
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Interlude Chloe's treatment Jack & Maya have a request

Supringsly enough Leo's people were all gathered around the location. With the Boosters in the area and the A.I. jamming certain transmissions, a person would have to visibly be in the area to see what was going on.

Leo saw the biotic's from Shi'Ara while walking over. The two lovers couldn't hold themselves back it seemed. Well, Chloe couldn't. Shi'ara hurriedly let go of her hold.

"Let's start shall we." Leo sent out and wrapped Chloe in his biotic/mental, blood, and spirit energy. It wrapped the young woman up causing her to shine like a candle. "If you want to help go ahead."

*Shine!* Light engulfed Chole as the other biotics users who were standing in key points helped. With Leo as the focus point, the biotic field created a type of Formation. This required people who were willing to participate of course.

With Kasumi, Jack and Maya involved, Leo was able to make corrections to Chloe's body more. The tumors from the Element Zero exposures shrunk at a rapid pace. With the stimulant he gave her a few hours ago, Chloe's life signs were high above the Green Zone.

Shiala watched in fascination and found the sight more beautiful than dangerous. Asari were weird that way.

Zaed and Mordin.. not so much. Zaed saw them as a giant nuke that could possibly split the planet in two. He moved far enough back and kept an eye on Jack only. Who had a flickering biotic field but mostly from her resisting the prodding that came with the process.

It was a good thing the A.I. was able to divert the consciousness of the others that moved to her. Maya's mind was like a wall behind a wall. The Ardat Yakshi found it fun to maneuver around it.

Sha'ira and Samara were the only two who did not wander about. With Morinth taking the time to dive deep into Leo's soul. The dept had caused her to be consumed in anything else but that. His cultivation advancement did more than making his soul stronger.

memories and mental processing increased in strength. The meld the Asari were capable of in a human, was more stimulating. With Leo as the first human that would pass this type of genetic material to his offspring, share memories would turn into a much larger field of study.

To the Asari, the process had more of a restrictiveness to it. To Leo, it was a means to study advance himself further.

*Bwoom!* A surge of power left Chloe. No biotics or element Zero tumors remained. Slowly spiritual energy gathered as her body was filled with power from the process. Her hair grew a little and her body took on a healthy complexion.

"Haaaa!" Chloe took a deep breath and exhaled before fainting on the spot. Sha'ira caught her and held her tight. Checking over to make sure her lover was alive. Her omni-tool at work showing all green.

"That was interesting, to say the least." Zaed muttered. "At least nothing bad happened." He walked down checking on Jack who was actually crying. "You ok there?"

"Yeah.. just.. yeah. Something got in my eye." Jack wiped the tears away. She saw the suffering Chloe went through and couldn't help but relate. "How is the big guy?"

"Well.. I don' think he is doing to good." Zaed muttered. The Ardat Yakshi were all fine. As well as Samara, and Maya. "What the hell is going on with his back!?"

"Uggghh.. stay.. backk!" Leo shouted. On his backside, the bones were rearranging a little. Then the flesh tore as a bone was pushed out. "Ahhhh!" The bone was quickly replaced as another grew rapidly in its place.

"I think I am going to be sick again.." Kasumi couldn't look way despite her concerns. "That is just not right!"

*Schlick!* His femur pushed out and did the same as the other bones that started pushing out. His cultivation cycling quickly. Leo was purging his weak bones from the body.

"An evolution. A rapid one at that." Mordin stated. He ran scans while moving around Leo. "Process will take some time to finish. Estimate.. at least an hour. Is this part of the Cultivation process?"

"It is not.." Maya muttered. "Unless he developed something new and didn't tell us." The A.I. drone floated above recording as normal. "What the hell is happening tin can?"

"Dr. Leo has suppressed his Body's Cultivation to long. It is forcefully pushing through." The A.I. pretended to be a V.I. to keep its cover.

"Why would he do something so stupid?!" Morinth asked.

"To prevent an issue from happening down below. The discharge of energy can cause problems in a confined space." The A.I. drone continued to scan and record. "It is recommended everyone backs up 30 feet."

Not a one stood close.

*Woom!* A blood wave of energy pushed out. Thick containing moving faces inside. Each of them looking like Leo. Whose faces just split open as the other bones pushed out.

"Shit!" Leo wanted to claw at his own face as the new bone formed around the tissue. "Hurry up!" He smacked the ground creating a divot. The bones in his arm shattering from the might. Which made it easier for the new bone to grow. "Tch!"

*Schlick!* Leo's skin tore open as the bone pieces pushed out. Seeing as that sped the process up, he started breaking the body parts that did not replace yet. Cutting the time down to 15 minutes instead.

"Ok.. not.. gonna do that again." Leo panted as he caught his breath. Mind processing information faster than before. Body light but powerful. "Guess.. it is better than Tribulation Lightning." Standing up and pulling out a fresh set of armor out to put on. "Not a good idea to make my own Cultivation Manual after all."

A.I.- Bodies parameters exceed previous by at least 133% and climbing. You are stronger than a Krogan without even trying. Bones and muscles surpassing that of your original body at its peak Operative performance.

"That was the most terrifying thing I have seen." Kasumi said. Several nodding with her. "And I have been to Omega." Several of them were happy they did not study Body Cultivation to the extreme. "Can we leave before any other traumatizing events happen?"

"I agree with her." Rila stated.

"Right. We will talk later." Leo stored his bones then dropped a grenade to scorch the spilled blood and dna left behind. 'The Disgust, Curiosity, and Medicine based spirit energy I gathered just now made all of that more than worth it. I wonder if I concentrate on a single beam can I destroy this planet? Killing that Leviathan.'

A.I.- You have be to close to the planet to do so. Recommend not to do that. Alienating your personnel.. not the best course of action Leo.

'The best way to weed out the weak on those who won't continue forward.' Leo gave a small look over his people quickly. They were quiet but it was to be expected. The next few weeks would give him his answer. 'Exogeni... tap into the files and do everything possible to gain ownership of the company or shut it down. Memory is sharper now. They have sold some of the Thorian creepers to other parties. Best to nip that in the bud to prevent a second creature going around Indoctrinating people.'

A.I.- The development of the anti-indoctrination serum should go faster with the new knowledge and data acquired from the Meld and your Breakthrough. Your blood should make a strong enough vaccine or programmable virus to counteract.

'But it could also fail. No way to spread it fast enough. Unless...' Leo thought about the bioweapons he developed before. 'Unless we get the Citadel hit first. Or several spaceports. Will have to influence the Council quickly, so how?'

The remainder of the trek back was quiet. Very quiet.




Leo had sent the needed reports off for a few matters. The A.I. coordinating as need be. Currently, he was looking over Alliance regulations to take care of the pilot. Joker had caused him a problem and Leo would not let that slide.

"And there we go." Leo sent the document off and was about to start something else. "Now Shiala is a character witness. Which will definitely cause a stir for some people. Best to get protection for her."

"Commander Leo, are you available?"

"Come in," Leo responded. He finished his work and stood up.

*Chish!* The door opened revealing Maya and Jack.

"Doc we need to talk," Jack said.

"It is most urgent," Maya added.

"Alright, you have my attention." Leo walked around to the front of his desk and leaned against it. "Go ahead." He gestured.

"I want to go to do a Meld with you." Jack stated. "But just us and no one else. Not the Ardat Yakshi mixed. Kasumi or any of them."

Seeing his raised eyebrow Maya added why. "We would rather do a peaceful approach. I know it will be a test of your will in some instances but we want to try this to help her understand."

"Alright, but what are you getting out of this?" Leo asked in wonder. Jack's reasoning would make sense due to recent events but Maya had not talked with him about the matter she wanted yet. "Am I missing something?"

"Yes." Maya rubbed her temple only slightly hesitating. "This has to do with your genetics and your history. Your full history. Jennifer here needs to trust someone more. With me being a part of Cerebus, she is not very forthcoming with information."

"Can you blame me?" Jack arched an eyebrow at her. "She is the only other human female besides Chloe in our group. The only other full Contract holder. If she betrays us before going to Andromeda.. then how will we handle that?"

"The same can be said for you." Maya muttered.

"That's where Leo comes in." She pointed a thumb at him. "That last big old Meld pow wow Formation thing we did was .. something else. I need a better guard in case someone tries to probe my thoughts. The new implants will take a while to make with our ever increasing biotic abilities."

"So you want to use me as a go between as well as a method to strengthen your mental defense. I can see the benefits." Nodding lightly. "Maya's mental blocks are powerful yours are Wild and capable of hurting people. With my presence maybe it can lower somewhat."

"No maybe, it will." Maya shook. Giving a very determined look. "What we did in the Engineering Bay previously already proves I will drop my guard around you. You have a sense of safety about you and I already know what you are capable of from previous encounters. You won't let matters slide and you are definitely on Humanity's side overall. The Xenos work.. is just something I have to deal with."

"I want you to let me see the incident you described to me before." Jack couldn't stop thinking about the time she asked Leo if he had been in love. "That is the most important one for me right now."

"I want to see the incident that led to you conceiving that child. Laz, has your genetic material and I want to be sure about something besides what I can receive from lab results." Maya had a steely gaze while looking at him. Leo just gave a nod. Approving the request without an issue.

"As for the two of you, I will stir the memory of your childhood. From the very beginning at that. And you will both see what the other went through. No exceptions." He waited for any discouragement but it never came. Both had their minds made up already. "Then find a time for us to do this and we will go from there."

"Next time off." They said together. Maya then spoke. "I wish to send something to the Illusive Man. Information that was passed over about the Leviathans and their methods. The Thorian.. I will send some data that helps with Indoctrination resistance only."

Leo approved. It was the best way to get credits and work on tracking down the Thorian Creepers shipped out already most likely.

*Chssh!* Jack was about to follow out but wanted to have a word with him about something else. Something in regards to the relationship with her mother. She wanted to bring the woman to Andromeda for they can start over but also wanted her mother to be strong to take care of herself.

The two talked as the Normandy finally left the area. Debriefing with the Council was immediately scheduled. Lots of shouting to be had most likely.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Chloe

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