
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 526: No one understands Fish better than I do (Edited)


Even if he wanted to subdue Fish, Voldemort would not be merciful, as he struck with a Cruciatus Curse, then with a flash of his own body, he suddenly appeared behind Fish again, followed by another Cruciatus Curse.

And that wasn't the end of it, Voldemort's figure flitted around Fish, each appearance was accompanied by a Cruciatus Curse, for a moment it seemed like a mob was attacking Fish from all directions.

"Fish, be careful!"

Harry, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but warn him aloud, and at the same time began to worry.

Voldemort hadn't treated him seriously before, and if he had used this style of fighting from the beginning, he wouldn't have been able to withstand a single move.

It's just that for Fish, he's seen this kind of scene a lot. Even though the Apparition Charm can't be used at Hogwarts, it doesn't mean it can't be used in Hogsmeade....

Fish had already seen this trick with Professor McGonagall!



Fish quickly shifted into his smaller cat form, dodging spells coming from all directions with ease, as his paws hit the ground and countless winding roots made their way through the ground, rolling towards the detained Voldemort.

However, Voldemort simply waved his wand and some of the roots that rolled towards him turned into giant pythons, which in turn became entangled with the rest of the roots.

With his powers restored, Voldemort was no longer as easy to deal with as he had been when he had possessed Quirrell.

But Fish thought nothing of defeating Voldemort like that, and used the roots as cover to hide among the grass.

[Eliminate Scent: Other creatures cannot use their sense of smell to track the recipient.]

[Concealment: The plants around him reduce his chances of being spotted]

It had been a long time since he had used these two spells, but that didn't mean he had forgotten them.

Using the cover of spells and herbs, Fish quickly approached Voldemort, he didn't think he could hide for long, after all, Dumbledore had easily found him back then.

However, the method Voldemort used was more violent than Fish had expected: he directly summoned a ball of Fiendfyre, which ignited all the nearby vegetation.

Now Fish couldn't hide no matter what, he had to jump out of the grass to avoid the terrible flames, and Harry and the Death Eaters also retreated a long distance again... and had taken with them the unfortunates Fish had knocked out.

"Huh? Why don't you use that spell?"

Voldemort waved his wand and gathered the furious Fiendfyre into a huge fire snake that coiled around him.

He had summoned the Fiendfyre with such ease, not only to force Fish out, but also to make Fish summon that shower of light again.

The shower of light had not only healed Voldemort's wounds, but also his soul, divided by the creation of the Horcruxes, and that was the main reason Voldemort had wanted Fish's loyalty....

With Fish around, Voldemort thought he could create more than seven Horcruxes.

"Fish doesn't remember how to make it rain nya."


Fish returned to his human form and said sincerely, "Albus said it was because Fish was too young to grasp that power."

"Heh!" Voldemort snorted upon hearing that, "Surely that's what he would say...it's your power, what's not to master? Dumbledore doesn't want to make it easy for you to get the power."

He said in a mocking tone, "In his opinion, the pursuit of power is a very 'wrong' thing to do, and for him to be called the most powerful white wizard himself...nowadays it's laughable."

"Well..." Fish cocked his head to the side, "Fish doesn't understand what you're saying."


Voldemort: "..."

"I mean... if you were with me, you would have learned how to summon that shower of light by now. For a special existence like you, staying at Hogwarts is simply a waste of time!"

Voldemort took the opportunity to persuade Fish, though Fish's loyalty could be assured by the unbreakable Vow, he knew the difference between being forced and volunteering.

"Fish! Join us - only with me can you prove your true worth! No one knows you better than I do."

Voldemort spread his arms wide and goaded him again.

"I don't believe you!"


Fish looked at him skeptically and asked, "Tell me, what is Fish's favorite food?".

Voldemort: "..."

"And Fish's favorite toy?"


"What is Fish's favorite show?"


"You don't know anything, and you say you know Fish best."


Fish said with contempt.

"But I know... you're not human."

Voldemort said quietly after a moment of silence.

"Yes! Fish said it before nya, and Minerva and Albus know it too." Fish looked at Voldemort in confusion, wondering why he was bringing it up again.

"So, the others know about this too?" Voldemort gave a playful grin as he pointed to Harry in the distance. "Just like Harry Potter, who you've been trying to protect, seems surprised at who you are."

Fish lifted his head to see that some surprise still remained on Harry's face.

"Y... did you read the report on Hagrid some time ago? Most wizards don't look kindly on non-humans... if your true identity were revealed, would you still be as popular as you are now?"

Voldemort spoke clearly but coldly to Fish about what might happen if his identity was revealed.

"Why do you think Dumbledore and McGonagall would want you to hide your identity, Fish?"

He smiled slightly and continued, "But if you swore allegiance to me, things would be different, in times gone by, I had inhuman creatures like werewolves, giants and vampires in my ranks, and, with the importance I place on you, no one would dare say anything about who you are."

"Hagrid is not hated!" Fish retorted angrily after a moment of silence, "And Fish knows Fleur and Gabrielle, they're half-blood Veelas, and everyone loves them!"

? (? `Д′?) ?

However, Fish's retort at that moment sounded very weak to Voldemort's ears, so he provoked even more, "Are you sure? Are you sure that so many people still like Hagrid after knowing who he really is? If so, why are you hiding your identity? And don't forget that they're only half-bloods, and you, on the other hand, are a complete non-human."

"Ah... yes," Voldemort said as if remembering something, "I hear you have a Muggle-born girlfriend, would she still like you as much as she does now if she knew who you really were? Also, would McGonagall still like you as much as she likes you if you were ostracized by others for being who you are?"

"Minerva and Hermione don't hate Fish! Don't you dare say that about them nya!"

?(? `Д′?)?

Now Fish was furious, his body swelled rapidly, and a terrible pressure spread with him as the center.


A powerful white tiger appeared in front of Voldemort.