
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 609: The Third Generation... (Edited)

Originally, Fish wanted to imitate the Death Eater model and give a name to the members of the Cat Order, like Food-Eater or Fish-Eater or something like that...

But unfortunately, Hermione and the other members vehemently rejected it.

The only ones who supported him were George and Fred, who were never too serious.

"It's not that we're against you giving names to everyone," Hermione said, reassuring Fish with a dejected expression, "it's just that the name can't have a Death Eater format."

She patiently explained, "It looks too much like a Death Eater, and if others hear it, there will be big problems."

"So, what's a better name for us?"


Fish's ability to choose names was evident in his own name, so he didn't dwell on it and asked the group directly.

"Call it 'Knight Cat'!" Katie Bell stood up and waved her arms enthusiastically, "And those who join later can be called 'Cat Assistant'!"

And it was immediately agreed upon by almost all the girls.

Because that was the "title" used in the support group for Fish, and they actually had more elaborate levels of affiliation, which had been perfected over the past four years.

The rest of the boys, after a moment of silence, agreed with the proposal because knights and all that sounded great...

Although the "cat" part was a bit less cool, it didn't matter, the group was called the Cat Order, so the feline knights didn't matter.

"A knight? Like Cadogan?"


Fish moved his cat ears and said, "Then we should prepare the horses, right? Fish shouldn't have any problems with Shadow and the others, but what about you guys?"

The pegasi and unicorns of the Forbidden Forest wouldn't mind giving the others some rides if he asked, but it wouldn't be easy to get them to willingly become the others' mounts.

"Isn't there a broomstick?" Cho Chang quickly said.

There was a chorus of agreement.

"Hermione?" Fish turned his head to the meeting organizer.

"Whatever you want..." Hermione said, slapping her forehead and giving up.

She hadn't been a member of Fish's support group, but she had heard about the levels of affiliation.

The organization, the symbols, the special names of the members... and the fake coins... she had invented that were becoming more and more like Lord Voldemort in comparison. Instead, the names of the members of the Cat Order were irrelevant.

Rita Skeeter had speculated that Fish would be the third Lord Voldemort, and if the Cat Order was revealed, it would probably be confirmed...

She was just trying to bring them all together to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts at first...

Hermione felt things were getting a bit off track, and Fish was really getting close to becoming the third Lord Voldemort.

Next, the group had a pleasant lunch at Fish's house, prepared by Comey, and they confirmed that the Cat Order's first official event would be this afternoon, before dispersing and continuing their shopping and tours of the village of Hogsmeade.

At eight in the evening, one by one, the members of the Cat Order followed Hermione's instructions and made their way to the Room of Requirement, which had been transformed, at Hermione's request, into a spacious room illuminated by a circle of bright torches that lit up the room as if it were daytime.

The walls were lined with wooden shelves, and there were no chairs on the floor, only large satin cushions. On a shelf at the other end of the room were various instruments such as telescopes and secret detectors, as well as a large cracked mirror.

Above the shelves, rows of books on Defense Against the Dark Arts: "Common Spells and Their Solutions," "Wisdom on Dark Magic," "Collection of Self-Defense Spells," "Collection of Poison Antidotes," etc. ...

Each of the "Cat Knights" who entered the Room of Requirement exclaimed.

"I can't believe we didn't know about this great place until our last year!" George and Fred sighed.

Then, one of them held Ron's hands behind his back while the other put an arm around his head and said, "I can't believe you didn't tell us about this place! Give us back the money for the flying broomstick."

Soon, Hermione put an end to the fun and began the first official act of the Order of the Cat.

"We're all here, so we should start by..."

"Let's start with a fight, nya!"


Hermione was halfway through her sentence when Fish interrupted.

"Fish will fight everyone, using just one wand, nya!" Fish said, wagging his tail excitedly.

"Well... that's it," Hermione nodded, pulling out her wand.

In fact, they had agreed on this beforehand, not only because Fish wanted to play but also to see how good each of them was.

"Finish them!"


Without waiting for the others to object, Fish raised his wand and aimed at the floor cushions, turning them into giant two-meter-tall animals that crushed them.


Most members of the Order of the Cat screamed in panic and scattered like headless flies in front of the giant animals.

Only a few did not succumb to panic but drew their wands and cast spells at the animals.

"Don't be confused! It's just a Transfiguration spell. The Finite Incantatem spell will get rid of them!"

Cedric Diggory, from Hufflepuff, shouted while transforming one of the animals back into a cushion.

Harry looked at Cho Chang, who was behind Cedric, and felt a bitterness in his heart, but it wasn't worse than Cedric, who had fought in the Triwizard Tournament and faced Voldemort, and he seemed comfortable with the situation.

Apart from the two of them, the twins and a few others had done a good job, and with the group organizing themselves, the panicked crowd had calmed down and quickly turned Fish's gigantic animal back into a cushion.

"Everyone, be careful! Fish is gone!"

After dealing with the animal, Harry quickly looked around and realized Fish was nowhere to be seen and warned the others.

Hermione's first move was to cast a shaping spell in the direction where Fish had been standing, but it was in vain.

Upon hearing her, everyone pointed their wands in different directions.

But Fish's spell was even faster.

"Fumos nya!"

The room instantly filled with smoke, leaving everyone completely blinded.




"Lumos Maxima!"


At this point, the group was divided on how to respond.

Some wanted to do what Fish had done when he fought Professor McGonagall, blowing away the smoke, except they were in a large auditorium, and the smoke curtain conjured by Professor McGonagall had been smaller, and this time, Fish's smoke curtain filled the room, so it would have been futile.

And some people chose to use protective spells to shield themselves while remaining cautiously vigilant to avoid being secretly attacked by Fish.

As for the students who had used the Lumos Maxima spell, they found that the light they had summoned only turned the black mist in front of them into a white and gray fog.

Those who used the Depulso spell only increased the confusion, as those near them were knocked down by their spells and lay on the ground dazed.

After a few moments, the black smoke curtain dissipated, and Harry quickly glanced around.

Then he realized that, apart from those who had used the same protective spell to shield themselves, everyone else had fallen to the ground, their eyes still blank, apparently petrified.

"They're all so weak... Fish didn't even enjoy it..."


Fish lifted the smoke spell, appeared in front of the group, and said in disgust.

Although Harry and the others were still to be defeated, Fish knew enough about their strength to know it wouldn't take much time to defeat them.

So Fish joined the others who were still standing and released the others from the petrification spell.

Everyone under the spell looked embarrassed...

While they all knew they were no match for Fish, it was a shame to be easily knocked down when a group of them was fighting against Fish.

But because of this, they took the activities of the Order of the Cat more seriously.

What happened after that had nothing to do with Fish. He transformed into a cat, jumped to find a place on the shelf, and lay down, while Harry, Cedric, and the others who hadn't been knocked out took charge of teaching the others how to fight.

They didn't teach everyone any new spells, but they imparted some practical experience and allowed them to practice some of the most useful spells.

Harry did a good job as a coach, except for the heaviness he felt in his chest when he saw Cedric and Cho Chang kissing.

With everyone practicing enthusiastically, curfew soon arrived, and the members of the Order of the Cat left the Room of Requirement in small groups, all of them lively discussing the evening's gathering as they departed.