaknesses, and his strength is higher than theirs, but winning is not impossible.

Except for that one time when Zacharias Smith was a bit too mouthy.

After finishing the special event of the night, everyone returned to their dormitories with the help of house-elves, while Fish and Hermione chose to stay in the Forbidden Forest for their date and returned to the castle well into the night in their cat forms.

After bidding Hermione good night in the common room, Fish opened the boys' dormitory door and climbed the stairs to his own dormitory.

A few steps up the stairs, Fish heard Ron and the others talking from above in what seemed like a panic.


Fish immediately quickened his pace and ran upstairs.

"What's happening, nya?!"

Fish asked loudly as he burst through the door.

Everyone was gathered around Harry's bed, all wearing faces of not knowing what to say, while Harry lay on his back, vomiting with a pained expression.

Fish immediately rushed to Harry, and rejuvenation and stabilization spells fell upon Harry almost simultaneously.

"Thank you... Fish..." Harry gasped, holding his forehead. "I feel better..."

"Are you dreaming about that strange corridor again, nya?"


Fish asked, crouching beside Harry's bed and looking at him solemnly.

For some time now, Harry had been waking up from that dream frequently, and his scar also hurt.

At first, there was some concern, but over time, not only Harry but also Fish and the others had grown accustomed to it.

But tonight was different; Harry's headache was much more intense than before, and it couldn't be justified as just another dream.

Fish, who knew what was really happening, watched Harry closely, attentive to his reaction.

Harry didn't notice the difference in Fish; he was panting heavily, his chest heaving, but he managed to look at Ron and said in a broken voice, "Your dad... your dad... is in trouble..."

"What?" Ron didn't understand.

"Your father! He's been bitten, badly, there's blood everywhere..." Harry said incoherently due to the pain in his forehead.

"Slow down, nya, did you dream about something else?"


Relieved that Harry didn't seem to be turning into Voldemort, Fish cast another stabilizing spell on him.

Feeling the headache ease a little, Harry breathed a bit more and said, "I dreamt that Ron's dad was bitten by a big snake..."

"Harry, mate," Ron was incredulous, "You... you were just dreaming..."

Neville, Seamus, and Dean intervened with calming words.

"No!" Harry said angrily, making sure Ron understood: "It's not a dream... not just any dream... I was there, I saw... what I did..."

Then Fish suddenly stood up with a serious expression. "Get dressed, and let's go find Albus, nya!"

"Fish?" Ron looked at the cat in surprise.

"Ron is coming too. Harry's dream is probably real," Fish turned its head, frowning at Ron. "Arthur might well have actually been bitten by a snake."


Ron couldn't take Fish's warning seriously, his face went pale, and he stood still for a moment before rushing to change clothes.

"Do you know something, Fish?" Harry asked as he stumbled out of bed and changed clothes.

Fish nodded, then shook its head and replied, "Albus and Minerva won't let Fish tell you, so ask Albus yourself when you see him."

With a confused and uneasy expression on his face, Harry stood beside Fish, while Ron hastily changed out of his pajamas and looked at Fish anxiously.

"Don't tell anyone about tonight, nya," Fish said to Neville and the others, and only after receiving their promise did it call the house-elf, "Comey!"

With a loud crack, Comey appeared before Fish, wrapped in a new cat-printed sheet.

"Master Fish, what are your orders?" the elf said sharply.

"Take the three of us to Albus," Fish pointed to Harry and Ron, then added after a moment of thought, "And let Minerva know."

With that, Fish reached out and shook Comey's hand, while using its other hand to grab Harry's arm and Harry held onto Ron's arm.

There was another deafening "crack," and the three of them were on the top floor of the spiral staircase, facing the headmaster's office, with the shining oak door in front of them.

Comey bowed to Fish and disappeared with a snap.

Fish listened intently, and even though it was midnight, the door was still filled with chatter. But Fish knew it was the portraits of the headmasters who were talking.

It tapped on the brass door knocker in the shape of a tap, and the voices quieted down. Then the oak door opened automatically, and Fish led Harry and Ron inside.

The room was half-lit, half-dim, the strange silver instruments on the desk were silent, and the portraits of the headmasters on the wall snored in their frames... but Fish knew that many of them were pretending to be asleep.

Behind the door, Fawkes was on the golden perch, dozing with its head tucked under its wings, but upon sensing Fish's arrival, Fawkes immediately woke up and greeted Fish with a "Caw~."

At Fawkes' feet, Uroboros, shrunk by Fish, was entwined motionless on a perch, unlikely to wake up without being touched in its hibernation state.

Dumbledore was sitting in a high-backed chair behind his desk, reading papers by candlelight. He was dressed in a snow-white pajama over a purple and gold robe... even though it was late, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Why did you have time to come see me today? And are Harry and Ron here too?" Dumbledore seemed surprised at first, but then he saw Harry and Ron behind Fish, and his expression immediately turned serious.

Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall had been left at the headmaster's door by Comey, and she immediately hurried in.

Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall had been brought to the headmaster's door by Comey, and she immediately hurried inside.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the three of them, relieved to see they were unharmed, before asking, "What has happened, Albus?"

Dumbledore shrugged and said, "I was about to ask the same."

Fish didn't overstep and stepped aside.

And Harry, after taking a deep breath, said, "I..."