
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 523: Ghosts (Edited)

When the first golden thread touched the tip of Voldemort's wand, his wand immediately emitted a cry of pain and, as the crowd looked on in amazement, a hand formed of thick smoke flew from the tip of the wand and disappeared.... it was the severed hand that Wormtail had sacrificed to Voldemort.

With another cry of pain...a larger object emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand, a large gray object, as if made of the thickest smoke...first a head...then the chest and arms...it was an old man.

Harry recognized him, it was the old man he had seen in his dreams, the one Voldemort had killed.

"So, he really is a wizard?" the old man leaned on his cane and looked at Harry and Voldemort with mild surprise, "This guy killed me..... You fight him, boy..."

His voice seemed to come from far away, echoing.

Then, another woman emerged, the one Harry had seen in the papers, Bertha Jorkins, who had disappeared earlier.

"Don't let go!" Her cry echoed, "Don't let him hurt you, Harry, don't let him go!"

This bizarre situation made the Death Eaters below unable to calm down, they ran around the golden net in panic, trying to rescue Voldemort.

"Don't bother them nya!"

=????(? `Д′?)=o

At that moment, Fish, who had been ignored, jumped up and swung his fist at the nearest Death Eater, who was knocked unconscious by Fish's punch.

Before the others could react, Fish pounced on the next Death Eater.



It wasn't until Fish took down several Death Eaters in quick succession that the others reacted belatedly.

"Stop him!"

Barty Crouch Jr. shouted as he raised his wand and pointed it at Fish.

At his command, the Death Eaters fired spell after spell at Fish, but Fish quickly avoided them or they were slapped with his glowing red palm.

"Use transfiguration!"

Barty Crouch Jr. who had learned many ways to deal with Fish from Professor McGonagall when he used his Mad-Eye Moody character, took the initiative to conjure a group of animals to pounce on Fish.

But Fish isn't what he used to be, and he hasn't challenged Professor McGonagall for a long time, so at least what Moody got was information from a year or nearly two years ago.

For Fish, that's more than enough time to get stronger, not to mention he's studied hard for a period of time in the last school year and this school year....

Fish also pulled out his wand, stuck it in the ground at his feet and shouted, "Finite Incantatem nya!"


An invisible circle spread around Fish, and all the transfigured animals that came in contact with the circle quickly turned into dead objects, and in the blink of an eye, the swarm of animals disappeared.

"Desmaius! Desmaius! Desmaius! Desmaius!"

After finishing off the transfigured animals, Fish waved his wand quickly, casting a spell back at the Death Eaters, only to be stopped by the prepared group with a protective spell.

"Hey! As expected, Fish's claws are better to use nya!"


Fish put his wand away and suddenly transformed into a clouded leopard, pouncing on the nearest Death Eater.

The Death Eaters weren't so easy to deal with either, as Fish had taken them by surprise at first, but after they reacted, it wasn't easy for him to reduce their numbers as easily as before.

So Fish changed tactics and quickly switched to his cat form, playing hide and seek with the long grass and the surrounding piles of gravestones, and as soon as Fish found an opportunity, one of the unfortunate Death Eaters received a gift pack of clouded leopard claws from Fish.

While Fish and the Death Eaters were 'having fun', Harry and Voldemort continued their stalemate in the web of golden threads.

Perhaps from the sight of his Death Eaters being defeated one by one, Voldemort, whose attention span was already short, seemed even more nervous.

Just as soon, a third cloud of smoke rose from his wand.

It was the figure that both Harry and Snape had been longing for: Harry's mother, Lily Potter (Evans).

The apparition of the long-haired young woman floated up and looked at Harry....

"Your father is here too..." she whispered, "He wants to see you... it will be all right... wait..."

And out he came... head first, then body... a tall man with tousled hair: the spirit of James Potter emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand and, like his wife, floated into the air.

"We will only be here for a short time after the connection is lost...but we will buy you time...you must get the Portkey, it will take you back to Hogwarts..... do you understand, Harry?"

James Potter walked up to Harry, looked at him and spoke to him in the same distant, reverberating voice, but so low that Voldemort couldn't hear him.

And the ghosts of the Muggle Elder and Bertha Jorkins were still surrounding Voldemort, cursing him constantly, preventing Voldemort from paying attention to Harry, while the ghosts of those he had killed earlier kept coming out on the tip of his wand.

"Got it" gasped Harry, his wand slipped into his hand and he clutched it desperately.

"Get out," whispered his father, "Get ready to run... now..."

"Hey!" shouted Harry, thinking he wouldn't be able to hold on anyway.... waved the wand upward, the golden threads snapped, the web of light disappeared and the phoenix's song faded away.

But the ghosts of the people who had died at Voldemort's command did not disappear... but surrounded Voldemort, preventing him from seeing Harry.

"Fish! Come to me quickly!"

Harry landed and ran as fast as he could, shouting Fish's name and keeping his eyes peeled for the Portkey....

But the battle between Fish and the Death Eaters had left the place in chaos, and it was so late that Harry couldn't see where the Portkey was.

"Fish! Come to me quickly!"

Voldemort, blinded by the ghosts, shouted angrily as Harry anxiously searched for the Portkey.

The Death Eaters, who had been searching for Fish, immediately switched targets and surrounded Harry.



Fish, in his clouded leopard form, jumped up, swatted two other Death Eaters away, then stepped on a tombstone and leapt to Harry's side.

"Harry, are you okay nya?"

Fish, who had regained his human form, asked worriedly.

"I'm fine!" Harry grabbed Fish's hand, "Don't let go of me!". He didn't wait for Fish to say anything else before he raised his wand, "Accio Portkey!".

A wooden staff with a broken section flew out of the distant haystack and landed in Harry's hand.



Fish, who was holding his other hand, looked suspiciously at Harry, who was suddenly stunned.