
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 519: Blood, Flesh and Bones (Edited)

"I think I know who taught Harry the spell, that person had nothing to do with it, so stop pressuring Harry."

Professor McGonagall came to the rescue just as Harry had run out of words.

Harry shot a grateful look at Professor McGonagall, then looked at Professor Moody, who was still standing near him, and said, "I really can't think of anyone else."

At that moment, Harry noticed that Professor Moody's expression had become a little strange, as if he was....


He saw that Moody was smiling, showing his uneven teeth, and said hoarsely, "It's Black, isn't it?"

Harry was startled, and unconsciously blurted out, "How did you know...?!"

No sooner had he uttered these words than Harry felt a tug at the back of his navel, and his feet lifted off the ground.

He had part of his leg firmly attached to Professor Moody's cane, which was dragging him forward amidst a whistling wind and swirling colors, and Harry could feel Mad-Eye Moody beside him, who seemed to be laughing maniacally.

It was him!

Harry finally realized that the man behind the scenes was Mad-Eye Moody! Unfortunately, he knew too late.

The cane carried the two to their destination, and Harry, who had been dragged sitting up, sat on his butt, as Mad-Eye Moody staggered forward and rolled twice across the floor, the cane, the Portkey, falling to the side.

Then, a strange black sludge erupted from the ground, enveloping both Harry and Moody.

"Harry, you got caught too nyaa!"

Just as Harry was about to struggle, Fish's greeting sounded next to him, he turned his head and saw that Fish, like him, was also enveloped in this strange black sludge, with only his head uncovered.

After waving to Harry, Fish looked suspiciously at Moody, who had also been caught, and muttered, "Was Fish wrong and Alastor isn't a bad guy nya?"


"No! It's him! He's the one who brought me here with the Portkey!" Harry shouted.

"It was him!" Fish was happy now, "Fish said it, this guy has a problem, and Albus doesn't believe me!".


Stepping aside, Peter recited an incantation to release the black mud that had trapped the fake Moody, dropped to the ground, kicked his fallen cane away, and limped over to Peter.

"Master, I've brought you Harry Potter!"

Said the fake Moody with a frantic look on his face as he turned to the cloths in Peter's arms.

"Very good, very good! Barty, my most faithful servant," Voldemort's voice also sounded slightly agitated, "Voldemort does not forget those who do his bidding."

"Voldemort!" Harry exclaimed, "It's Voldemort!".

At the same time, he felt his scar hurt violently again. He had never felt such excruciating pain in his life, and if he hadn't been encased in black mud, Harry thought he might be rolling on the floor in pain.

"Yes, it's me, Harry Potter."

The voice in the cloths replied faintly, then beckoned to Peter, "Begin, I can't wait."

"Yes, my lord."

Peter handed the cloth-wrapped baby his arms to the fake Moody and then removed the black mud enveloping Harry, but before Harry could defend himself, a disarming spell fell on him and, without his wand, Harry was quickly overpowered by Peter and dragged to a marble slab.

By the light of Peter's wand, Harry could see the name on the headstone: Tom Riddle.

It was a name Harry knew, the name Voldemort used when he was a student.

Peter used his magic to conjure a rope and tied Harry tightly to the gravestone, binding him from neck to ankle. Harry heard sharp, soft breathing coming from inside the hood. He struggled, but was struck by the hand that had hit him, missing a finger.

"You're Peter! Peter Pettigrew, who killed my parents!"

Harry roared through gritted teeth, finally recognizing the identity of the other party.

Peter's body trembled, not daring to look at Harry, but silently checking how tightly the ropes were tied.

When he was sure that Harry was so tightly bound that he could not move, Peter pulled a black mass from his cloak and shoved it roughly into Harry's mouth, stopping his curses.

Then, without a word, Peter hurried away.

"Oh... he's Scabbers!"


Fish, who had finally remembered who Peter Pettigrew was, suddenly realized.

Then Fish started yelling at Peter's back.

"You're a bad guy! Fish should have eaten you in the first place."

(? `Д′?)

Ignoring him, Peter quickened his pace and disappeared between the tombstones.

Tied firmly to the headstone, Harry couldn't turn his head to look behind, he could only see directly in front of him.

To his oblique right was Fish, trapped in the black mud, his head looking restlessly around him, and on the other side was Mad-Eye Moody, gazing fawningly at the cloths in his arms.

Harry didn't understand why the Mad-Eye Moody he knew, who was supposed to be an Auror who didn't like Death Eaters, was suddenly working for Voldemort.

Soon, however, Harry remembered that Voldemort had called him Barty, not Alastor or Moody.


Harry tried to question the other party, but he couldn't speak with a ball of cloth stuffed in his mouth by Peter.

"Huh?" just then, Fish suddenly looked behind Harry, "What are you, a snake? Feels weird."

Harry then heard a faint rustling sound coming from behind him and soon he was on his feet, Harry looked down and saw a large snake slithering through the grass, circling his tombstone.

The snake ignored Fish and, after a few moments of wandering around Harry's feet, coiled up next to the headstone.

Immediately after, Peter gasped and pushed a stone cauldron to the edge of the grave.

The cauldron was so large that a grown man could sit in it, and it was filled with an unknown liquid.

Peter ran his wand across the bottom of the cauldron and a crackling fire sprang up from underneath, but the snake did not seem to like the flames and swam away from the tombstone into the darkness.

The liquid in the cauldron seemed to heat up so fast that not only did the surface begin to boil, but sparks flew as if it were on fire. The steam became so thick that the figure of Peter, who was tending the flames, became a blur.

"It's done, master."

Peter said as the entire surface of the water sparkled with diamond-like sparks, and the fake Moody emerged with Voldemort in his arms.

He opened the cloth to reveal Voldemort's hideous body once more, and Harry, seeing it for the first time, tried to scream, but was gagged by the ball of cloth in his mouth.

The fake Moody carefully placed Voldemort in the cauldron, and with a hiss he sank, then the fake Moody stepped back and looked at Peter enviously.

Peter, stung by the false Moody's eyes, shakily approached the cauldron, raised his wand, closed his eyes, and said to the night sky, "Father's bones, given unknowingly, you will renew your son!"

The grave crunched beneath Harry's feet, and a small wisp of dust rose into the air at Peter's call, landing softly on the cauldron. The diamond-shaped surface cracked, hissed, sizzled, and the liquid turned a deep blue.

"Ohhhhhh! How interesting nya!".


Unlike the horrified Harry, Fish was interested in this fancy stuff.

Then, drawing from his cloak a long, thin, silver dagger, Peter sobbed and said, "The flesh of the servant...is...freely and willingly donated so...that its master...may be reborn."

The envy in the false Moody's eyes had turned to jealousy.

Peter obviously didn't think there was anything to envy, however, for he gritted his teeth and trembled as he cut off his right hand that was missing a finger.

With a scream that pierced the night air, Peter gasped in pain and threw the severed hand into the cauldron, where the potion changed back to a fiery, glowing red.

Peter gasped and groaned in pain. As the painful breath splashed across Harry's face, Harry, who couldn't bear what he had just seen, realized that Peter was standing in front of him.

"The blood of your enemy...forced to sacrifice...can make your enemy...resurrect."

Harry struggled desperately, but he was so tightly bound that he could only watch as Peter slashed his arm with the dagger and then collected his blood in a small glass vial.

As the Dark Lord who had plunged the magical world of England into darkness, Harry was not the only one Voldemort hated, but it was only natural that Harry was the best choice to break the prophecy in order to break the protection spell on Harry.

Voldemort had thought of Fish, but after guessing that Fish was not human, Voldemort abandoned this idea just to be on the safe side.

Besides, Voldemort was confident that, once he had regained his powers, he could easily subdue Fish, and when Fish became his minion, he would have his magic spells at his disposal.

Peter poured Harry's blood into the cauldron, the liquid immediately turning a dazzling white. This done, Peter fell to his knees beside the cauldron, collapsed and sank to the floor, gasping and sobbing as he clutched his bleeding arm.

On the other side, the fake Moody approached excitedly, staring into the cauldron as sparks flew.

Suddenly, the sparks went out and white steam rose from the cauldron.

In the white vapor, the black form of a man, tall and thin, like a skeleton, slowly emerged from the crucible.

The false Moody greeted the man and dressed him in the robe, the cloths that had been used to swaddle the ugly baby.

The thin man stepped out of the cauldron, his eyes fixed on Harry.... Harry saw the face that had haunted his nightmares for three years, paler than a skeleton, with two large red eyes, a nose as flat as a snake's, and nostrils that were two slits....

Voldemort had come back to life.

"But...", Fish's voice rang again, "Are you still without a nose and hair?".
