
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 330: Harry Potter's Boredom (Edited)

Since receiving Fish's birthday present, Professor McGonagall had been in a good mood, even when some of her students have broken school rules, she tries to be as lenient as possible.

The Gryffindor students knew what was going on, but the other three houses, who were unaware of the situation, were surprised by Professor McGonagall's unusual behavior.

All the professors knew the cause and effect of the affair. After all, Professor McGonagall always took the initiative to bring out the flying Snitch in the shape of a cat's head to annoy them in her free time, which generated envy in a group of professors.

Snape was the only one who stayed quiet, since he would be getting a gift from Fish next year anyway.

In mid-October, the deans of all four houses had sent out notices to their students, reminding them to submit their signed permission forms for Hogsmeade before Halloween.

But this had little to do with Fish, since he could go there whenever he wanted without the permission form, and since the kitten had been living there for years, the place had long since lost its novelty.

But the rest of Fish's classmates were very excited, especially Hermione, who had been in the Muggle world for so long that it was quite a novelty for them to go to Hogsmeade.

Normally, no guardian of a young wizard would have failed to sign his permission form, even Neville's grandmother, who signed it and sent it to Professor McGonagall by owl.

Only Harry Potter's permission form was unsigned, and although the Dursleys didn't dare abuse Harry after Fish's lecture, that didn't stop them from giving him a hard time about it.

Besides, Harry had pumped up his aunt and blown her up this summer and then run away from the Dursleys, which made it even more unlikely that Vernon and Petunia would sign for him.

"Professor, my aunt and uncle...er...forgot to sign my form."

After Transformations class, Harry found Professor McGonagall and said with dodgy eyes.

Although Fish had invited Harry to visit Hogsmeade a few times during the summer vacations, he still wanted to go out with his friends every weekend.

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry through her square glasses, but said nothing.

"So, er... er... do you think it would be... I mean, would it be possible... That you'd let me go to Hogsmeade?"

Harry stammered as he negotiated with Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall lowered her eyes and began to sort through the pamphlets on her desk.

"I'm afraid not, Potter," she said, "You heard what I just said. You can't go without permission, that's the rule."

"But ... Professor, my aunt and uncle... you know, they're Muggles, they don't really understand... the forms Hogwarts sends out." said Harry, with Ron nodding desperately towards him in encouragement, "If you say I can go..."

At any other time, Professor McGonagall, who had been in a good mood lately, wouldn't mind giving Harry a back door or something, after all, she knew about the Dursleys.

But not now, exactly, not until Sirius Black had been caught, and there was no way she would agree to Harry going to Hogsmeade.

"But I won't say anything," Professor McGonagall said, standing up and tidily tucking her handouts away in a drawer, "The forms make it very clear that permission must be signed by a parent or guardian."

She turned to look at Harry and Ron and warned with a serious expression, "And don't even think about going to Fish, I'll tell him not to take Potter to Hogsmeade on his own."

Both of their faces turned downcast as they were trapped.

"I'm sorry, Potter, but that's the way it has to be." Professor McGonagall shook her head helplessly at the change in their expressions, "You two had better hurry or you'll be late for your next class."

After speaking, she quickly exited the classroom.

"Professor McGonagall has gone too far! We threw her a birthday party the other day."

After Professor McGonagall left, Ron complained indignantly.

And Harry's heart couldn't help a feeling of resentment, even though he had a vague idea why Professor McGonagall wouldn't allow him to go to Hogsmeade, but for a teenager, his own safety wasn't usually as important as playing....

Not to mention the fact that Harry is a Gryffindor.

After dinner, everyone went back to the common room and felt sorry for Harry when they found out he couldn't go to Hogsmeade, except Hermione and Ginny who also knew about Sirius Black and agreed with Professor McGonagall.

"There's a feast," Ron said, trying to cheer Harry up, "You know, the Halloween party, at night."

"Yeah," said Harry sullenly, "That's great."

The others, seeing him like this, came over to comfort him sympathetically and gathered around to advise Harry.

"I can imitate your aunt's handwriting and sign your permission form," said Dean Thomas, who was a good draftsman, only to be denied by Harry.

"Professor McGonagall already knows my form is unsigned."

He shook his head regretfully, he should have gone to Dean to discuss it first.

"How about you wear your invisibility cloak and sneak off with us?" suggested Ron, half-heartedly.

"Are you out of your mind? Professor Dumbledore said at the beginning of the term that the invisibility cloak wouldn't be able to hide from Dementors at the school gates."

Hermione shot a stern look at Ron, who had come up with the idea, and turned to Harry, "Harry, don't be silly, Professor Dumbledore was clearly warning you about that."

In fact, even if Hermione hadn't warned him, Harry wouldn't have done it...he was too scared of Dementors to do anything to provoke them.

And Percy's reassuring words were probably the least helpful.

"They're making a lot of noise about Hogsmeade, but I'm telling you, Harry, it's no good." He said seriously, "Yes, the candy store is all very well, but Zorko's joke store is dangerous. Oh, yes, the Shrieking Shack is worth a visit. But other than that, Harry, you're not missing much, to be honest."

If Harry hadn't been to Hogsmeade before, he might have believed it.

"So, can't Fish really think of a way?"

Ron looked reluctantly at the kitten who was surrounded by a group of girls and was doing homework.

Hearing Ron mention his name, Fish twitched his cat ears and lifted his head.

"No nya."


The little cat purred and shook his head, he hadn't joined the conversation earlier because Professor McGonagall had specifically addressed him after Transfiguration class and repeatedly harped on the matter.

"Minerva warned Fish very seriously that she will not help Harry go to Hogsmeade nya, and that if Fish did, she would be very, very angry, much, even more so than when Fish had lied to her about the Multijuice Potion."

The little witches sitting around Fish looked at Ron and loudly condemned his behavior of trying to bargain with Fish.

"Sorry, my mistake, we'll never find Fish again!"

Ron couldn't take the girls' bombardment and relented.

Seeming to look at Harry with a bit of pity, Fish thought for a moment and then reassured him, "Harry, didn't you go to Hogsmeade with Fish over the summer? I've already shown you all the good places, and all you have to do is go to Honeydukes for a bite to eat..."

"Oh, that's right nya!"


The kitten suddenly remembered something and added, "It's because of Aunt Rosmerta, isn't it? You used to love visiting her at the Three Broomsticks when you were on summer vacation."

At that, the cat cocked his head, then promised with conviction, "If so, Fish can promise to take you to see Aunt Kora in the Forbidden Forest when they go to Hogsmeade nya... as long as Minerva allows it."


Seeing the death stares from the girls around him, and the sympathetic looks from the boys, Harry couldn't be bothered to think about Hogsmeade right now....

All he wanted to do now was pull out his wand and cast a powerful dememorizing spell on everyone.