
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 332: I came and saw Fluffy hitting a stranger (Edited)

Sirius Black was now panicking...

In fact, most wizards, under normal circumstances, would have panicked like him at the sight of a huge, three-headed, mountain-sized dog in front of them.

Even if Sirius had a wand in his hand, he would have turned around and run without hesitation at the sight of the three-headed dog...

Even if he had his wand, he would have had to run because he couldn't use 'Apparition' at Hogwarts.

As for a fight with Fluffy....

Even when he was at his best, Sirius wasn't sure he could take this thing down, let alone now.

Gryffindors are a bit reckless, but not really stupid.

Is Hagrid insane?!!! Did he carelessly keep such a dangerous creature outside the Forbidden Forest?!!! Isn't he afraid that this three-headed dog will accidentally hurt other students!!!?

Although he had known that Hagrid had a soft spot for such "big cuddly animals," Sirius would never have imagined that the man would have the audacity to let a three-headed dog loose and have the school approve... Was he Dumbledore's illegitimate son?

If they had a three-headed dog like that in the Forbidden Forest when they were at school, what the hell were they doing learning how to transform into Animagus?! Just give it to Lupin straight!

Sirius growled madly in his mind, but he had his tail tucked between his legs and remained motionless on the ground, not daring to provoke the fearsome beast in the slightest.

"¡Woof woof woof! ¡¡Woof woof woof!!! ¡¡Woof woof woof!!!"

When Fang, who had gotten a big endorsement, saw Sirius give in, he barked arrogantly at him....

Especially when he saw that he had less than a fifth of his prosciutto left, he let out a groan of aggression and demanded that Chief Fluffy take care of it for him.

"Woof!" ×3

Fluffy looked at the ham in front of Sirius, arched his neck and let out a growl from all three heads before lowering his head and looking at the foreign dog that had bullied his little brother.

"Oooh... oooh..."

Sirius retracted his body as much as he could, and the dog's tail tucked behind his buttocks swayed gently, showing a gesture of submission.

Are you kidding? what else could you do at a time like that but give in?


Fluffy tilted his heads to look at Fang.

Now that the other party has submitted, he has no interest in bullying the weak. Fluffy is already a tyrant in the Forbidden Forest. Even those Acromantulas dare not provoke him. He's just an ordinary little black dog, so he didn't mind a little black dog.

However, what Fluffy didn't expect was that the little black dog, which was not worthy of mention in his eyes, would turn around and run away when he turned his head to look at Fang!

This was a different story.

As a new force in the Forbidden Forest, Fluffy obviously wouldn't let anyone provoke him like that, so he roared and quickly chased after Sirius Black.


Despite his size, Fluffy was far from slow, or he wouldn't have given Fish so many headaches when he was guarding the Philosopher's Stone.

After brutally knocking down a few trees that stood in his way, Fluffy leapt in front of Sirius in a few strides, then stretched out his massive paws and slapped the little black dog that had dared to provoke him.


Sirius, who was pinned down by Fluffy's heavy paws, let out a cry of pain.

Fluffy, like Uroboros, had grown intellectually and temperamentally as a result of spending so much time with Fish, so although he had hit Sirius, he had no intention of killing him.

But Sirius wasn't in the best of health, and Fluffy was so good at controlling his strength, so he almost killed him with a paw.

"Woof! Woof!"

Fluffy, who had really saved his strength, barked brutally at Sirius.

And Fang went after him, as he wagged his tail flatteringly at Fluffy, while every now and then extending his paws to swat at the obnoxious "guy" who had stolen his food.

Sirius was completely helpless and allowed himself to be intimidated by the stupid, cowardly dog.

Was he going to die here in such a comical fashion before he could get his revenge?

Sirius thought grimly, but the desire for revenge made him continue to struggle under Fluffy's claws.



Fluffy's three heads looked up in surprise, it was the first time he had seen such a fearless creature.


He raised his paw and slapped Sirius twice.

Sirius, who was already half dead, couldn't get up at all and could only lie on the ground, whimpering weakly.

It was then that Fluffy noticed that his opponent appeared to be dying, and was a bit taken aback.

He didn't seem to be using much strength, so how could this puppy be dying?

So weak and so arrogant, this guy's intelligence is lower than Fang's...

In fact, if Sirius hadn't run away a moment ago, or if he had been pinned down by Fluffy and stood still, nothing would have happened at all, but it would have been hard not to run away when facing such a huge creature as Fluffy.

Fluffy didn't want the dog to die, but he didn't know any healing spells, so he kept pulling Sirius with his big paws, trying to help him up.


He successfully worsened Sirius' wounds.

When Fish followed Fang's voice to this place, he saw this scene.



The little cat cleared the bushes in front of him and approached, cocking his head in confusion, looking at Fluffy and the big black dog pulling.

"Woof woof!"


Noticing Fish's arrival, Fang let go of the big black dog, which Chief Fluffy was playing with, and came to Fish's side, sticking out his tongue gleefully and wagging his tail.

Sirius lying in the mud looked back and saw Fish beside him.

He thought Fish was some naughty student who had wandered into the forbidden forest, and barely managed to let out two faint whimpers to warn him to run away before he saw the silver-gray haired boy come towards him in three strides and....

He kicked the huge dog leg that was crushing him.

"Fluffy you're bullying the other animals again nya!"


Not satisfied with one kick, Fish kicked him several more times.

Then Sirius was surprised to see the huge three-headed dog quickly retract his paws and promptly drop down, all three heads showing flattering expressions and making very aggravated whimpering sounds.

This child... What is it?!

Sirius gasped and looked directly at Fish...who had saved him.

Wait, what are those triangular things on top of his head? And that furry, wavy thing behind...was that... a tail?

Sirius's mind was confused for a moment.

Then he heard the boy talking animatedly with the three-headed dog, Fluffy, and the bully named Fang.

"What? you mean this dog stole Fang's food?"


The kitten frowned, "Stealing food...it's a bit over the top...but you can't hit him like that nya."


Fluffy retorted aggressively, he had only slapped him a couple of times and hadn't hit him hard, but who knew the dog, who looked stronger than Fang, would be so weak.

"Is that so nya?"

Fish scratched his head and crouched down next to Sirius, giving him a rejuvenation spell before checking on him.

The green glow gradually melted into Sirius' body, and he instantly felt the pain in his body fade and the wounds on his body heal quickly.

But the mental exhaustion and body that had been destroyed by the dementors would not recover for some time.

He staggered to his feet and glared at the cat-eared boy.

"Oh... Fish understands nya."

After sensing Sirius' condition, Fish nodded in acknowledgement, then turned to Fluffy and Fang, "The dog's breath is faint, he's probably hungry, that's why I grab Fang's food."

He patted Fang's head and reassuringly said, "Fish will bring you more food tomorrow, so don't bother with him."


Fang replied, and kept wagging his tail happily.

Then Fish turned to Sirius again, patting him on the head and saying, "Fluffy won't bully you anymore, just don't steal Fang's food again nya, if you want food, Fish will bring it to you later nya."


The kitten didn't realize that the big black dog in front of him was an Animagus, because the reason Fish could recognize Animagus was because the breath of life in those animals far outweighed his "kind".

Sirius had recovered from his injuries, but he had been tortured in Azkaban for so long that his vitality wasn't nearly as strong as Mrs. Norris', so of course Fish couldn't see anything wrong with that.

Besides, with the size of Sirius' transformed dog, his vitality would be as strong as a human's under normal circumstances, and even if he was in perfect condition, the kitten wouldn't be able to recognize him.

There were several wizards in the Animagus Club who could turn into animals, and when they transformed, Fish couldn't tell them apart by their vitality.

Sirius hesitated for a moment, licking the back of Fish's hand in thanks, before turning around and heading off into the forest....

He didn't know what was going on with Fish, but he had no intention of revealing his identity to the other party, because he didn't know if Fish would tell the school teachers and ask them to arrest him after he knew his identity, and....

He wanted revenge himself, and also to atone for his sins, so Sirius had planned from the beginning, to come alone to settle this matter.

The kitten looked at the distant figure of the dog and scratched his head in some confusion....

"Fish saw three unexplainable things at once tonight nya?"
