
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 449: Chuuu~ (Edited)

Hermione wasn't too upset about being left behind by Fish, after all she knew Fish had been in a bad mood today and needed to blow off some steam.

And after so long following Fish around the castle, she knew Hogwarts as well as Filch and the twins, so it was no problem being alone, not to mention the fact that Fish would find her quickly.

The two of them wandered around for a while, then found a secluded spot to kiss again, and due to the previous night's encounter, Hermione was still very active this time, touching Fish again, and Fish had no qualms about touching her back....

After a few minutes, Hermione, blushing, pushed Fish away, and smoothed her hair and robe.

Fish licked his mouth and looked at his palm for a long moment, before turning his head back to Hermione.


"What, what's wrong?"

Seeing Fish's serious face, Hermione asked curiously.

"Hermione's body feels... weird..."

Fish tilted his head and spoke hesitantly, causing Hermione's face to blush once again.

Again she heard Fish mutter, "Is it really because there's no hair nya?".

Hermione: "..."

The cat rubbed his fingers with his head down and didn't notice that Hermione's face wasn't very good at the moment, and sighed to himself, "If only Hermione could look like a cat-person nya too...".

Hermione: "..."

Fish finally raised his head, saw the complicated expression on her face, and quickly comforted her, "Hermione, don't worry, even if you don't have fur, Fish still loves you!"


The cat came over and rubbed against Hermione's face, then added, "And I can also go to Severus and ask him to help me improve the Multijuice Potion, so that the magic potion won't taste so bad when transformed, and then it will be easy for you to become a cat person nya!".

Hermione nodded dumbfounded and didn't bother to explain to Fish....


In fact, the girl had a suspicion that Fish was so slow in this regard, would it be because he had no hair on her body?

Then Hermione thought of something and her face reddened again.

She shook her head vigorously, then patted her cheek and said to Fish, "We should get back."

"No more kisses nya?"

Fish tilted his head and asked, the kissing time today much shorter than usual.

"So... then just a little more..."

Hermione closed her eyes shyly and then lifted her head.


In the next term, there was still a lot of homework left, and after Fish protested in vain to Professor McGonagall, he had no choice but to accept this fact....

At night, the ghosts of Hogwarts were haunted.

In the end, Nearly Headless Nick had to go and tell Professor McGonagall, who took the cat into her office and gave him a good scolding before she got Fish to stop.

In fact, in addition to the homework, the fourth year curriculum is also much heavier than before, but the cat didn't pay much attention before, although now he listens carefully to the class, but for the cat, the content of the class is so-so, he really has no idea....

Anyway, it sounds so boring, but after listening to it carefully, Fish can remember it.

On this day, it was Defense Against the Dark Arts class again, Professor Moody surprised everyone when he opened his mouth.

He was going to cast the Imperius Curse on everyone, so that they could experience for themselves the power of the Imperius Curse.

"But... you said it was illegal, Professor," Hermione said uncertainly as Moody waved his wand and pushed the desks aside to leave a large space in the middle of the classroom, "You said... using it on someone else is..."

"Dumbledore wants you to feel it," Moody said, his magical eye turned and looking disturbingly and unblinkingly at Hermione, "And if you're willing to wait for someone to use this spell in a more brutal way, to get you completely under control... fine. I agree. You can go."

He held up a rough finger, pointing to the classroom door.

Hermione blushed, muttered that she didn't mean it, and then backed away.


Fish looked at Moody with dissatisfaction, he had a vague feeling that Hermione was being bullied, but there was nothing wrong with what Moody had just done, and this strange emotion made Fish feel a little annoyed.

By this time, Moody had already begun calling the students to take turns coming to the front, and recited the Imperius Curse to them Fish's attention was immediately focused on the class, as each of the controlled students made funny movements, much to the cat's amusement, and his slight annoyance was instantly forgotten.

Dean Thomas went around the class three times singing the national anthem softly. Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of amazing gymnastic moves that he would never have been able to do in his normal state.

Even Hermione did five consecutive cartwheels under Moody's control, and still looked dazed when the spell was lifted.

"Hermione, are you all right?"


Fish raised his palm and waved it in front of Hermione's eyes, snapping her out of her daze even faster.

"I just... I actually did a backflip!"

Hermione covered her mouth and exclaimed, and then again wore an annoyed expression, "As expected, I still can't resist the Imperius Curse!"

Professor Moody continued to cast the Imperius Curse on the other students. It seemed that Fish was experienced in blocking the Imperius Curse, so Moody put him last. Before Fish, only Harry could barely resist the Imperius Curse's grip, but he had overturned the table and was now grimacing as he covered his knee.

Seeing this, Fish cast a rejuvenating spell on him, and with a flash of green light around him, Harry walked freely.

"Thank you, Fish." Harry thanked him immediately.

And Professor Moody's magic eye lingered on Harry's knee for a while before withdrawing its gaze and giving Fish a meaningful look.

"Well done, Potter!" He complimented Harry before finally naming Fish, "Now, let's see how Fish resisted the Imperius Curse."

Fish fearlessly stepped forward, bowed his head and began to look at Moody again.



Moody was stunned for a moment, then raised his wand and pointed it at Fish, "Imperius!"


There was a soft sound, Moody's Imperius Curse was blocked by Fish's left hand glowing red.

Moody: "..."

Fish: "..."

"Nyajajajajajaja..." Fish dispersed the red light from his hand, smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "My body moved on its own nya."

Moody's face twitched twice as he unleashed the Imperius Curse once more.

This time Fish didn't try to block it, letting Moody's spell land on him.

The familiar feeling of happiness came, and Fish had a comfortable smile on his face, and a purr came from his throat.

Before Moody could give a command, he looked around, spotted Hermione, and ran to her.



The cat threw himself into Hermione's arms, his head resting on her shoulder and a happy expression on his face.

"Pro... Professor?"

Hermione hugged the cat in her arms and looked at Moody by the podium in surprise.

"I haven't ordered him yet." Moody replied sharply, before throwing an order at Fish, trying to get her to leave, and to show that he wasn't controlling Fish's current movements, Moody shouted the order directly, "Stand in front of me!"

Of course, just like it happened to Voldemort back then, Fish didn't bother to pay attention to him and wagged his tail in response, then kept hugging Hermione and rubbing his head against her from time to time.

"Fish, Fish."

Of course, just like it happened to Voldemort back then, Fish didn't bother to pay attention to him and wagged his tail in response, then kept hugging Hermione and rubbing his head against her from time to time.



Hearing Hermione's cry, Fish finally responded, sitting up and tilted his head to look at Hermione.

But because of the spell, the cat was now in a drunken state, not paying attention to what Hermione was saying, his attention was on his mouth opening and closing....



The cat didn't even think about it, he kissed her out of habit.