
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 9 Bad A.I.

*Pow, pow, pow, pow!* The shots rang true. As this was happening, Zataar was moving around the side-firing at a few more smugglers that came by.

Sliding over, Leo picked up his pace and got in close with a smuggler. Hands raised as he blocked a shot from another.

*Pow!* The smuggler fired. He missed. The shot hit the floor. Leo reached forward crushing the gun in his bare hand. The other delivered a series of punches to the man's side.

*Wham! Wham! Wham!* The shields took a hit and discharged. The last punch making it through the shields. The smuggler got off balance. Leo felt a little damage from the energy feedback pass over him.

A front kick delivered to the exposed smuggler sent him flying back. Hitting against the opposing wall. His back bent awkwardly.

*Kachak!* A sniper round came from the distance. Tagging Leo right in the head. His shields took the full amount. Boosted by his spirit energy effortlessly. It did make his head ring when the next came.

*Kachack!* Leo shook it off staring in that direction. He was about to charge that way, but Zaed was already bearing down on the smuggler.

The sniper round was negligible. Another smuggler popped out ready to open fire on him. But a grenade exploded next to them. Both knocked down from the explosion.

The salarian smuggler was already stable and engaged Leo in full-on melee. He struck with a fast palm strike toward's Leo's face. A slight biotic field circled around it.

*Swish!* It missed and caught nothing but air. Leo had leaned in and given the man a shoulder thrust. The smuggler was pretty skilled, right before Leo could hit the man's leg and disable him, he had to close his eyes as a blaze of fire came his way.

*Fwish!* One of the smugglers had to use the tech move Enferno. Blasting him with fire right in the face. Not wanting to waste biotics to protect against it, Leo then moved through the next Enferno that came his way.

"Testing the body is such fun." A small smirk on his face as he builds up speed into a run. Only sparing enough energy to use pull on the previously smuggler to have a hold on him. "I wonder how long it will take to squeeze the life out of you?"

*Fwish!* He broke through easily and delivered a knee strike to the attacking smuggler.

The fire portion didn't do much to Leo. However, the energy involved in it did something to his clothes. The Smuggler doubled over in pain. He wouldn't feel it much longer, as Leo brought his left foot down delivering a solid stomp to the back of the smuggler's neck.

At the same time, he squeezed the neck of the one held in the other hand.

*Crack!* The blow broke the little protection around the neck. As the Salarian dropped to the ground clutching at his throat, Leo brought his foot down cracking the man's head open.

*Crkk!* The resistance was paltry at best. With the power of his blood energy-boosting his strength as well, the smuggler didn't have a chance.

Reaching down Leo picked up the heavy pistol and went into cover and fired at the smugglers that were heading to the crates. The A.I. running checks on his body having him hold up for a moment.

A.I.- Hold for a moment more. Switch to range combat.

Over on the upper deck, Zaed was getting swarmed by security bots of all things. Leo unloaded the pistol till it redline. Not paying much attention to his surroundings.

At least that is the way it looked. His spiritual sense picked up the smuggler moving towards him. Leo wanted to see how tough his body would be with a little more energy depleted.

*Pow!* The shot tore into Leo's shoulder. It was a shredder round. The ammo type actually did something to him. A close look revealed the gun was the same as the custom pistol used in the hospital.

"Ouch, that stings" Leo looked at the man with a frown. He used Shockwave next. "Hah!" That blast pushed the smuggler back and away. Really far away. "Need to see what company is making those. Actually, a weapon that I need to keep in mind when training."

*Pow, pow!* Two more shots went out. One hit against Leo's chest. The other hitting Zataar who couldn't dodge away fast enough.

"Blasted Custom Heavy Pistols!" Zataar said. He was about to move forward until he spotted incoming. A few shots whizzed past over his chest. Making the trouble merc jump into cover. "Mind taking them out?!"

"Can do. Just focus on navigating through fire to provide her cover by those crates. I will take on the rest of the smugglers." Leo then used Lift causing the smugglers to float. Seeing the smugglers regroup, Leo opened fire with Biotics helping.

*Pow, pow, pow, pow!* The shots rang true once more. As this was happening, Bloodlust based Spirit Energy flooded his system. The more blood he spilled, the sharper his eyesight became.

Running over, Leo picked up his pace and got in close with a smuggler.

*Pow!* The smuggler fired. He missed. The shot hit the floor. Leo reached forward and punched the man's side with more strength than before. *Wham!* The shields took a hit and discharged. The punch making the smuggler go off balance before falling.

His side was completely open. The armor had pushed through the flesh destroying what was inside. The smuggler shook and spasm for a few moments before dying.

Zaed was running up behind one of the smugglers shooting below. His feet were heavy as he moved. Blood seeping into his boots from a bad shot. But not even close enough to deter him. The female smuggler didn't know what hit her.

*Whack!* Zaed hit her in the back of the head with an elbow strike.

"Ahh!" The smuggler went over the side and hit the bottom floor.

*Thump!* She survived long enough to look up to see Zaed looking over the balcony and apologize.

"Sorry!" He waved actually apologetically. "I was just trying to knock you out." Seeing the smuggler lifting her gun at him, he frowned. "Hey, I said I was sorry. Geez." Ducking back as the fire hit the balcony. "Bitch!"

*Kachack!* Zaed pointed his shotgun over the side and fire. Another set of security bots came up the ramp.

*Pow, pow, pow, pow!* Then the shots stopped. Zaed looked over the side again to see Zaatar had gotten over there and provided some cover. Leo launched a Lift sending the security bots over the side to the ground.

Right as Zaed was about to jump down to secure the crates, a change of plans occurred. He was getting shot at again by someone on the balcony on the other side. Another sniper was at the ready.

*Kachak!* The sniper round almost caught him in the shoulder.

"Jeez, these people are not friendly at all" Zaed mumbled a little. "This cargo has to be really important."

"You don't know the half of it." A smuggler said coming up on him with a shotgun. "Bye bye old-timer." He fired the shotgun thinking this would take Zaed out.

*Kachak!* The blast hit Zaed in the side. The strangest thing happened. Well at least to the smuggler's eyes. Zaed stood up like nothing happened. Hand outstretched as he used biotics.

"What the hell?!" The smuggler question as he tried to get away. "Who are you?" Zaed gave a wink.

*Schlik!* A omni dagger went from the bottom of the smuggler's throat into his skull.

"Gurgle!" The blood pooling in his mouth cutting any words he wanted to say. "Kukk!" The dagger was pulled out as Zaed flicked his wrist. Then kicked him over the side.


4 minutes later and the fighting was over-


"Yah know it sucks.." Leo said as he walked around to a downed Salarian. "I have been wondering what was the big deal about these crates. Has to really have more things in that have a high value."

"None of your concern.. human." The Salarian said gasping for breath. Fingers moving slightly as he tried to attack again. Leo spread his body out flat with biotics. Much to the annoyance of the Salarian. Displayed like a lab rat. "Grrr..."

"Not killing you would just tear me up inside. If I turn you over to C-Sec, you get free in a matter of days. If not hours. The best thing to do would be to kill you here and now. Killing you and others like you, will go a long way to saving just a few more people on the Citadel."

"Was it worth it?" Zaed questioned. His eyes resting on Felicia who was typing away at the crate console.

"Of course it was." She answered. Leo levied his gone at the smuggler. Someone running towards them was picked up by his spiritual sense. "Got to hurry!"

"C-Sec! Stop what you are doing." An officer said coming over. "Hands were I can see them."

"Sigh, this is just not happening right now." Leo turned and felt annoyed instantly. The C-sec officer was on the take and wanted to make sure he got those involved silenced or bought off. "Officer... you see."

"Hey, no sudden moves!"

"They are not sudden." Leo pushed his biotics and then charged him.

With a lift of his left hand, *Schlkk!* He stabbed the man right in the chest.

"See, I planned it all out. Down to you dropping next." Leo stepped back and left the officer to drop to the ground not saying a word. The rest of the people that were heading to them made it. "Oh, here we go again."

Jane, Kaiden, Garrus, and Ashley came up. Nihlus, Wrex, and a few C-sec officers on the other side coming over as well. Jane looked at the dead officer and the blood around Leo's hand.

"Holy crap..." Ashley said. "I knew you were a little crazy but.. this is broad daylight." Her hand reached for her pistol on instinct. A slight glare from Leo made her tremble. 'Like a rabid animal! Nothing like Jane!'

"What have you done Leo?" Jane said next. "We don't need this kind of heat."

"Shut up and watch. Or just shut up. I don't care either way right now." Using a little biotic energy, he lifted some of the crates. And ripped them all open. "See, this is what was allowed in."

People of various ages were dropped to the floor. Some with rebreathers on, some without. The ones without were all krogan. Krogan children at that. Wrex bristled in anger.

"Can't question a dead man." A C-Sec officer said. Eyeing Leo a little. "How about that?"

"Yeah, but also makes it easier for " you" all to make whatever report you want. Since hey, obvious this was C-sec blunder." Leo shrugged. Turning to Felicia, he tuned the drabble of the officers and Jane out. "What is going to happen to.. whoever that is?"

In Felicia's hands was a young.. man? or woman maybe. Much frailer than the others by the looks of it. Leo and Zaed approached trying to get a better look.

"He is fine." Felicia wiped her eyes after confirming the young man could breathe after the device was removed. "How would you like to meet your pops Laz?" The young male nodded a little.

"Well, that is just nice. Man Zaed you get around." Leo elbowed him. Zaed shook his head. "Not yours?"

"Hell no. Never met the bird till today. Plus age is wrong. He looks maybe 16 or so. My kids are older." Staring up close, Zaed notices the boy had piercing green eyes like Leo. But that couldn't be right since Leo's bright greens were due to his cultivation and ties to Gaia. "Maybe that Zaatar guy?"

"Laz, this is your father Leo." Felicia said plainly. To say the area was quiet was to little. Even the breathing of the other smuggled goods barely made a sound. "Long time coming."

"Explain." Leo mumbled. He was not talking to her but the A.I. 'What kind of nonsense is this? I have no memory of...'

A.I.- The scenario is currently finishing. Releasing a mental spell hold.

Leo grunted at the flood of info. Apparently, a lot happened while the Bataraians had him and the others captured. He and Felicia gave into hormones. The fear of death strong with what was going on at the time.

"Right.. right.. cause I need to have weak offspring. Goddess be damned." Leo was annoyed to say the least. The boy looked, pathetic to say the least. "Hi, I am your sperm donor I guess. Well.. that is not right. Well, kind of is, since I am just now finding out about you. Not really father since the raising and all that was not done by me."

"Nice to meet you. Sorry I am weak." Laz said. Eyes already closing from fatigue or something else. "..mmnm.."

"Haaa, this was not what I wanted." Felicia said. She was ready to go somewhere else. Like a hospital.

"Well.. have to work to do. So, bye Felicia." Leo turned on his heels ready to go. Zaed and Jane grabbing him by the shoulders. "What?! My clothes are jacked up and I am tired. And hungry. Plus I have some tests that need my immediate attention."

"What about them?" Jane asked.

"What about them?" Leo arched a brow. "I have my job. They have whatever they are working on. Plus dealing with whatever C-sec needs them for and shit. Not really the time and all that for questioning things. I mean, she felt the need to do everything on her own till now, so... she does not need me for anything."

Zaed actually looked agitated by the response.

"Before any of you start with anything, I will stop you there." Nihlus cut in. "Leo report to medical, again. Jane escort them to C-sec. We will go from there." Seeing Jane hesitated, he voice turned firm. "That is an order."

"Understood." Jane had authority but Nihlus outranked her as a Spectre. Seeing the man that looked a little like Kaiden in cuffs, she wanted to clear that up as well. 'Nothing but craziness follows Leo around.'

Leo however was arguing with the A.I. Wanting the rest of the knowledge that was tucked away. He received only one answer really.

A.I.- The scenario has been completed. It would be best for you to rest to balance your cultivation out.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack)

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