
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 346: The Bad Old Man Knows No Martial Virtue (Edited)

The clay puppets that had been crushed by the cat and dog got back to their feet and gathered together to form a clay giant as big as Fluffy, who then waved his rough hands and began to wrestle with the three-headed dog.

The silver-white phoenix flapped its wings and circled Fish, whose claws glowed red.

Then Dumbledore spun his robes and was gone in an instant.



With another swipe of his claws, Fish looked around cautiously, and realized that Dumbledore was nowhere to be seen and had gone somewhere.

As he twitched his nose in search of the old bad guy, the silver and white phoenix swooped down once more.



Don't think that because you look like Fawkes, I won't dare to strike hard!

Fish brandished his massive tiger claws at the silver-white phoenix, and with a combination of spells and Fish's continued blows, Dumbledore's Patronus was finally reduced to a mass of silver light.

Although they soon reassembled and resumed their phoenix form, the glow was noticeably dimmer, and it was clear that he was not really unharmed.

Fish was about to continue his pursuit when Dumbledore's Patronus flapped its wings and flew through the air.

As he tried to help Fluffy, the phoenix hovering in the sky swooped down again, only to tug and harass, not to fight Fish head on.

It was so hard on the kitten that he began to envy the Weasley twins' Animagus form again.

As Fish gave tapped the ground in irritation, considering whether to continue tangling with this phoenix or to call Shadow for help, Dumbledore appeared in front of everyone again.

Immediately after, Fish saw him throw a black object at him and cast a spell at that black object.

However, before Dumbledore's spell reached the black object, Fish already knew what it was....

Even if it's pouring rain, there's no way to hide the disgusting smell of the troll!

Especially when Dumbledore's spell hit the troll he had knocked unconscious, returning its body to its original size, the pungent smell went straight to Fish's head.

"gag (Arcades)"


The majestic white tiger opened its mouth, made a retching motion, and quickly retreated with its four paws....

In his animal form, he was a little more resistant to the troll's smell, but Fish's psychological shadow on this thing is too deep and he unconsciously wanted to stay away.

But the troll's smell was so horrible that, even after retreating, Fish could still smell the stench coming from it.

Without hesitation, Fish switched back to his cat-man form and was about to pull out his wand to cast a bubble head and odor elimination spell on himself, when he felt he couldn't use strength and fell limply to the ground after a couple of staggers.

"Minerva, help me nya!"


The kitten was lying in the mud, and although its body could not exert strength, its cries were full of energy.

After transforming back into a human form, although the sensitivity of the sense of smell has decreased, the resistance to smells has also decreased, and Fish wanted to transform back into a tiger or a cat right now, but he found that it was was impossible, so he could only ask for help from Professor McGonagall.

"Fish is going to die from the smell nya, gag (Arcades)!"

The mean old man is really really mean! Fight well if you fight, how can you use such indecent tricks?

Isn't the only way to scare off a predator with a stinky fart what very weak rats do?

Unable to move his body at all, Fish couldn't hold his nose, so, after shouting to Professor McGonagall for help, he closed his mouth, held his breath, and tried to hold his breath.


Luckily, once Dumbledore saw that Fish had recovered, he quickly moved the unfortunate troll back to the Forbidden Forest and turned the giant mud puppet that had been stuck with Fluffy into a pile of dirt.

After the mud puppet disappeared, Fluffy did not continue foolishly attacking Dumbledore, but ran back to Fish's side and stood on guard.

Professor McGonagall, who had been worried for a long time, also jumped down from the stands at this point and ran to Fish's side in the heavy rain without an umbrella. Fluffy, who was very familiar with her, naturally wouldn't stop her, but everyone else except Hagrid was stopped.

"Fish, are you all right?"

Professor McGonagall knelt down in the mud without hesitation, hugged Fish carefully and asked with concern.

"Hehehehehe... Fish is fine nya..."

Seeing that Professor McGonagall was still so worried about him, the kitten's resentment instantly disappeared.

He blinked and replied, "I just don't have the strength, I can't even lift my hands nya..."

"It's okay, go back and rest," Professor McGonagall said with a huge sigh of relief, pressing her cheek against Fish's head and whispering quietly, "Other than that is there any other discomfort?"

"Hmm...and there's.... yawn... it's just that Fish is a bit sleepy nya..."

The kitten replied as he yawned, and his eyelids began to struggle, and he fell asleep just as he finished speaking.

Professor McGonagall struggled to get up with Fish in her arms, and Hagrid, seeing this, rushed to help carry Fish, but she resolutely refused.

"Thank you, Fluffy," said Professor McGonagall to the three-headed dog guarding Fish, "He's all right now, so go back to the Forbidden Forest and I'll send Fish to you when he's recovered."

"Woof!" ×3

All three Fluffy heads responded at the same time, then lowered their heads and sniffed Fish to make sure he was okay before leaving the Quidditch pitch.

The game couldn't go on like this, not to mention the fact that Malfoy had somehow managed to sneak up on the Snitch.

Although Wood and the others were not convinced, the game was won by Slytherin according to the rules.

However, the Gryffindors had little energy to argue with the Slytherin, as they escorted Fish and Harry, who were unconscious, and a few other students, such as Neville, who were in bad shape, towards the castle.

Once everyone was off the Quidditch pitch, a large black dog appeared out of nowhere to watch the group leave.

Sirius Black glared at Harry and Fish, who were being dragged through the crowd, his mind blank.

He had only come to see his godson during the Quidditch match, and even though it was pouring rain, it was a relief for Sirius to see Harry taking to the skies on his flying broom like his father, even if he couldn't see his father's face.

But when the Dementors burst onto the field, Sirius immediately turned away, with Dumbledore and the other professors around, he didn't think there was any danger.

What he didn't expect was for Harry to fall off the broom because of the Dementors.

As Sirius ran back to the field in a flash, he happened to see the scene of Fish transforming into a white tiger....

Although he already knew that the strange wizard could turn into not only a cat but also a leopard, Sirius was shocked to see him turn back into a tiger.

And to add to his embarrassment, the animal's instinctive response in the form of Animagus made Sirius have the feeling of submitting to it when faced with the oppressive force of Fish [Animal Intimidation]....

Even though no one saw it!

Even though he's just a dog now!

Even though his mind is basically focused on revenge!


Anyway, after Sirius recovered, he couldn't wait to dig a hole and bury himself.

But what happened next was even more surprising to Sirius, as the tiger that Fish had become was able to fight Dumbledore back and forth.... Even if Dumbledore had obviously held back, he was still the best wizard of the century!

Not to mention the fact that afterward, Fish summoned the three-headed dog that nearly killed him....

Thinking about the silly thing he'd done earlier in the Gryffindor dormitory, Sirius Black couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat.

Good thing he'd been there while everyone else was at the Halloween feast, but if he'd run into Fish....

Sirius didn't think he'd be able to escape Fish without his wand.

My earlier plan is still a bit ill-considered....

As an old Gryffindor with recklessness etched in his bones, Sirius Black had suddenly learned the meaning of caution today.