
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Feros Part 5 Kill Passage

Morinth moved up behind him slowly. She just stood and watched holding onto her side. The injury already healing thanks to Samara's help. Strong energy radiated off of Leo to her. She could feel her biotics increasing as she was pulled into a Biotic Field. Much different than the one before on Matriarch Aethyta's ship.

*Woosh!* The biotic field disappeared. Much to the disappointment of the Ardat Yakshi. As well as the other biotics in the room. Something about it called to them. Leaving a sweet scent in their noses.

'I was healing the closer I moved to him. So many changes.' Erecting a barrier around herself she started firing at the downed Krogan. To many survivors for her taste. 'Hopefully, he comes to soon.. huh?' She was surprised the moment she thought it, he came to. 'He is already in control? Is he just that pissed?'

"Maya, stun grenade!" Leo yelled. "Need some of these blasted lizards alive." With some of the mercenaries looking that way on instinct, Jack dropped a flash grenade. "Thanks." He made sure to drop it at the Krogan's feet who was charging over.

*Ding!!* The grenade was a sonic grenade instead. It disrupted the struggling Krogan and gave Leo a serious headache. His helmet was after all gone. So no protection from that.

"You ok?" Morinth asked walking up with Maya. Samara went to secure the remaining Krogan with cuffs. She was quiet but had a small smirk on her face. The Ardat Yakshi doing the same as her. "Leo.. you alright?" Morinth asked again. She was surprised when she felt spiritual energy travel from him to her and saw her wounds completely close up. 'That is definitely new. My body's energy is restoring as well.'

"My gunshot has closed up?!" Maya looks down amazed. A shot left a bit of a mess, she took a through and through at one point. "The Body Cultivation you received.. how much are you different than others?" She walked over and stopped when she saw redlines all across his face. It was his actual veins, they were pronounced and throbbed under his skin. His eyes glowed green with biotic energy. "You.." She stopped when he looked at her. A small shiver down her spine.

"Haaaa!" Leo exhaled as his body untensed. He looked at them both "Yeah, I am ok. How is everyone else?" He looked at the screen and was happy to see the vitals rise on the teams. "Glad it worked. More kinks to work out with my different energies." He rubbed his knuckles as he looked at Maya. Her expression made him thoughtful. "Did I scare you just now?"

"Hell yeah!" Maya yelled. Her face gained a slight tint as she was embarrassed. "I mean no."

"Heh, ok." Leo looked at Jack and her team. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem. Do you really think it was smart to do that?" Jack asked as she kicked the corpse of the Krogan leader. "Damn you went into him. Glad you were in control. You differentiate between allies right?"

"You specifically, yes. Everyone else I have no idea. Are they friendly or not? I wonder." Leo rewrapped his spirit energy around everyone. Helping speed up recovery. Lots of enemies to deal with still. "It would be a shame to fight right now."

Most of the Ardat Yakshi grinned at their doctor. Happy he didn't out rights tust them fully outright. But remembering the contract they signed made them happy in an odd way.

"We are good. Especially mother here." Morinth leaned into him before moving away.

"So much wasted ammo." Jack gestured she wanted to talk privately. Giving her a nod they walked away to the side. "Hopefully everyone tries to play nice."

"Grr, sure. The Ardat Yakshi have defintely earned that. To bad for these guys. Losing their Warlord like that in disgrace." Maya grunted and smiled. On her armor, a camera lens rotated having recorded the full fight. 'Hmm, I think this guy is more than human. What kind of experiments has he gone under that I don't know about? At least you keep it interesting Leo.'

"What is the problem, Jennifer?" Leo asked. He was hit by two things. Jack's look of concern and then her giving him a hug. "Woah!? You ok?"

"Yes," Jack said letting him go. She put her hand on his wrist and had to check his arms over. "Just had to thank you I guess. For everything. I have done way better since coming around. I had a few surprises though. The Asari had my back when we fought. Some even taking a really bad hit for me. Zaed is extremely protective of me to. Despite me yelling telling him I didn't need a father figure." Leo tilted his head a little at that.

"Well, glad everything is going well." Leo gave her a smirk as he pulled out another set of armor. Putting it on quickly and checking over his remaining firearms. Equipped again, he was ready to go. "Good to have people you can trust and to count on."

"Just.. its all new. I am getting what I wanted. Slowly but surely." Jack moved around the cavern a little. Kicking a few rocks. Gun at the ready just in case. "My mother, friends, comrades, and then there is you. I still think something is off about you. Something that I need to peel back like an onion." She made a strange face turning at him sharply. A mixture of disgust and.. curiosity of what he would say and do. "I feel like if ask you something you will tell me the answer but I won't like it. Do you have a psychoanalyze me a lot?"

He nodded at her then sent a file to her. The analysis he does on her mental state is small compared to the one on himself. With the Ardat Yakshi coming in right after with the Krogan coming after them.

"Part of me is relieved but your time is spent very oddly. When do you.. I duno, decompress?" Jack tuck the graph away for later. "Better not wig out on us. Take a break when we get back."

"Hah, right makes sense." Leo sighed a little. The bloodlust may have health effects he didn't catch so far. "Glad everything is going ok for you." His voice had a little pain that Jack caught easily.

"Want to talk about it?" Jack was really interested. "We are Contractor and Contractee' after all. So kind of friends."

"Yes. But not now. Glad your a friend now. We can talk about matters after. Think it best we finish here." Leo was wanting to get her opinion on a few biotics troubled by several matters. A very special biotic that had autism and a shitty upbringing needed better guidance. He stopped from asking her when the A.I. sent him a notification. More enemies were coming. "We have incoming. Let's move."

They broke into a sprint after seeing her nod confirming something. Running back he saw Maya working on the door more. Morinth and Samara helping forcefully with biotics. The Ardat Yakshi collecting the bodies of Vorcha, Krogan, and Geth still.

The door was getting annoying as hell to get all the way open. Let alone fixed. With Leo tucking the dead into his Internal Space in a separate area, the process went quicker.

The Ardat Yakshi started taking up defensive positions. The majority in the room switching to sniper rifles. The guns were from the Punisher line developed by Armax Arsenal. Which made sense considering a lot of their training was done in simulated combat arenas. Like the one on the Citadel.

In less than 30 seconds sniper fire rain down the passage. Thanks to the natural ability of their race and progress as low-level cultivators, hitting the enemy in the dim light was easy.

The body count built up to quickly. Causing a problem for both sides. The vorcha that littered the ground were crushed by the now advancing Krogan. The blood causing them to slide just a bit. Making shots graze. They were well-seasoned warriors after all.

The Ardat Yakshi started to get flustered then annoyed because of the numbers. It was almost unending. A few backed up and stopped firing.

A.I.- They have adapted well. Wonder who taught them that?

Leo checked the area they left and smiled. The Ardat Yakshi had put on an act. Baiting the enemy into thinking they were fleeing. Only a few of the krogan catching the unusual smell in the passage.

Seeing Jack come out of cover when a grin was just the tip-off they needed.

"Get fragged!" Jack threw a flash and fire grenade into the first grouping. It landed right where it needed to. The chemicals were placed down by some of the Ardat Yakshi.

The flash grenade went off a little before the fire grenade. Thanks to knowing what was going on, the flash only affected the enemy. The 2-second delay before the readjusted to normal vision was used wisely.

Samara rushed into the fire. At least Leo thought it was her. He only saw a few glimpses of her at first. She was moving stupid fast. In her right hand was a heavy pistol but it had strange marks on it. Each shot was precise.

"Tunk!" A ball the size of a goofball attached to a recovering krogan.

"Tunk!" Another ball attached further down the way as she moved.

"Tunk!" Another to a down vorcha pretty far down the passage.

"Tunk!" Almost out of sight, another attached to a krogan that turned on her.

"Tunk!" One more round went off but she made a turn somewhere back there.

"DO it now!" Samara called out. Morinth pressed something on her omni-tool that lit the passage up like a Christmas tree. Each of the balls started to discharge a purple burst of electricity. They then linked into a chain creating a winding electrical cage.

The process didn't last long though. Maybe 7 seconds tops. The balls then started exploding from overcharging. The shots blasted chunks out of legs or kneecaps. The Ardat Yakshi were on the offensive immediately after.

Samara came running back down the passage in several bursts. An asari sword by the looks of it in her hands. Showing her might as a Justicar of several years. With each flinch or buckle of the legs, the Sword in her hand took out an enemy with each swing.

"Your mom is a badass!" Jack yelled. Samara only gave a smile continuing to fire. "Hows that door coming?"

"ALmost there!" Maya answered. "I think we should just leave these krogan here." She looked up at Leo who came to help. "Test subject you can get later."

"Thought that to but..." Leo could feel something odd coming from the door. The pristine room already gave him the feeling something else was going on under the planet surface.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Samara, Zaed, Ardat Yakshi

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