
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 205: The Defiant Professor McGonagall (Edited)

The next morning, Fish went to the Great Dining Hall for breakfast as usual, and greeted Ginny nonchalantly when he saw her.

"Good morning nya~" (●ΦωΦ●).

Oblivious to the events of the previous night, Ginny froze, then lowered her head and said good morning in a gnatty voice. Fish wouldn't have known she'd answered him if he hadn't had such good hearing.

Although he was surprised that Ginny behaved so differently than she had the night before, Fish didn't mind too much, or rather, maybe Ginny was more in line with his impression, and after greeting her, Fish sat back in his seat, took the cookies Comey had prepared for him and munched on them.

After greeting Fish, Ginny glanced warily at Harry out of the corner of her eye.

It wasn't that Voldemort hadn't done anything the night before, but he had just created a dream for Ginny, a young girl in love, about being too close to Fish and causing Harry to hook up with another girl.

Although Ginny also likes cats, her fondness for Fish was not the same as her fondness for Harry, so she was worried that the dream would come true.

But before she could find out how Harry reacted, a slender arm reached out from the side and grabbed Ginny's arm.

"Miss Weasley, may I have a moment of your time?" said Sharpay with a bright smile, her tone and smile so gentle and kind that Ginny couldn't say no.

She hurriedly looked to her siblings for help....

Once again, no different than last time, her brothers pretended not to see.

As Ginny was being questioned by a group of girls, Ron poked his head out, walked up to Fish and asked, "Fish, when did you and Ginny have such a good relationship?"


Fish blinked, remembering that he had promised to keep Ginny's secret, so he expertly put on a look of confusion and asked, "What are you talking about? Fish I don't understand."


"Erm, why did you just say hello to Ginny?"

Ron changed the question and several other Weasleys stretched their ears.

Although they didn't go to save Ginny, who was in dire straits, they still cared about their sister.

"Fish says hi to you all the time, what's so weird about that?"

The cat, who was getting better and better at lying, looked at Ron with a puzzled look on his face, wiggled his ears and replied, "Just waving, no reason for it."

This answer was quite in keeping with Fish's character of thinking one thing and another, so no one doubted the truthfulness of it.

The twins sighed with regret or relief from a distance, Percy sat upright again and Ron laughed dryly and continued to struggle with his fork against the baked potato on his plate.

After fooling Ron and the others, Fish continued to nibble on his burrito and, as promised, offered one to Alicia Spinnett at his side.

Since most of class was spent sleeping, the day went by rather quickly for Fish, and after opening and closing his eyes several times, the sun went down.

After finishing his homework with a grimace, surrounded by the girls and Sharpay, Fish walked out of the dormitory as if he was running away.

"Minerva~." ●ω●

After a leisurely stroll through the castle and a quick stop in the kitchen for lunch, Fish made his way to Professor McGonagall's office.

He was still very interested in the basilisk, so he wasn't going anywhere else for a few days.

After hearing the story at Professor McGonagall's house, it was easy to go outside, go upstairs and around a few corners, and then go play with the basilisk.

The kitten thought his plan was perfect.

"Fish, you're just in time," Professor McGonagall said happily, rubbing Fish's ears, "I have a new story to tell you."

"Nya!" ∑(●ΦДΦ●)

Remembering the boring story from the night before, Fish's big green eyes flicked back and forth, then he got up and planned to run out the door.

"Fish suddenly doesn't feel like listening to stories today nya..."


Professor McGonagall grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and then took him by the waist between her arms.

"Nya!" Fish immediately struggled, "Minerva, let me go, Fish suddenly remembered that I still have some homework left to do nya!"


This unrealistic statement could not fool Professor McGonagall, who grabbed Fish's little face and said confidently, "Don't worry, you'll definitely like this story today!".

It was hard for Professor McGonagall to accept that she had been outclassed, and crushed, by an uneducated man like Lockhart, not to mention the fact that her story had been compared to Professor Binns' class by Fish....

So he thought he'd "borrow" from Lockhart, and since his own experience wasn't good enough, he'd find something good enough to tell Fish!

So Professor McGonagall, in her spare time during the day, would go to the more active teachers of her youth, such as Dumbledore, Flitwick and Silvanus Kettleburn, etc, and collected many wonderful stories from them.

When they found out he was going to tell Fish, the elders immediately dredged up some of their best stories, and Dumbledore even temporarily lent Professor McGonagall his Pensive.

The stories were as good, if not better, than those stolen by Lockhart.

Although Professor McGonagall was not as good a storyteller as Lockhart, she was "not as boring as Professor Binns' History of Magic class," as Fish had said the night before.

So Professor McGonagall's confidence was high tonight.

"Really nya?"(ω).

Fish didn't quite believe what she said, however, and the kitten cocked his head, looking behind him at Professor McGonagall suspiciously.

"Of course, when did Mum lie to you?" asked Professor McGonagall, pretending to be angry as she gave Fish a fierce kiss on the cheek.

"When she lied to me about learning words, when she lied to me about how to dress, when she lied to me about using a fork..."

Fish counted on his fingers....

The same scene had been repeated many times between mother and son.

Reaching up to slap Fish's hands away as he counted his fingers, Professor McGonagall bellowed in annoyance, "Are you going to listen to the story or not?!"


Fish immediately wrapped his arms around her, rubbed his head playfully a couple of times, and then opened his eyes wide and acted like a good boy.

"Fish likes Minerva's stories best nya~"

After giving the kitten a smack on the head angrily, Professor McGonagall began to tell the story she had coaxed out of Dumbledore.

"The protagonist of this story is Albus Dumbledore, this happened when he was a student at Hogwarts..."

The story of Dumbledore's youth was much more exciting than Professor McGonagall's, so even though Professor McGonagall had only told the whole story straightforwardly, Fish was still listening with great interest.

"Well? I haven't lied to you, have I?" asked Professor McGonagall smugly as she finished Dumbledore's tale, pinching Fish's cheeks.

"Mmmmm, Minerva is the best nya."

Hearing a good story, Fish naturally congratulated.

But the smile on Professor McGonagall's face had just broken out when she heard the little bastard in her arms mutter, "As expected, only Minerva was so boring when she was in school nya.... Nya!"


Two hands silently went up to Fish's face and gradually tightened.

"Minerva, I was wrong nya!"

"Too late!"

"Nya nya nya nya nya nya..."

Five minutes later, Fish fled from Professor McGonagall's office, covering his cheeks.

"Minerva is a big meanie nya!"
