
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Citadel Part 7 Recruits and Cops

The next day-


Zaed was marveling at his increased strength. Not having such energy since his youth. Since the time he was in his 20's for that matter. But the odd part was what Leo told him before coming to light at this moment. His arousal and aggression had kicked up.

It was controlled so far.

"Alright, you said the arousal would be a thing, but why not against Jack and Dr. Chakwas so far?" Zaed asked. A few looks going around the room as it turned a little awkward. Leo stopped working, turning and giving his direct attention over. A few taps on a tablet before setting it down. The A.I. was recording the dialogue for his studies. "Also near-certain crewmates, nothing."

Jack looked over at them both. Maya having finished Jack's treatment for a small graft of skin on her belly. Removing a few scars to allow proper healing in the future.

"What I gave you, is a programable virus of sorts." That was the best Leo would explain it. Never knew who was listening in. Checks and security were implemented, but he was still learning spiritual protection arrays that were higher up and more detailed. "With the "training" you undergo, your body becomes aware in a way of what you want now. Those who are appropriate, and those who are not. All low stuff for now."

"Wait, like pheromones?" Kasumi asked.

"Yes and no." Leo pointed at Zaed's head. "Maybe mental pheromones. A quick response that links with your mental thoughts and conscious decision currently. Slowly your subconsciousness will change to suit your needs. In theory."

"Explain simpler." Zaed stroked his chin. A scar that use to be there already gone from the skin graft Maya gave him earlier. "Sounds like "magic" and whatnot."

"Jennifer, you said she was like a daughter. So she is a daughter to you instinct wise not just in simple thought anymore." Leo thought about making diagrams if he still did not understand him. But the look in Zaed's eye proved it was unneeded. The old merc understood good enough. "Self-programming man. All by your own mind."

"Can not be that simple." Zaed mumbled.

"It is. But it can change if your thoughts on her change." Leo crossed his arms thinking a way to accelerate it if need be. To make sure the "mind" prevailed in the end. Preventing a chemical suggestion or integration from changing him up some with that type of extreme treatment. "Meditation and Reconditioning is the key to that. You decide eventually in the future how you want to feel. The mind takes over for emotion."

"Thats sounds ... off." Kasumi shuddered. The most wicked of thoughts passing over her mentally. Sound to inhumane to her. "Leo.. have you done this to yourself?"

"Oh yes. I can change the way I view someone very easily. Thought that was apparent in my actions." Leo smiled at her having asked the right questions. This did not alleviate the thief's concerns at all. "The common person I come across will receive a neutral expression from me if I am off duty. But on duty, I might be abrasive or overly sexual to earn more for my study. All to provoke a response from them."

As well as develop more spiritual energies to consume. Which fed more for his cultivation. Not much here that in the sense of magic he tested so far.

"Which "helps" you with things." Maya said tersely. The contract informed her and the others of a few things. But only a little so far about cultivation. Maya opted for just learning a mental manual one and a low-level physical one. She was already in shape and rather focus on other things than shooting lighting and fire from her hands. "You have enough muscle already, how about you not go super bulky."

"Super bulky?" Leo looked at her oddly. "My body will not get any bigger than another inch or so. Nowhere what I use to be." He was referring to the body he had before coming here to this dimension. Trained hard to get that way and be comfortable with himself. "To uncomfortable with this. Need the room to utilize my body better."

"Hmmm, light medium-weight is the standard for most active duty." Zaed chimed in.

"Yeah and when a nice grenade comes around, they are blown to smithereens like everyone else." Leo pulled up the data on his omni-tool to show. "With the biological injections, the body will naturally produce let us say "additional plasma" to use and generate naturally. Which will help us, humans, with biotic recharge and a few other matters."

"Plasma.. so less need for food then? Since energy consumption will be lowered." Jack mumbled. "But if we maintain what we eat and healthy food, our bodies will change faster. Help with building dna and muscle tissue that is destroyed from that "stuff" you gave us."

"Yes. That is correct to continue eating as normal as is. The body is use to things plus.. it looks weird if you do not eat." Leo frowned at the memory of the info in his mind. "Just ain't right to give up food.

Cultivators stopped eating food and just living off of Spiritual energy or other energies that was converted. It was... stupid. As humans they needed it. Good for the mind really he says. Hell, even the various Deities ate food still. Rich stuff but still food.

"To eat food is to be human. Anything less, I rather just kill you myself to keep from dealing with a potential issue." Leo was not saying it just for show. That is how odd monsters were developed. That is something Maxmillion marked in a file extreme danger not to do. 'Didn't go into detail on it.'

"Duly noted.." Zaed nodded. "Food tastes better anyway now. Something happened with my taste buds?" He touched at the tip of his tongue. Omni-tool raised up reflecting it. "Hmm, the damage from when I ate that grenade is good there to. Really good work there."

"Just a return of taste is all." Leo pulled up his chart to check over the test results that fed over. "Lungs, brain function, even bone development will restore more. The healthier you treat your body, the more results most likely."

"Most likely?"

"Mutations are a thing." Leo said flatly. "Which would be great. More to study for later." The look of glee was unnerving. Zaed frowned at him. Feeling a little tense. "Do not be a baby. You will be fine. Testing you every few weeks checking you over to make sure nothing crazy pops up. Also, we have several vaccines to fry your body clean. Some really special ones!"

Leo had all sorts of vaccines he wanted to try from the archives he received from Max that he tweaked. Zaed would be a good guinea pig to compare against himself. Since he could monitor him in real-time.

"I do not want to do that."

"As far as mutations go, there are none so far. Such a drag." Leo passed the chart over with the last samples. "In fact, you are really normal. Just a lot of healthy cells working to repair what you have done to your body. Exercising and high nutrient food will take care of that. Increase life expectancy is well worth it."

"About that." Maya came over sitting down on a stool close by. "How much longer will humans live with this anyway?"

"Not much longer on average." Leo thought it over with all the different issues that could pop up. So many different stars and types of energies all over the place to siphon.

They needed a ship to do it better. But planting some buoys at high enriched places was good enough for now.

"Maybe 400 years or so. 550 for those with good genes that are healthy. And maybe 900 for fresh babies. Need test subjects." Leo thought about it for a moment. "Need to expose and check while everything is happening before injection then after injection."

"Hmm, I think I can line that up. Of course, all on-site injections personally I take it?" Maya questioned. She received a nod. "Good way to make money."

"Yeah, but letting people live longer. What is the worse that can happen?" Jack asked sarcastically. Thinking of all the wrong people to get there hands on the research would end badly.

"Humans do better than they are now and giving the Krogan and Asari a run for their money would be nice. Since both races could out live us previously. Oh and the advantage they have already from what is going on in the "stars" out there." Leo didn't mind her attitude on the subject. "Not like I will be here really. Humans are expansive and willing to take chances. That is our most outstanding features. At times anyway."

"Right the other place." Kasumi looked down. Not liking the idea of leaving the milky way galaxy really. She was most likely not going to go, but would abide by the provisional contract getting things done till then. "Why haven't we left the Citadel yet?"

"Upgrades to the ship and the hull." Leo answered. His omni-tool went off alerting him of some details to take care of. And another message to report to the hanger for something. "Guess I received a package of sorts."

"Expecting something?" Maya arched a brow at him.

"Not that I am.. oh wait, I am expecting something." Memories of contacts started to enter his mind. Two specifically. "Well good times ahead maybe."




In front of Leo, there were two very important people. Well, a special incident from one and the other a good soul resolution. Mordin Solus the Salarian scientist was a much welcome addition. Someone Leo could talk research to. Along with Maya if she was in the mood for it.

The other was an Asari completely covered. A black hood and catsuit just a little more modest than Miranda's in Mass Effect 2 covered her body. The blue skin around her neck gave away it was an Asari though.

"Mordin and ... Mori. Happy to have you join with. Hope everything was in order with security." Leo shook hands with Mordin as he nodded in agreeance. Mori who was Mornith just settled for nodding. "Well go on and get settled in. The quarters are not the best, but they have room."

After a little chatting and getting them approved by the Normandy's Master-Of-Arms, they moved on board. But Leo was stopped by C-Sec calling for him. They came with large numbers.

"Leonardo Shepard, we have a warrant for your arrest." The Sergeant called out. The few Alliance members just stopped and stared. Seeing Leo's biotics flare up, they moved out the way. "It.. would be wise not to resist."

The officers drew weapons and took aim. Leo was ready to fight to see how well his body would do in a situation like this. Would be great for training his Aspects to.

A.I.- Leonardo.. how about you do not kill C-Sec officials?

The A.I. interrupted him before he charged in. To the officers' credit, they did not fire already.

A.I.- A Scenario is tied to you going to prison. Which means...

'Ugh, call bullshit!' He rebuked the A.I. 'You just don't want me killing them. But the generated energy from this will do well enough I suppose. For now anyway.' Leo put his hands up grinning. Circulating his cultivation as they took him away.

Morinth watched from the ramp grinning under her hood. Eyes blazing in desire. Behind her however, a very angry Jane was already talking with C-Sec Hq about the charges.

Leo, or to be specific the Leo that was in charge before he actually got here offend a few too many people. They pulled some strings to get some serious trouble sent his way.

Zaed and Maya settle for working on themselves. Jack and Kasumi chitchatting about places they robbed. IF Leo wanted to escape from C-Sec holding that would be a daunting task considering.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack)

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