
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Intel and planning moves

Few hours later of yelling and the matter was settled. Which was good since Leo didn't want to lose the mercenary. That would be troublesome for several plans as well Jack's development.

Leo also passed over "Intel" regarding ExoGeni researcher Dr. Farrin. Who was working on a Prothean dig sight. Prothean artifacts on planet Joab in fact. Which was against Council law to not report the find. Giving Nihlus more credit which would then allow him to have more value.

"Vido Santiago, current location an plans. Provided by my Blue Sun contact. You take a team and do whatever the hell you want with him. The Ardat Yakshi, take a few of them with you. Take Jennifer as well." Leo ordered. He turned to Nihlus. "Take care of the Purgatory matter at the same time. Samara, Morinth, Kasumi, and a few Ardat Yakshi for safe measure."

"That sounds good enough." Nihlus nodded. "The repairs to the Normandy will take a bit and business on the Citadel will also take up your time. How many contacts are you meeting up with while there?"

"Hmm, I think 4 maybe." Leo thought over the people he wanted to speak with and the ones arranged already. "Some might be missed some should be available. Zaeed.. that matter you wanted me to handle, I already took care of it."

"Take care of it how?"

"I sent a communication to the boy and his mother. If it goes well, we will remain in touch. If it does not, I will cut ties. No need o waste my time." Leo said flatly. Zaeed nodded before heading to the door. "Make sure you contact that "son" of yours."

The man faltered at the door. How could he expect Leo to speak with his offspring if he didn't do the same with his own. A few minutes of going over finer details with Ninhlus was interrupted.

Ashley Williams came in looking like a raging bull in a china shop. Nihlus excused himself to get started on his work.

"Doctor Shepard, I would head to medical to talk with the others about this matter." Nihlus picked up the medical file regarding Human biology. "Evening Williams." He said curtly. It was not returned.

"Something you need Gunnery Chief?" Leo asked neutrally. The recent breakthrough helped him cycle a lot the him before awakening did. Like mess with the entire Williams family. In great detail. 'This is either regard to her sisters.. or..'

"You know my sisters!" Ashely fumed. Which Leo only arched a brow at her due to tone. The A.I. had release the sound suppression when Nihlus left. So people could hear outside the room if they were loud. As well as through comms. "Even slept with them!"

"Watch your tone Gunnery Chief." Leo said sternly. "Who I sleep with is not your concern. I also have not "slept" with them. It was a procedure to check the body. I will not go into details. Between myself and the patients."

"You slimeball!" Ashley fumed getting angrier by the moment. "Stay away from my family!"

"Are you sure about that?" Leo arched a brow at her. Ashley was just to headstrong to think it over clearly. She damned near shouts she was sure. Which alert a few in the hall to come in. "I will make sure I cut the contact, Chief Williams. Make sure to check your messages."

The Navigator, Chalres Pressley and Kaiden came in. No hiking the sound they heard at all. considering only Nihlus and Leo stayed in the room, they did not want another incident.

"Everything ok in here?" Pressley looked around the room. Happy nothing was broken at least. Ashley was the only one looking upset, so their was that. "Chief Willams, are you needing something?"

"No, she is fine. Just had a medical question that turned .. sensitive. She was just leaving." Leo smirked a little. "Isn't that right Gunnery Chief?" She gave a nod.

"Yes Commander!" Ashley spoke through gritted teeth.

"To ease your mind, speak with your mother for clarification on what actually happened."

Presley and Kaiden stepped out. Waiting outside the door just in case. Ashely stepped after calming herself down. Suprised to spot a few books in the room. Leo was building back up his collection lost his Earth. The Odyessy and Ancient Greece vol.1.

Leo went back to work after sending a few emails out. He would do as she asked of course. No sense in letting that stay in place really. She can have that discussion with her family in regards that matter.

"Let's see here.." Leo pulled up the info on Doctor Lizbeth Baynham. The former Exogeni employee background impressed him even further. He put a quick Contract together to acquire her and those with a strong background from Feros. "..perfect little addition."

*Vroom!* The A.I. drone came down out of stealth. It finally finished its connection into the ship finding any other hidden system and devices. The good news the initial scan was perfect. The IFF device was only missed since it was in the cockpit and he never went there really.

A.I.- I have copied the Iff device closely. It will not work against tus in the future. The technology shows early Prothean designs. Possible leftover from the race that existed before them. More information would be needed.

"Next time we are on the Citadel.." Leo stopped in remembering something that happened on the Citadel already most likely. "Did Jane complete the side missions when we went there? The first or the second time anyway?"

A.I.- One moment to check. ... All were completed. I assume this is in regards with the Keepers?

"The two scientists, Chorban and Jahleed, made those scanners. Let's accelerate their work and corrabate some "findings" of our own." Leo typed away quickly. "An unknown contact that wants to help lead them in a certain direction to help create a digital footprint when we expose it to the Council."

A.I.- You are hoping this helps sell the fact the Reapers are real?

"Yup. Need more facts for people like the Council. Thena gain, the sari have that beacon they have on Thessia right?" Leo had to check the information over but it didn't really matter. "I have that meeting with the Asari Councilor later on the Citadel. The real Shiala and I should help convince you about certain matters. Hopefully Matriach Aethyta has done her part in some matters."

A.I.- She has. One reason the Tevos wishes to speak with you,

"I see." Leo continued to type away. Stopping once he realized something. "What do you mean one reason why she wants to talk?"

A.I.-Capture information suggests Tevos is intrigued by sexually. In an attempt to bring your father to the Asari she may make a pass at you. This was suggested by Matriach Aethyta herself.

"Sound interesting. Might even help get some bodies of theirs to study." Leo pulled up the contact information on another Asari. "Send this to Zaeed. He has history with this former Justicar. In fact, send it to Samara as well to see if this will help in matters."

The Dossier was on an Asari ex-Justicar Tristana. Intel suggests she survived the encounter with Zaeed kicking her to the face and plummeting to a planet. Either biotics played a large role or she was mostly some kind of cyborg.

Not enough information to go on so far. Thus the A.I. could coordinate that with Zaeed. A few hours later he received an email from Sarah Williams and Mrs.Williams.

Mrs.Williams, the widow told him to proceed as he has done before in regards to her daughters. She would straighten Ashely out as needed.

Sarah refuses to stop her training regimen. Despite her not really liking the military life before, she took to the special training the A.I. had sent to her. Hardcore survival training and infiltration training. With a decent medical application added in.

"Well then.. best to send her a strong cultivation. Without the path, I have chosen anyway." Leo reorganized a file package and let the A.I. make some overall adjustments to it. "Her physical growth and mental abilities should increase by several folds with this."

A.I.- Yes. Her growth rate is really impeccable. The genetic template of the Williams family is something to look further into. I will increase efforts to have the former General Willaims exonerated. A reach out to Alliance personnel should speed the process up.

"They will need a decent P.R. to deal with the fallout from the funding I provided. Maybe manipulate the media in our favor for several like him that have been screwed over at the end of the First Contact War." Leo pulled up a dossier on the media people that could get it done. "Gianna Parasini is a must have when we head to that place. Diane Allers... let's use her."

A.I.- Sending her intel to use now.

Leo felt the work was coming along nicely. Just needed to speed up the process to deal with synthetic weaponry and the overall issue with the races currently.

One method was to the genetic issues for races. So he went to work on that. With the Normandy getting closer to the Citadel, the amount of trouble they dealt with was decreased. Enough that Leo didn't have to go to medical to help treat the injured.

Dr.Chakwas was really wanting to talk with him about what happened with Joker. But duty prevented that from happening.

One more file was sent out, this time to Liar T'soni to get in touch with a Dr.Ann Bryson.

Tali also sent a message for him to come down to engineering when he had the chance. The young Quarian was slightly nervous on the call.

After working for several days straight, Leo finally decided to get some much needed sleep.




*Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!* It was the middle of the night when the alert went off on his Omni-Tool. Leo got up and went to the table and started to look at the data. The artificial cells had finally started stabilizing with the rest of the body.

Combined with the bioengineering and his spiritual energy, he could pull someone back from indoctrination by overriding the cells that were infected. Combined with his biotics and the adjustment made from the way Asari Meld, he could sift through the mind making them whole again.

Just needed a test subject. With the only real being Beneia that came to mind. WHich would be perfect considering most of the data was compiled because of the Asari he worked with.

'Money is needed. A lot more actually. I know just how to provide a little treat to the Director of the Andromeda Initiative actually.' Leo consulted with the A.I. right quick. It was in agreement that the gamble was worth it. 'Send the overall information to Maya and tell her to get us the most amount of money she can.'

A.I.- Sending information on Prothean tactics and "possible" locations they are in stasis now.

All in theory however. Practical testing would be needed first. Freeing a person back to themself was one thing. The second was a little more devious.

The other was complete domination. Which the A.I. kept running command codes over to find the best route to map this type of procedure. The risk was just to high in frying someone's brain.

As well as scorching the soul.

A.I.- I am suprised at you. Despite your new mental defenses, you still worry about being controlled. This can only be known by one other. Who do you choose to help you keep tabs on this process?

The A.I.'s voice came through his thoughts as powerful as always. Even with the change to the programming and the overall update, he still felt the presence strongly. But now it didn't put him on edge that something more was hidden.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi

FrozenTidezcreators' thoughts