
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

In-transit Part 5: Vermine's Orbit

Several Ardat Yakshi doing the same. The regular Asari getting into modified Council fighters. Falere got Leo's attention.

"I figured you would want to assist in this operation considering what happened last time."

Morinth moved around as she directed the other Ardat Yakshi.

"I want your help on this Leo." Oriana pulled up the information she found in regards to the Krogan produced there. "They can help stabilize my sisters for one thing. Not to mention the research itself being valuable to both yourself and Mordin. I understand you most likely rather test the others. Considering..."

"Considering Ayeltha needs to make up for her previous work the same as Benezia needs to hear a reprieve by showing she is actually going to stop the Reapers." Leo gave her a shrug. "Cerebrus had been attacked by a group of Asari Commandos, I doubt it is a coincidence but we do not have evidence and security shows it was not done by her group."

"Sloane has not picked up and missed the last three check-ins." Maya didn't like that at all. The woman may have been stiff but she always reported as needed. But not much they could do right now from here. "What do you want to do?"

"Nirali," Leo contacted her directly while activating a few War Assets on the Citadel. "Sloane has gone quiet on us, send out feelers and get in touch with her. The moment you have anything substantial, contact me."

Nirali: I will take care of it. Also need to meet face to face. Something we need to discuss.

"That is fine. I will make a pass-through soon. I'll put you at the top of people to come to visit." Communication between the two simple as that.

"That's a load off my mind. The Krogan, Wrex was it. I think you should meet him soon. The Krogan cure may need to be changed up." With that Maya walked away to go back to work. 'I need to speak with him as well about the use of the Citadel. Some of the information stored in his files suggest the place secured troves of Technology not used in current life.'

*Beep Beep!* Leo's Omni-tool went off using the priority channel. The message was brisk but detailed enough for him.

"I see." Responding back he turned to his briefing team. "Time to get down there and get these Krogan. Hopefully, we get enough of the Tech intact to help with the Genophage research for those who have children already. A lot of data for the childhood stage is needed. Considering the cure I have is not what the Krogan want. Plus the rapid Krogan that are here will make a good police force."

"Right." Samara reached over and tapped on his helmet. She gave the signal to remove it. "These Krogan will need a "Code" to follow, if you give them to me, I can guarantee you have morally appropriate police forces."

"We will see. Show me you have what it takes to do what is needed and not put the Asari first then." Leo gave her a grin before moving away. "I am also still waiting to hear from those other Justicars you know."

"They will arrive soon. I assure you." Samara gave a solemn vow on this before getting back on task. She missed what her daughter did, however.

*Slurp!* Morinth licked Leo's face in front of everyone. A few twitching eyebrows could be seen but the Ardat Yakshi smirked while regular Asari chuckled. A very strange and old custom among the race.

"To let them know you belong to a Warband already." She said after licking his face. "Who knows what these "fresh" Krogan will do when you get close to them."

Maybe a head butt if any was developed a little more than others.

30 minutes passed as the final checks were done. A few teams already dispatched striking at the facility forces. Zaed brushed off enough cobwebs to re-engage his star fighting at his peak.

Much to the cheers of the Blue Suns that came with so far.

"Hey!" Rila called out as she floated to the side of the fighter. "I.. wanted to talk before you go right quick."

"Just go and do what you have to do. No point in getting in an argument before a mission." Leo spoke simply as he worked. She kept floating in the air all the same. "Go do whatever you have to do already." He hit the ignition and waited for the engines to go green for the second check. "My fault so dont sweat it about before."

"That is not it. I just want to say I am going back home for a bit afterward. I need to fix a lot of problems at the Monastery. So we won't see each other for a while. I have to confirm something really important."

Rila was a little upset about having to go, but not enough for her to not go. Not enough to stop her from going against her word in regards to the other Ardat Yakshi at the Monastery still.

"I am going to come back and we can pick up where we left off with your plans for my sisters." Rila already started to glide back a few feet when he didn't answer. "I won't let you hurt them. Morinth is not as invincible as she seems."

"Yeah, it will be fun." Leo did not believe it or didn't care at the time to say otherwise really. "Tell Superintendent Jethra that I will soon speak with her using my full authority and not just as a Doctor. It will not be pretty if she has mistreated those young ones."

Rila took it to heart and wonder if anything happened to her friends. She wonders if Yanis had gone crazy yet from not being part of the ones allowed to leave and get treated due to her behavior.

"Are you sure Saren is needed to be captured?" The Consort decided to come on this mission and defintely gave her opinion on the matter. "Might be to far gone and needs to be killed. Reversing Indoctrination so far is so slow."

"That is why we need someone like him. I can not think of a more perfect test subject. Or is this about Benezia Commandos that are repeatedly experimented on while discovering a better treatment for Indoctrination?"

"Yes. They do not deserve this treatment. It is so brutal. I stepped into that room and couldn't sleep for days." Sha'ira like others wanted to see the process of the testing. She was also like the others felt awful about the level of almost torture. "I know this is to prevent others in the future from going through it but.. we don't have to be this way."

"Well, that is what you get for not being more assertive in regards to what I do. If you helped provide intel or Asari willingly go through this it would be less brutal to look at. The research might be further along with more willing Asari."

The back of the cockpit slid back as the copilot hoped in. Gillian of all people volunteered for the role and was very adamant about doing so. Sanders was on her comm the entire time providing support.

This did not make the other Grissom Academy students feel better. They were very jealous. But unlike her who was cleared for various fighting procedures, they barely had the basics covered.

"Locked in and ready to go Boss." The tone was monotone but her eyes contain a bit of a sparkle.

Mostly biotic discharges.

"But then again, you have been turned in all kinds of different directions lately." Leo let Gianna take over the checks but watched it while talking with the Consort. "Your personal issues and your impending expectancy are really important. I will experiment on them a little more and once they are at a lower level of Indorctination they will be let go entirely."

"I hope that does not mean you will kill them." Sha'ira was aware of wording with Leo could sometimes mean two things. "If you do kill them with out cause.. It won't end well for you."

A thinly veiled threat but one that gained Leo's respect for her.

"Yeah, maybe there is no happy ending for people like me. Might need to become a villain that cares about no one else. A Devil if you will.." Leo caught in the corner of his eye as a few other Fighters left out. "But maybe something in between would be better?"

"You are not cut out to be a Titan as you are." Gillian knew more of what he was thanks to the Meld and her Autism still. "Just keep being Leonardo. And find a Mrs.Leonardo."

"That's not how that works. Don't plan on that considering the implications it will bring."

"Then A Harem, Collective, or just Rutting." The words from her mouth felt wrong. Gillian made a sour face wiggling her nose.

"Where in the World did you learn to talk like that?" Leo and Sha'ira stared at her. Gillian just pointed at Leo's head. "Right... hah you will need some type of therapy at this rate."

"I want the same as Jennifer's Therapy."

"Time to go. Let's get this mission done with to move on." Sha'ira moved to another fighter. "Leo... I will make sure you don't give up on the Asari by showing you how good we are."

*Thruum!* Her thrusters lit up the moment they were engaged. Her co-pilot was a young Asari who wanted nothing more to see the Galaxy. It would be good if she was given more combat experience soon.

A.I.- The Indoctrination Protection has involved to the next state. All those inoculated may experience a time shortening of 0.03.01. Saren must be captured at all costs to study. Warning, unusual Scenario is unfolding.

Leaving the Hanger, Leo felt his sight slow down. Gillian didn't panic as she felt the same experience. The image of brown skin woman with black and purple hair passed by the cockpit.

"She is pretty."

"Yeah, and also bringing bad news if she is here." Leo frowned looking at his actual boss. This could not be anything good if she appeared while he was going to a pivotal point in the Dimension. "I can only imagine this will result in me having to do something I don't want to do."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Inner Council: Gillian

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero), Kaira, Gianna, Matsuo, Shi'are

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