
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 22 Leaving the Alliance Part 4 The Shadow Broker's folly.



Moving around the Citadel to burn up time, Leo was waiting for Registration to finish up. A problem occurred, of course, as the Alliance Military found out. How was not the issue currently, the problem was the military nonsense he would have to go through.

Some Alliance personnel actually tried to arrest him. Not to far from the Embassy. The only thing that came to mind was the person that followed him previously, but that couldn't only be it.

The fact that Alliance personnel had weapons pointed at him on the Citadel threw up several red flags. That would not only piss the Council off but definitely indicate it took someone with real money to do this.

"Really?" Leo was not about to get arrested again. To much he needed to do right now.

With a pulse of Biotics, they were pushed back. A roll of the neck, and he was armored up completely. Guns pulled out of his Internal Space but showed coming from the armor itself.

"Trumped-up charges about to cause some broken families."

"Just come with us, Commander." One of the Alliance members signaled another team. Hesitation on his face at the thought of them completely ignoring C-Sec regulations. "This doesn't need to get ugly."

The Alliance was just built up P.R.-wise but not free of a few matters they already had going on. Either this was a job to mess them up or to cause doubt to fly about overall Citadel Security.

"True, no need to make orphans and whatnot.. but I don't feel like getting arrested or detained this time." He already mapped out the snipers in the area with his Spiritual Sense. "I can tell you, kiddos, right now; I will not lose sleep over any of you dying. Military personnel who can't see through bullshit orders are worse than corrupt ones."

"Maybe.. maybe we take a step back from this?" One of the younger Alliance members didn't buy the trumped-up charges. "I mean, he is working with a Spectre.. maybe they are undercover on something. This is also the Citadel.. we don't have full Authority."

"Ambassador Udina gave the order; that is the only Authorization I need." The Unit Leader stated. He took a step forward, with the others now flanking him. "Commander Shepard, you are wanted for questioning; I need you to get down on the ground."

*Smash!* Leo used Pull so precisely while they were talking on the snipers, the location they were pulled from forcefully added to the damage to the surroundings. Armor penetrating legs and arms as the torso bent awkwardly.

The response time was fast, as the marines closest to them grabbed the down members. Omni-tools were already updating on the most harm done to them.

Upgraded tech compliments of Henry Lawson,

"Take him down!" The Unit Leader was already opening fire while moving into cover. Each shot hit against a kinetic barrier doing nothing. "Switch to.." he couldn't finish his sentence as the target vanished.

*Crack!* Leo bent five marines with a biotic energy crush. The second in command, he appeared in front of delivering a knee to the chest. Killing the man on the spot. Combing the Biotic Charge with other biotic moves at the same time would take some time to master further.

He only meant to hinder them.

"Sorry about that, really I am." Leo removed the bloodstains off his armor with his Biotics. Using Fling, the blood was reshaped into daggers. "Some medical leave will be good for you all."

Burying the blades into the exposed points was difficult, but enough of an effort buried them deep inside. The biological damage alone would have them out of commission for a while.

"Get away from my men!" The Unit Leader switched the rounds out but the little bit of time that passed cost the team already. "You monster! Die!" The man felt overwhelming fear down to his soul.

Leo didn't want to drag the issue at all, all the shots fired were taken in by a Biotic Field as he moved to the man. Each round dissolves into it, feeding the Kinetic Barrier of the armor quicker with a energy loop.

"Thanks for the help in research. As the Leader, have to bare the consequences fully." Grabbing hold of the man's throat, he stabbed through the helmet with two fingers into the head. 'A little Soulsearch should work on a Veteran. He won't explode..'

*Splurt!* The brain of the veteran lasts a total of 2 seconds before exploding in the helmet. Not from the spirit energy, really but from the amount of killing he saw through his life coming back to teh surface at once.

"Damn.." Leo dropped the body absorbing all of the Bloodlust. The man helped him out in the end enough by dying. "..time to go." Walking he stopped as the A.I. and the amount of Alliance forces that gathered from the outside barrier.

A.I.- It seems Henry Lawson moved mountains to come after you. Oriana is safe, and that team, but whoever reported on their involvement had to have gotten information regarding this. I will look for any clues to make sure to get the correct person.

Cerebus with leaks.. that was not good. Not to mention Udina's involvement with them already, begged a firm hand to look into it.

"Leo!" Jane's voice called out. She ran over through the barricade in place and pass the outward Alliance members. Heart pounding seeing the blood on the ground already. "What did you do?"

"Defended myself against trumped-up charges. What does it look like?" Leo's eyes were icy cold. The A.I. finished the trace on what happened. "Trump up charges by the Shadow Broker that they followed without really looking into the matter fully. Such a shame."

Henry Lawson working with the Shadow Broker and Udina would take time finagling through. Alliance officers ran up, trying to subdue him, using a Biotic Charge while he was distracted by Jane appearing.

It was a clever little plan. If Leo were like normal, this would have worked. A single punch towards the chest restrained knocked two of the marine out, with the third held up by Biotics.

"You did not have used violence on them!" Jane felt a cold chill go down here spine. Everything just felt wrong right now. "Stand down!" She yelled to the marines pointing guns at Leo. She was trying to save their lives before it was to late.

"Ughh!" The Alliance Marine still held by the Biotic Lift stared at Leo wanting to beg for his life but couldn't speak.

"We can get this straightened out; just give me some time." Jane didn't want to see the man held get his neck snapped.

"No." Leo shook his head since that was a pain in the ass process. It was harder to get things done than in the "Cabal" or the "Conclave" with the way the Alliance worked. "Either C-Sec personnel that pulled up, back the fuck up, or I turn this area into a bloody mess."

To emphasize his point, Leo spread Biotics out, lifting up all the Alliance members at once. They were, after all, still alive, just not in the best of shape. Slowly he raised each of their pistols up to their heads.

"You have 3 seconds to comply." His voice was firm as he thought at least the Citadel would have the means to dig through Alliance members that had crooked ties. 'Hmm, the Citadel might be a better backer at this point. Especially with Infiltrating the files they have access to.'

"Commander Shepard, stand down!" Nihlus shouted. Behind him were a few Turian soldiers. "C-Sec will comply!" The order was going out as they spoke. He came around at the right time as Leo was definitely going to kill them all to make his point further.

Aspects of Chaos feeding him more than enough power to make it worthwhile.


Alliance sub-office-


"Then the Alliance can go shove it up their ass for all I care." Leo shrugged. Wanting him to apologize and appear before a military board was to much time wasted. His answer to that was not just no, but a hell no. "Their people screwed up. Their people botched things. Your Ambassador bent over backward approving this."

"Its not simple!" Anderson retorted. "You threatened to kill several Alliance personnel on the Citadel!"

"I didn't threaten at all; I was gonna kill them and anyone who stood in my way." Leo eyed the man down, not sorry in the least. "They were in my way, therefore just walking corpses at that point."

"Don't say a word." Kaiden stopped Ashley before she said anything. Emotions were high in the room. It took a lot just to get Leo to appear in the office and not leave. "You will get yourself killed. Trust me."

"Tch!" Ashley did not like biting her tongue.

"So you refuse to appear before the Alliance Board?" Anderson received a nod that made his teeth rattle. The political influence was nothing to scoff at. Military officials were coming to Leo's defense, covering he was removing out bad personnel. "Then I have no choice but to.."

At that time, Jane lifted her wrist up with a grim face.

"Nothing. Commander Leonard Shepard is herby under the detainment of the Council." Councilor Tevos appeared on Jane's Omni-tool. "It is the Alliance's best interest not to pursue the matter. Do whatever you have to smooth the situation over for your... people."

"Are you protecting him?" Ashley couldn't keep it in any longer. Her tone was controlled but her face was disgusted.

"Yes." Tevos said simply. "The intel provided as well as his medical applications is worth more than having him, as you put it, pissed off in holding."

"She has a point. I am willing to burn every drop of my research and let a few 1,000,000 die if I have to. I mean, if I never do my work, they would die anyway. So... don't see the point." He gave a slight shrug as he was thinking about other matters.

A.I.- The amount of energy generated has reached a breaking point. The sooner you leave, the better.

"So, bye-bye now." Leo moved to the door, only stopping when he felt a stirring behind him. "Oh, gonna shoot me?"

Ashley had a gun almost raised up. A silhouette of a person could be seen holding her arm back. She was not stronger than Kasumi, who removed her stealth. The gun was removed from her hand as she was pushed to the side.

"I just saved your life; you should be grateful." Kasumi did not return the firearm. "I think it best you forget Leo even exists. Best way to keep casualties down."

"Grr." Ashley snarled, ready to fight back.

"Enough!" Anderson barked. "Leonardo Shepard, consider yourself Dishonorably Discharged from the Alliance Navy. Do not even worry about the court proceedings!"

"Shame." Leo chuckled as he left. The others are waiting outside, weapons at the ready. They would have stormed the place if need be. "Well, time to head out for some work; make sure you all are ready."

"Yes, sir!" The various personnel moved out. Kasumi walked up to Leo, watching him critically.

"You care about them, good stuff." His tone even when speaking to her. She was a hard one to figure out.

"Care.. no. Just didn't want unnecessary deaths." Kasumi said. "I know what is at stake, and I know that you would have killed them to get out and probably destroy part of the Citadel to get free if they were behind this. Just hope it is worth it, Leo."

"Hmm, kill a few 100 but save a few trillion... let me think on that for a few seconds." Leo gave her a side look before walking off. "Totally worth it. Now, we need to deal with the Shadow Broker. Trying to frame me, was a stupid move."

"What about Ambassador Udina?"

"Oh, I will kill him real soon. His boyfriend to." Leo grinned maliciously. "Nothing says you should have walked away like a bullet in the knee cap."

She didn't know what he was talking about. But a report that Councilor Udina had gotten his knee blown out would appear Citadel knews real soon. Once he was removed from the equation, someone better could take his place.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin

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