
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Vermine Part 2: Geth Elimination and Setting a Trap

To be on the safe side, Martinez was sent the long way around the planet to meet up with the Ardat Yakshi group. The Thorian presence on her had the chance to compromise the mission by a slight margin.

Having infiltrated further inside, Leo was a little loose on his signal testing. Intercepting Geth frequencies and trying to map the frequency of the Reapers. The process of eliminating the various Radio and Planetary Magnetic Fields was exhausting.

A.I.- The planet has been mapped out up to 67% with the facilities having difficulties.

'Keep me posted on Krogan production once more. I can't get over the different entwined signals sent out.' Hooked into the Geth Communication Tower gave hard results better than anything he had intercepted. 'All of them we know and different frequencies we don't know continue to grow! Damn it we are so behind in science & technology!'

The Reaper Indoctrination signal messed with the following.

Gamma: Learning, concentration, and self-control within the target. Hopping on the neural pathways increasing the Learning process and directing the Concentration to carry out those tasks sent. Removing self-control more and more by the minute. Not the second.

Beta: Increased energy levels, focus, alertness, and clear thinking only in bursts when changing from perceived functions.

Alpha: Memory, Mild anxiety kicked up to create more stress and manipulation of primary functions. The lowest level of frequency tampering he was able to determine so far.

Theta: Assist emotional processing, deep relaxation, intuition, and memory consolidation but it was the slowest to be affected.

A.I.- The Delta waves and the Mass Effect Field require more time to be analyzed. The time you do not have right now, unfortunately.

Pulled from his deep dive, Leo took several direct hits on his shielding. The stealth fields cause the armor shielding to be a lot weaker than it usually would be. Which was not a problem for him but others with weaker bodies would not be ok.

'Well, time to clean them out.' Leo drew his hand cannons and turned off the Stealth Field completely. No sense in letting the Geth relay that kind of information back more than they already had. 'Take everything from the Communication Tower! Don't connect to any of our Systems while doing so!'

As the A.I. worked on that, the Geth opened fire once more. A lot of them now from several directions.

*Pew!* A Geth Sniper snot hits his arm but not enough damage to even move his hand a few centimeters. Another fired at the same limb but missed.

*Pow!* A shot from his hand cannon took out the first sniper as he wheeled around kicking a Geth Trooper in the chest. With little to no strength being applied the chest was caved in as it flew back off the tower.

Each of the Geth showed what could amount to surprise. The lens retracted on each of them as they tried to assess the threat level of the intruder. A few blinking lights and a change of signal frequency.

*Woom!* Not taking it for granted, Leo use Lift on several of the Geth then clasped his hands destroying them in one go. When the immediate numbers were no longer near him the outside Geth opened fire in a volley.

"I see." Raising his hands using Biotic Shielding, the amount of focus fire from every direction on the platform actually bogged him down initially. Once his footing was fixed, keeping the Shielding up Leo used Biotic Charge to get out of it and hit the farthest one. "How.. compassionate you all are. Not firing and hitting each other."

From the small shallow water, Geth rose up from the ground, having laid in wait for something like this. Leo chalked it up to him interrupting the trap team that would have gotten the STG team later.

The Geth of course didn't respond and continued to open fire. Seeing as he needed time for the A.I. to continue talking information it was best to keep them fighting against him.

*Fwoosh!* A lull in the firing was only enough for the Geth Armature to actually leap onto his location! The large synthetic would have seriously injured or outright killed a person normally.


'Hup!' Leo grabbed the forward legs, and with a pivot of strength, he tossed it towards the mountains. Three level shots hit the main point of the neck the center of the body and the base. With a quick tap to the side, he increased the output compensating for the lack of recoil. 'The defense has increased or my firearms are behind!'

Geth advancement was fast but it should not be this fast. The attacks against the few plans and routes Saren was taking could only push them so far to adapt. But then again Geth activity had always been problematic within the Milky Way.

The amount of Drones in the area has increased tenfold. Launching off the backside of some Geth Troopers. Leonardo was designing better armor to the same thing but it looked like the Geth beat him to the punch. Mobile Assault Drones would be the future of solo assault troops and recon.

'How many can I stop at once?' Jumping back and moving through the open fire while taking shots, Leo made sure to analyze the time it took for them to redirect shots and take into account other Geth Troopers. 'Hmm!?'

The theory about Geth firing on one another was changed. Several shots were fired and went through noncritical functions to try and hit him.

Geth started to move towards each other and actively help each other up. He thought it was something of concern shown to one another but that was wrong. They started to integrate Hardware with each other to improve on firing capabilities.

Shots came faster which required Leonardo to release physical restraints further to compensate. The closer the Geth were to each other and focusing on a single target for more than a few seconds improved them way more than he thought possible.

'The Geth... I am really starting to want them for security. Or to use as a swarming force directly under me.' The temptation was strong. 'Crush now revise plans later!' A shift in his armor and his Biotics kicked up higher.

Erecting a Barrier, Leonardo reached out with his Spiritual Sense and used it to help jam all of the firing coming his way. Instead of the Barrier just being a wall it was filled with space of Biotic Energy.

2.4 seconds of solid Biotic Might hold the area down completely filled with Geth. Signals intercepted and recorded were the last bit before the Barrier switched into a Singularity. It took a few thoughts before he was able to push through all of their Systems and fry them all.

*Ting!* All the frozen shots were not swept into away and did not become part of the current within in the Singularity as he hoped. The trajectory continued with a few missing and blasting through the swirling Geth.

"Tch! The theory concerning Geth Energy Wepaoins and Singularity's were a dud." Taking a quick breath he didn't have long before something was detected. "That is way up there..."

He looked to the sky and wonder if the fighters in the upper area were getting overwhelmed.

*Splash!* A Geth Dropship sent down a wave of more Geth. The movement patterns and the fact his Spiritual Sense picked up more coming from the other areas that were critical meant a drastic change in their Operations.

A.I.- Leonardo....

'I have a guess they are trying to wear me down!' Letting loose a Shockwave, the moment the water cut off their vision briefly, Leo ripped the ground out from underneath and then sent it into the various Geth in the form of spikes. 'If it is for capture... that tells me something!'

THe next few months turned into a now holds bar of fighting and shooting.

Standing over the countless Geth, Leo was barely out of breath but felt his Biotics was drained more than normal. His body kept up more than anything but his Biotics needed to be higher for the Wave Fighting Approach.

Much higher to deal with future plans in terms of the Andromeda Keth issue if they make it to late.

A.I.- Only choices are to further temper your body ahead of schedule or take in more energy to break the limits. The Element Zero Bath is still not ready for the second trial of enhancement.

Securing a few Geth, Leo was happy when one of the Ardat Yakshi teams came over. Having them use actual Geth Security Retiveal was not what they expected.

"Why are we doing this exactly?" Morinth disabled a few while asking. "It can't be time to move on the Synthetics already."

"We are not moving in on them just yet. I need some samples. And... Geth Weaponry to work with should bring new insights for the other technicians."

"Right..." Morinth stood off to the side assessing him after securing a few Geth. Her instincts were raw feeling something in the air more dangerous than before off of Leo. "Your Biotics are lower... but you feel more dangerous. How is that?"

"Might be Adrenaline up higher or the fact my blood is racing more." Leo sized her up. "But I am able to pick up something else in the air now. Detect the Frequency of..."

"The Reapers..." Morinth cut him off.

"You can to?" Leo shifted his body a little.

"When all did..." A buzz came through the air focused on her that was blasted away. "when our Biotics started to wane. Something like a thrum of static bombarded our suits repeatedly. Whispers of words came through briefly.. we immediately activated backup systems and took the stimulants to bring back our biotic energy levels but.."

"But what?" Leo grabbed her arm washing them both in his Spiritual Sense. Checking every bit of them both to see any differences. Only difference was the focus sent targeted his Spine more than hers. "Your still good."

Turning on the other of the team, he washed over each of them again and again. Having the A.I. check over afterward cleared the entire team that was present.

"Martinez, come in." Hitting the security channel, he was happy when the clear signal came back in a few seconds. Locking onto her location with his Spiritual Sense afterward made sure she was really safe.

"On our way here.. we came across one of the STG teams. They were captured, which was odd." Morinth advised before they were getting ready to break off. "It's been maybe 2 hours since they were taken inside..."

Morinth was agitated by the way she moved. Intel was starting to come in very sloppy in regard to how many Geth ships were in the air.

"You are not authorized to go in... spread out and grab a few key points then arrange to pick up by one of the fighters. Make sure you keep this secured." Handing over a piece of the Communication Tower's main components, Leo would deal with the captured. "If Saren is going to indoctrinate them like I believe he will, it is best I go and not any of you."

"Come on!" Morinth didn't like this in the least and made it known. "I know you have a target in their that is an Asari! One that is really close to Saren's work! Let me come with to make sure we retrieve her!"

"What about your team? Do you want them to be done? Their leader on a mission that is evolving like this with unknowns?" Leonardo was not completely unaware of certain intentions. 'Regular concern for overall Asari... she has picked up Concern and Well-being traits for others. At least some more good news from this assignment.'

A.I.- I have located some security footage you may want to see.

Sharing with the others, the image of Salarians getting hold off came up. The Geth were effective with rounding them up. Not prodding or anything like that but very observant in every move that was made by the team.

"I trust them to get it done. Rana Thanoptis... her predecessor may still be alive and this would be a big help in taking care of future protection to Indoctrination. Not to mention genetic sample-grown people. Like those... Krogan or possibly others that may have started."

Menos Avot had just been put in the not to long ago. But he looked off already. Most likely from getting captured.

"They set a trap for me to keep me away long thinking I was another team to cause trouble or this is just a coincidence..."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Inner Council: Gillian

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero), Kaira, Gianna, Matsuo, Shi'are

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