
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 132: Norberto (Edited)

Fish got drunk, and after Hermione splashed him with water, he recovered from his drunkenness.

"Meow?" ⊙ω⊙

He lowered his head and looked at himself, all wet, mixed with the smell of brandy and blood.

Jumping up from the table, Fish returned to his cat-person form and protested to Hagrid in disgust, "Why did you spill wine on Fish?!" ?(●ΦДΦ●)?

Hagrid: "..."

Harry, Ron and Hermione: "..."

"You don't remember anything?" Hagrid couldn't help but laugh, but he had no intention of tangling with Fish: "Anyway, you can't drink in the future. Professor McGonagall will be mad when she finds out."

He then took a few bottles of brandy out of the stack and carried them outside to the chicken coop.

Most of the chicken-blood brandy had been wasted, and the little fire dragon had not drunk much, and was now screaming with hunger.

"I'm not afraid of Minerva, meow!" ?(●ΦДΦ●)?

After wiping himself with a magic spell, Fish replied sternly, then shrank back timidly.

Not wanting to pursue the matter further, Fish turned his attention back to Hagrid's first words, tilted his head to remember, and his memory seemed to have faded by the time he had finished the chicken-blood brandy and was about to ask Hagrid for a second bowl.

Then Fish turned to Hermione and asked, "What just happened Fish? why don't I remember anything?"

"Ahem, you were drunk and mad," Hermione pointed to the red blood that had spilled everywhere, even on the ceiling, "And you did it while you were drunk."

"Fish is a good kitty, I didn't do it!". ∑(●ΦΦДΦ●)

Fish, who didn't remember any of this, didn't want to admit it.

"Y... What does it mean to be drunk?"

"It's useless if you don't admit it, your red footprints are everywhere on the walls, on the floor and on the ceiling."

Hermione pointed to a clearly visible cat paw print on the ceiling and patiently explained to Fish, "And being drunk... it simply means going into an uncontrollable state after drinking, like you were before, that's why Professor McGonagall won't let you drink."

Fish looked up at the ceiling and fell silent.

The cat tracks all over Hagrid's hut were certainly impossible to mistake for Fish, who could even roughly recreate his route from the tracks and the lingering scent.

So it was unlikely that Hermione and the others had faked them, and Fish saw no need for them to fake the prints to frame him.

"The brandy... It's scary, meow!" (??ˇ?ˇ??).

Watching Hagrid feed the new chicken-blood brandy to the little fire dragon, Fish didn't go forward to take some, but stared at the bright red liquid in the bowl with a suspicious face and commented seriously.

Wasn't it frightening that it contained the effects of the Obliviate and Confuse spell?

Hermione didn't even try to explain Fish's misunderstanding, because they were so frightened by Fish's drunkenness that it would be good if Fish would stop trying to drink.


For the rest of the day, Harry and the others went to Hagrid's hut to help care for the little Norwegian Ridgeback he had named Norberto, including Malfoy, who also knew the same thing.

"At the rate Norbert is growing, he won't fit in this crappy hut in a few days."

Malfoy said sarcastically with a look of jealousy, but it was true, in barely a week Norberto had tripled in size, and was spitting sparks and smoke out of his snout from time to time.

Hagrid had to put aside his routine at the hunting ground and watch Norbert by himself to keep him from accidentally setting his log cabin on fire.

"So you're going to say the same thing as last time?"

Ron narrowed his eyes, a disgusted expression on his face.

He really didn't want to see Malfoy, the annoying Slytherin, in Hagrid's hut, but he couldn't help it, if they stopped him from approaching, who knew if he would give them away, so Ron and Harry had to put up with it.

In response to Ron's unkind question, Malfoy nodded with a condescending look and asked, "Other than me, are there any of you who have the ability to raise Norbert?"

He also looked at Ron with narrowed eyes and replied, "Of course, if you think you can afford it, Weasley, I wouldn't mind giving Norberto to you, but I don't think your family has the ability to feed him."

Ron's face instantly turned as red as a pig's liver, but he had to admit that, if personal feelings were excluded, Malfoy was the most suitable of them all to keep Norbert.

According to Malfoy himself, his "almighty" father had even obtained a legal license to keep dragons.

"But, Norberto says he doesn't like Big Brains, meow."

Fish, who was taunting the little fire dragon with chicken-blooded brandy, turned to Malfoy and poured cold water on him.

Instantly, Malfoy looked like he had been punched in the face and turned even paler, while Ron and Harry looked on and smiled at Malfoy's defeat.

Only Hermione was still worried about Norbert's problem: "But we can't keep him at Hagrid's all the time, can we? It's obviously not a good idea to keep him in the Forbidden Forest, the forest isn't suitable for a fire dragon and sooner or later he'll be discovered by the others."

Saying this, she looked at Malfoy, Hermione agreed with the idea of handing Norbert over to Malfoy, even if it was a bit unpleasant, but wasn't the main thing now, to solve Norbert's problem?

Hermione, unlike Harry and Ron, was more rational and didn't feel the same dislike for Malfoy as those two.

However, having been rejected by Norbert, the proud Malfoy was no longer willing to raise the ungrateful dragon, so all that was left for him to do was to ask his father to find a way to buy a new egg and raise it himself from scratch.

What could the Malfoys want with a fire dragon?

"Charlie!" Harry, who had been silent, suddenly clapped his hands and looked at Ron, "Your brother Charlie, isn't he studying fire dragons in Romania? We could give him Norberto, Charlie could take care of him and release him back into the wild."

"Excellent!" both Ron and Hermione thought that was a great idea, "What do you think, Hagrid?".

Hagrid blew his nose with a huge handkerchief, then wiped away tears and reluctantly agreed.


Malfoy grunted in disgust, but said nothing more, and after that he never visited Norbert again.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Fish's sake, Malfoy would have written to his father the day he was rejected and had the Ministry of Magic send for the ungrateful Norwegian Ridgeback to take him away.

Now that there was no way to get back at the fire dragon, Malfoy simply turned a blind eye and stopped paying attention to him.

Harry and Ron naturally wished for this, and finally never had to see Malfoy's nasty face again.