
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Citadel Part 15 Leo, Jack, and Maya Part 1

A few days later still waiting on repairs for the Normandy.

"I really hate what I said before." Jack grumbled. They were currently in the Infirmary as Leo worked on her back giving a deep tissue massage. Dr. Chakwas monitoring her heart rate and the readings of the implant recently installed. The effects to her biotic strains keeping low enough to not show a problem. "I don't regret it, but I freaking hate it."

"That is fine Jennifer. Things happen." Leo worked his fingers down her sprine to the base. His fingers glowing with biotic energy as little micro tips of spirit energy punctured Jack's flesh. The adjustments given since helping Dr.Chakwas and a few members of the crew went a long way. "Just let the Sensory Gloves do their job."

Dr.Chakwas had a slight blush. Jack just blinked at the screen paying no real attention to that.

"Dr.Chakwas.. is she one of us?"

"Unfortunately no." Leo moved to Jack's feet. "This may tickle or hurt, bear with it." His spirit energy entered her feet fixing the small internal injuries. "Work your body out just a little more at times or take up yoga."

"Fine, easy to do." Jack started to feel her body relaxing more. Previous pain in her body lessened even more. This more of Phantom Wounds that long since healed really. 'Haa, least I am not on the run anymore living like a bum.'

"That contract still on the table?" Dr.Chakwas asked. Leo gave her a solemn look. "If I sign it.. I am one of your people. Means I get to know more of whats going on. What happens if I spill anything?"

"You will die horribly." Leo moved to Jack's calf. Pushing on the muscles there. "Jennifer you really need to exercise just a little more her after this heals. Cellular regeneration should prevent any future scaring."

"I hear yah. Just keep fixing me up damn it!" Jack couldn't remember the last time she felt certain musle realese tension. Then it came back to her quickly after feeling the spirit energy Leo injected into her body. "You keep this up I will have to make this a monthly thing."

"Hmm, not a problem for me. Long as I am not busy." The more he got to work on them the more data compiled for study. He already determined a few things to change up in cultivation manuals given to people already. "Just don't slack off and expect me to do this later."

*Woosh!* Dr.Chakwas had signed the contract. With her age is was easier for her to accept more in her mind about cerati matters. Her medical background making it even easier.

"This is a lot to take in." Dr.Chakwas sat down trying to wrap her head around everything. "You are serious about this?"

They both looked at her and nodded. Jack then squinted her eyes for Leo to continue the massage. For the science and all that she said. She wasn't gonna miss out since Shi'ara and Chloe were so busy lately she couldn't get the comfort from them.

"So you are from a Different Dimension... your Soul is that of Leonardo Shepard but also not someone who originally existed as Jane Shepard was supposed to be the only child. One of 24 possible different combinations that try to save the Galaxy."


"Not only is the Reaper threat completely real, there is a possible chance of the entire Dimension Collapsing. If the Earth doesn't make it, it goes away. Or if the Andromeda Initiative fails it goes away." She said in a single breath. Just speaking everything providing a bit of comfort. "This.. and your ok with this?"

"Well, I thought I failed an experiment and lost my mind at first but a lot of things reinforce what happened later." Leo created a ball of Biotic energy. Then a ball of Mental energy. "They look the same don't they?"

"Yes." Dr. Chakwas looked at the balls. Scanning with her omni-tool. "Traces of Element Zero in one but not in the other. But I can see it so distinctly. What is it?" Instincts say it was not biotic energy. "Is this Spirit Energy that is inside the contract?"

"No. This is Mental Energy. Produce from.. well Mental Energy. The stronger the mind and the more knowledge you obtain, the faster it improves. Well, Contemplation helps as well. And overall Mental experiences you are subjected to."

"The Reapers are real. So real..." Dr.Chakwas was freaking out just a little as the images built up. A small tremor ran through her body at the numerous scores of life that will be lost. "Surely you can asd more to change things!? Tell the Alliance! Tell The Council! Tell anyone and everyone!"

"Does not work." Leo shook his head as he finished up. "Just results in paranoia and mudslinging. We are making moves to get them on our side, not fast enough but it is in process."

"The reason why Leo spent so much money on Alliance Forces recovery before really. If the Alliance would not have overstepped, might have still been going on." Jack stated. "With the funds pulled the Alliance will have to make hard choices on matters. Which will result in someone messing up somewhere."

"Which can be filled with our people to maneuver better. Kill a few and ruin the lives of a few 100 to save millions quickly. I will make my methods work to give the Earth and the Galaxy a better chance before leaving."

"This is a lot to process." Dr.Chakwas was still not doing ok. Rubbing her forehead she felt she needed to get more questions in. "What are you getting out of this? I mean the overall objective."

"Hmm, I am an Earthist so that. Also, I want to keep pushing my experiments and see the various Dimensions that exist. Such a promising job that will never end." Leo smile broadly. "A few other things but, those are the important ones right now."

Jack relaxed more into the massage. She was glad Dr.Chakwas signed. She needed to speak with her personally on matters like this to her mentally. And for some reason she trust the doctor more than others on the ship.


Later in the Night-


Leo, Jack, and Maya were all in the Infirmary. The perfect place to conduct this experiment really. The Meld with the three of them in a controlled environment like this would be the best place besides a full warehouse or something.

If a hole blew up in the ship it would just make Leo smile overall.

The positions of the three were the oddest thing to Dr.Chakwas who monitored everything. Jack and Leo were back to back. Maya was on Leo's waist with her legs wrap to Jack's front. It was an usual position that Samara recommended they use.

"Whew." Jack and Maya Exhaled at the same time already in Sync with one another. Both of them must have practice a few times already. Leo adjusted the time just right and took a breath when they did. "Haaa.."

*Woom!* Activating the meld with Maya, Leo circulates his Mental and Spirit energy to pull JAck along. With the new Implant given to her, the natural resistance from her biotics lessens just enough for her to come along. But the key overall was spirit energy.

'Very high readings already.' Dr. Chakwas didn't say a single word out loud. Her office was also sealed with a message already delivered that an important Medical Procedure was taking place at this time. 'Leo's ability to adjust his own brain patterns are quite the unusual medical discovery. But he refuses to share it with anyone, I must remember to get the details on why later.'

Internally, the trio were moving around in Leo's Mind and Soul.

"Ok, so you ready to get this started?" Leo asked Maya. Jack was looking at the woman expectantly. "The bridging point with my soul seems the strongest overall like we thought."

"Yes, go ahead." Maya gestured to what appeared to be a bridge that led into her soul. A long corridor protected by a strong metal wall on all sides. "Just don't look elsewhere than what we agreed on."

Leo and Jack walked into the corridor. The moment they were out of sight, Maya walked into the countless doors that existed for Leo. Seeing actual timestamps on the doors for the memories, she was actually a little taken back.

"His mind has improved even further, really hope to learn something from that incident then." Maya entered the door that would take her to the memory with a hopeful look in her eyes.


Maya's Past-


"Where are we exactly?" Jack asked.

"This is an asteroid-mining facility orbiting the gas giant Themis." Leo said from memory. "Maya was one of many who were forced to mine to make a living. Even then the treatment was harsh on her like others her age."

"She.. she looks like a boy." Jack said confused.

"For self protection. Easier to work when people think you are a boy. As being a girl she would definitely get a different kind of work forced on her. Or sold to someone very unsavory for later use." His words came out somewhat detached. A wave of Spirit energy left him reinforcing the memory. Everything became more solid in a way. "We can not interact with them since that would injure Maya, but that does not mean take chances."

Leo and Jack floated down looking at the situation closer. Day in and day out Maya would get up work till she couldn't anymore and try to scavenge some food.

A few times Jack would see her cry to sleep from hunger pains feeling the nights she did the same. But hers were from being prodded and amped up with drugs.

Leo said nothing mostly but explaining moments to what Jack was confused about.

"That woman.. is that the one she is calling mom now?" Jack asked in a whisper.

"Hmm?" Leo looked at the tall woman who had both a way about her with words and movement. "Yes the is former Shadow Broker Agent Ms.Brooks. That hair color is just something else."

"Mayay even walks like her." Jack muttered still. "That look she has towards her.. I know that look." Her teeth gnashed and her hands tightened. "It is the look of Hope. The look of seeing someone to believe in!"

The two floated along as Maya preteneded to be a sick child to help the woman gain access to an area. A doctor took Maya away for testing and the woman slipped away.

"I know that look as well." Jack hugged herself. Seeing as Maya's eyes lost luster when the woman left her there. "The look of abandonment. The look when you are no longer useful. Do you do that to Leo?!"

"Yeah, I did covert work remember. Well I don't do it like that per see." Leo folded his arms looking at her. He would not lie about what he has done. "Any kids I hired were always told what they had to do and were paid. Even came back to check on them if I could. The mission came first Jennifer."

"Damn why couldn't you just lie to me?!" Jack shouted. The memory continuing to play out around them. "Why can't you just manipulate like everyone else!?"

"Well.. the truth has more manipulative power than a lie." Leo joked. He was not surprised when she took a swing at him. "Feel better?"

"No! It feels like everything is a game to you! Like its a joke!" Jack anger was rising but it felt more like frustration really. "Everything is just one big experiment to you isn't it?!"

"Yes, life is one big experiment." Leo said detached. "I am enjoying for I can die any day. I am not invincible or immortal yet. Maybe then I will do things different but I doubt it."

His words did not comfort Jack in anyway.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas

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