
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Feros Part 2 Going down under

The answer was pretty simple.

"No way this was leaked the way kept a tight lip on it. Unless the crew in orbit caused it." Maya thought it was just a supply ship for the colonists. "The scans didn't pick up anything and the Normandy crew already cleared them. So, something else out there maybe?"

A.I.- Information has come in regarding someone on the Normandy. Someone has fed information on the location of the ship. I was unable to trace it. Possible Cerebrus frequency but not Maya. The individual may have been an ex-operative.

"I do not know, but I would not doubt it. We have info there are a few traitors onboard. However, we have more important matters." Samara gave him a glare. She did not like the sounds of this. "Be glad you are down here with us." Leo said as he turned to Maya. "Possibly an contact, possibly not. "Maya, we will work on the problem later. Right now getting the other work done and secured will go a long way."

"Thanks. I know we will." Maya nodded and went back to work. Busying herself. 'Haven't had the chance to check everyone on board. Has to be a member of the away team or possibly one of the officers.'

"I will dismantle it now. The bomb that is. Also, I am keeping it.... to study boss. It will take a few minutes." Morinth said a little to chipper. "This is so fun better than being couped up on the ship. They refuse to let me in the armory. Afraid I will blow something up."

"Got it Morinth." Checking over everything and the status of the others was easy with the A.I. drone nearby. Even underground it fed back transmissions clearly.

Few minutes later Maya had an update.

"Maya, what do you have for me." He walked over to check it out with her. 'This is getting crazy already, kinda wish I had a day off before this. No, I have to get this done first. The prep work should make this happen easier later.'

"There are traces of cellular breakdown in this man. Also tampering with traces of the Genophage as well. Placed inside a human for.. I have no idea." Maya said surprised. "This specific man, showed before his death sterility. The Phage was added to him. Maybe a way to see how it affects other races? Leo, I will extract some deeper tissue samples. This will help your research tremendously."

Maya was not liking this but she knew the current work with the Asari Ardat Yakshi, Krogan and other races with both issues. If someone was thinking about doing the genophage on humanity, Cerebrus would stop at nothing to wipe them out.

"Dammit, I need something to give over to Exogeni to help with the finances." Leo said before thinking to himself a little. Nothing with the actual cloning ability of the creature of course. No way he would hand that over. "If the info was right it would be a way to apply to humans and curbed our reproduction the same as Krogan. Fat chance I will allow that!"

*Swirl!* Leo finished digesting the information from the man's memory. Nothing worth a damn besides testing done on the person. Not a single bit of the info on what was put into him directly. The visions were to blurry.

"Samara keep Morinth & Maya covered. Once the bomb is removed and she is done with her samples, signal me when you all finish we will go from there. Maya if you finish gathering before with your samples, try to figure out what you can about the dead man from our files. In other words what he is doing down here. The look alike is either this guy or the one down below in green." Leo let them process that for a few seconds with no one disagreeing, he continued with the next part. "If things go south try to meet back with the other squad. Do not die down here, understood?"

"Wait, where will you be Leo?" Leo didn't look up as she asked. Staying eye focus on her task.

"I will descend into the shaft and see what the hell is going on down there," Leo said as he walked and hooked himself into the rappel system and lowered down. "I want to check the area ahead just to make sure we get a good entry and retreat later."

While descending, Morinth came up to the shaft and looked down at him. The look in her eyes however, looked curious before she pulled back. Hopefully, it was a good expression. During the descent. The A.I. reconnected with him.

A.I.- Is this a wise, for the overall mission?

'Well there are some green people down below me, so yeah... possible adaptability from other races or traits from the Thorian that can be replicated. If they are healthy and I get their in time it will work great for more people to go on my Ark, so there is that.' Scan the tunnel with his spiritual sense the entire time down. The notion of needing it to increase it's overall range popping back up. 'Need to push my cultivation faster or learn something to help deeper. Range scans is definitely the best.'

A.I.- Several transmissions have been intercepted. Someone else is close by. Carrying heavy firearms. Match for the bomb Morinth found.

'So possible mercs are nearby. Even though we should have gotten here earlier before something like that could happen. People exposed to the Thorian are already sent down, or they are exploring on their own. Might have caused it by hitting up the Illium market with new medical applications. As well as the recent acquisition to by a few abandoned mining posts. With all the sudden interest of a new buyer, might have caused some to get bolder.'

A.I.- Better than nothing. On to other personal matters. You have regained some buried memories thanks to the contract with Chloe. The procedure must succeed. It is paramount to further success.

'Well shit. What else is there?' Leo stopped and decided to put a transmission booster in an open area in the shaft. Sticking the node about a foot in the wall, he took a quick sample of the rocks for later. 'Never thought I would miss the team I worked within the Cabal.'

A.I.- The Beta Squad have made it to their location. Delta Squad currently setting up for later.

'Well shit. That is good.' Leo thought as he placed another anchor into the sides of the shaft with another booster. 'With the advancement to my body through cultivation, this should be a piece of cake to climb and descend but... just in case any are injured I need to have a proper setup. As well as the fact this may turn into a rescue mission, besides the extraction kind.'

A.I.- Good news for you though. Hold on, incoming transmission from Zaed.

Zaed: Alpha Squad, we have come across something weird. Going to investigate for training.

"Alpa Squad, keep in mind the different goals at stake. A different problem occurred on our end. Try not to spread to far." Leo was not wanting them to far away if something goes south with the Thorian or the Geth.

Zaed: Understood. Heads up, the weather is turning just a bit up here.

After the comm with dead. Leo sped up rappeling downward. The shaft either went deep in the planet or.. he was moving to slow. Circulating his spirit energy, he double-timed it.

Remembering to place anchors as well as a booster still. If a storm happened topside, a problem might arise with a possible storm coming in. Especially if it was the explosive kind.

He contacted his people up above the shaft.

"I am about to enter a possible hostile zone. What else do you have for me?'' Leo placed the last spike and brace to jump down.

Morinth looked at Maya who just finished up working. Instincts telling her the woman was important to Leo more than she was before. Samara kept an eye on her daughter all the same not really giving a moment's rest.

"Finished up here. This person was the requisition officer. No family and no overall connection anyone important according to the file check." Maya stood up giving a quick glance around. Only lingering on Morinth for a little bit than normal. "We will head down in a few." Aware the Xenos looked at her intently while working.

"We need to talk about something." Morinth eyes glowed a little. "It is about Leo."

They were either going to talk or get into a slugmatch. Good thing Samara was there to make sure nothing to dangerous happens.

Leo jumped down and let the shock absorbers take the brunt of the damage. To be on the safe side. Not a single strain from the suit as it took the readings. 'Not even remotely close to causing a strain for me. Good to know.'

The shaft looked perfectly fine. Not a single blood streak or anything else out of place.

'No shakes or quakes. So that was good. A cloud of small dust from the ground a few little bugs running about. Have no idea what they were still.' Lights appeared from a small distance away. Lighting up everything important. Just his luck, who rounded the corner with company. Obviously, it was the green tinged colonists. "Well hi."

"Who the hell are you?" A colonist said while he pointed a pistol. "What are you doing down here?"

"Well, I came here to do some cleanup. As well as secure some samples.. for Exogeni. They will not spend credits on this place without due reason." Leo said as he folded his arms and stepped back. A few others came into view next. What they couldn't see was that he prepared a small biotic ball in hand. With a concussion grenade in the other. 'The biotic move should work as a quick deploy shield. Or a way to kill all of them.'

The colonists took a small step back in caution. The one with the gun was slightly odd. He looked at Leo arrogantly. And arrogant people tended to be dangerous. They had learned in the last few days.

A.I.- Try not to kill all of them, the jury still out if they are all clones or not.

'If it isn't needed, I will let it disperse into my suits shields. The adjustments are slowing working with my cultivation. The interface not interfering with my biotics or spirit energy.' Leo shifted on his feet feeling the rise in Bloodlust in the surroundings. 'Someone can't contain themself.'

"So Exogeni sent you here to kill us all!" The colonist man in the front screamed as he opens fire wildly missing Leo and hitting the wall behind.

Leo stood there staring at the man. Who was now, extremely scared. As soon as he fires back, these people will scatter like roaches. That wouldn't be good at all. Would create all kinds of trouble in the cavern.

"Calm down." Leo said soothingly. Exuding his biotic energy that contain his intention to "Protect" them. The others settled very quickly. But the shooter not so fast. "I am here to help you for now. If you fire at me or attack me, I can't guarantee your safety."

Something odd happened, one of the colonists in a strange environmental suit tensed up and started to fidget a little. Focusing a little more Leo knew what to do. The extra push helped calm the exposed man.

"You work for Exogeni, right? You have id?" A colonist asked. Leo slowly reached for his Omni-tool and sent the forged contract over.

"I am hear to investigate, not kill innocent civilians. Why the hell are you in here anyway? Shouldn't you people be up topside with the other colonists?" Leo watched their movements closely. 'This outcome is definitely different than I was expecting. Then again, some do look overall green. A.I. run the another scan on the.'

*Zoom!* The Drone came out of stealth scanning each of them quickly. They freaked out but didn't do much else.

A.I.- Combination of regular humans and augmented humans. The augmented initial scan readings suggest they are only a month old. With the organs still developing some. Speculation they are most likely failures or those who were sick.

Seeing the colonists finish reading he gave them a choice. "You all should talk, and I do mean all of you about what you will do next."

The colonists started to talk amongst themselves. He took that time to try to communicate with the team. Nothing but static at first till the boosters connected.

A.I.- All clear they are on the move still with no problems. Proceeding with caution just like you said.

The colonist started arguing. Leo took the time using deeper scans on them all. The profiles for all of them was the same. Except for one anyway, the fidgety person. He would cause a problem if not dealt with.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth

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