
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 446: Hermione: Thank you all!

After digging a small hole for Fish, Moody returned to the role of teacher and explained the three unforgivable curses to the students.

After discovering the threat of the Avada Kedavra Curse, Fish not only listened intently, but asked Moody questions as well

"Can the Avada Kedavra Curse be stopped with a spell?"

"No, any defensive spell will have no effect on the Avada Kedavra Curse, and if you want to resist it, you have to use physical cover."

"What about wearing armor? or the Muggle invention of body armor?"

"Again no, the armor and flak jacket you mentioned, they are too close to the body and the Avada Kedavra Curse will still work." Moody replied shaking his head, he was still very thorough when it came to teaching.

"When we caught dark wizards, we used to dodge the spell, and when we couldn't dodge it, we used transfiguration spells or a summoning spell to move something in front of us, but that required very fast reflexes and you could die if you weren't careful."

"Well... that's not really that hard to deal with nya..."


Fish folded his hands and, after thinking seriously for a moment, said so.

For a cat that was so strong and sensitive, avoiding the spell was just a basic operation....

"Don't take it lightly!"

Moody suddenly shouted again, startling Fish and the others, who were deep in thought.

It really wasn't a good habit to startle, and Fish gave him a dissatisfied look and Moody glared at him as well.

"You might be able to dodge a spell from the front easily, but, what about from behind?" Moody admonished grudgingly and sharply, "And a good wizard has the means to limit your movements and get the spell to reach you!".

Fish can refute the first sentence by saying that he sees all directions and hears all directions. It's not easy to sneak attack him, but there's no way the last sentence... because he's lost to Professor McGonagall almost a hundred times, and he knew Moody wasn't lying.

Then Fish fell silent, and although Fish was still wearing a defiant expression, but he had already firmly recalled the existence of Avada Kedavra in his mind.

After answering Fish's question, Professor Moody went on to talk about the other two unforgivable curses.

Fish doesn't mind these two curses much, he had already tried the Imperius Curse, which was a very nice way to relax if no one spoke in his mind, and the Cruciatus Curse was no problem for Fish, who tolerated pain very well!

Don't look at Fish screaming when Professor McGonagall whipped him, it's because Fish knew that what he did would make Professor McGonagall take it easy.

As a natural predator, Fish knew from the time he was a normal cat that showing his vulnerability to his enemies was the stupidest thing he could do.

After an impressive Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, with everyone talking excitedly about the class and heading to the Great Hall, Fish thought about it, but still didn't run to Moody to fight.

Not that Fish didn't think he couldn't beat his opponent, but he believed that if he went to fight Moody now, Professor McGonagall would punish him win or lose, and that might affect his entry in the Triwizard Tournament....

So Fish weighed the pros and cons and decided to hold off until registration was over.

In the days that followed, Fish's life was pretty regular: classes, meals, sleep and hanging out with Hermione during the day, stories and homework in Professor McGonagall's office in the afternoons, tutoring, sleep, nights out and hanging out with Hermione, and on the weekends, he would call the twins and the four Animagus would escape to the Forbidden Forest for a day of relaxation, then return for more tutoring, meals, sleep and hanging out with Hermione.

The only thing that's a little turbulent is....

"Why are you only selling so much stuff this time nya?"


Fish looked at the goods brought by the twins and asked curiously.

"Ahem...," George's face was a little embarrassed, and he said casually, "We've been spending a lot of money on research and development lately, so we don't have a lot of money to buy raw materials. We don't have a lot of money to buy raw materials."


Fish nodded half-heartedly, not caring too much.

He was earning money to buy Professor McGonagall a present, and if he won the Triwizard Tournament afterwards, it wouldn't matter how much the twins earned.

"Do you want to borrow some from Fish?"


Fish pulled out of his pocket a good handful of coins, mostly gold, and handed them to the twins.

He said kindly, "The birthday presents for Minerva, Hermione, and Severus, have already been prepared by Fish, so you don't have to rush to return them."

Since Fish usually eats, drinks and entertains people, and has no hobbies to spend money, it is easy for him to save money. Even if he bought three birthday gifts, since the store was offering a discount, he hadn't spent much money.

The twins looked at the money Fish handed them and, after a moment's hesitation, gritted their teeth and took it.

"Don't worry, we'll soon make enough money to pay you back!"

Fred said confidently, and George nodded his head fiercely.

It wasn't like they were bragging, the various joke products produced by the two of them are very popular at Hogwarts, even without Fish's gold medal sales, the sales of the products aren't worrisome at all.

Had it not been for a certain Director of the Magical Sports Department during the Quidditch World Cup, his Weasley magic trick workshop would have gone from strength to strength.

Fish didn't care when he got his money back, as he would hardly need it until the summer vacations.

As on previous occasions, everything Fish sold was bought in the blink of an eye, and Fish didn't ask the twins for his share, telling them they could pay him back with the money they had just borrowed, and then he went off to find Hermione.

After a fortnight of uneventful activity, Hermione's birthday, September 19, soon arrived.

Originally, both Fish and Hermione planned to celebrate her birthday alone like last time, but what Fish didn't expect was that after finishing today's tutoring in the common room, many Gryffindor girls took action.

First they sent the other boys who were still in the common room back to their dorms, then they waved their wands and hung ribbons and balloons and flowers of all colors around the common room, and then they brought a big cake from somewhere and set it on a table they had set up.

"What are they doing nya?"


Fish asked, scratching his head as he watched the efficient girls finish setting up the common room.

"It's for Granger's birthday, of course," Parvati Patil said, winking playfully at Fish. "Last year we couldn't attend her birthday because the cake was too small, so this time we have a big one."

She pointed to the three-tiered cream cake on the table, looked at Hermione and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Granger."

"Thank you, thank you all, girls!"

Hermione replied sternly.

For some reason, Fish sensed that Hermione didn't look very happy....

It was a good thing, wasn't it?
