
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 12 Making moves and disrupting Wet Work

The clone's blade and Leo's palm pulsed when they came apart from the next clash. The flux of the omni-blade was good enough indicator to end it.

"Just gonna have to make do with a corpse instead." Leo muttered. He couldn't' miss this chance as he came down with his other palm to strike to the side.

*Whack!* Leo smacked against the armor destroying it completely. Pulling back just a little, he pushed forward. He caught the kidney as Lang twisted back in pain. Traces of spiritual lighting entering inside the clone from Leo's palm.

"Damn you!" The clone dropped to a knee. His hand caught the ground and he twirled. On his only good hand at that. He closed his legs togethor into a wide double kick.

*Thwack!* The blow knocking right into Leo's leg. He barely moved in response. The attack only making it worse for the clone. Leo sent more spirit energy entwined with more electricity.

"It must suck being a puppet, well no... that's not right... puppets are used for shows and bring joy to others. I got it!" Leo sent a kick to the clone's side. "You are being used as a mobile doll showing off what pretty little things we can make, even with just a little effort. Don't worry as long as you keep them drugged up, they will think they are useful. Look at that craftsmanship and detail. How does it feel knowing you are not the top assassin? That the real Kai Lang is relaxing somewhere safe drinking a mojito or something?"

"Inferno!" The clone yelled as he sent burning energy flying Leo's way. The attack missed him and went flying into the light fixtures. "I don't need a lecture from an Alliance lapdog!" His hand's armor spread open like it was trying to cool down.

*Tssh tssh!* Hot air came from the sides. Leo was able to glimpse a few drops of blood drip down. But also a light blue liquid.

"I mean don't get me wrong, from what I could see.. you are crafted well. Very well in some areas but not well enough. There are obvious flaws in the design especially upstairs." Leo pointed at his temple. Indicating the clone Lang was crazy as he moved it in circles. "Such a bad clone, when are you set for termination?" He saw clone Lang's eyes dilate at that statement and his biotics flared up.

*Bzzt!* A few sparks discharging from some of the tech.

"You dont know what you are talking about!" Lang moved with a burst of speed. He was in fierce close combat with Leo once more. "You think you are better than me!?" He was raving mad at this point. More malfunctions started to happen.

"I mean hey, you said I'm a lapdog and yet I do what I please a good deal. " Leo grinned evily. The amount of Bloodshed out in the waiting area gave such a pleasant feeling. "So tasty!" Leo licked his lips abstenmindley. His green eyes flaring up a little.

Understanding of the Lighting Palm kicking up another notch. Leo moved his hand in the air in a pattern. Following the eight directions before moving forward.

*Bam!* The lighting palm caused flame to burn deep into clone Lang's stomach. When Leo pulled it back bare metal was visible as the skin was burned away. The synthetics had moved a lot further than before.

Leo moved his left palm to strike against the jaw next. Lang went almost limp as the course of electricity ran throughout its body. Leo moved out of the way, feeling someone else needed to do the finishing blow.

*Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!* The Matron unloaded into the clone. Her eyes radiating an intense anger. Her place was really wrecked after all. She kept firing until the gun overheated.

Leo looked Lang dead in the eye. The only good one anyway.

"Was that too high of an estimation of your value? You are here for the grunt work. Yeah, that's it, grunt work. No high-level operative work. They wouldn't be able to trust you with that... you're just defective..." Leo pushed his spiritual sense to a higher level into the clone. 'Can't get a good copy. What a waste.'

Leo moved over to the balcony area. That shuttle was long gone as a few C-sec shuttles trailed behind. One shuttle remained behind. Securing the area as a few warnings were on broadcast.

Leo's omni-tool received a message.

Omni-tool: DO not leave area. You are a witness and needed for questioning.

Underneath were a string of messages from the Alliance and from Jane. Sha'ira was carving up the clone. Making sure it didn't come to life once more like before. The skill in which she did it, beg the question about some of the work she did before this.

*Chish!* The door opened. Zaed pryed it open with just his hands. With ease. Leo moved to the Matron and was talking to her about some special things. Namely trying to get her to sign a contract with him.

"Holy shit he's a monster." Sha'ira mumbled out. He could hear Morinth in the back of him. Telling him to hurry up.

"I can do it if you want?" Jack chimed in. A few of the customers looking at her scrawny arms. "I am stronger than I look." She said with a scowl.

"Clear in here, the Matron has a weird toxin in her system. I am trying to counteract it but having bad results." Sha'ira thought some matters over and agreed in the end. Leo gave her a warm smile as she signed. "I have something that will pick you right up. Just give me a bit."

"Take your time." Sha'ira leaned against Leo for support. Feeling his spirit energy course through her body was more pleasant than the energy she received from signing the contract just then. Her eyes lidded as she panted against him. 'Such a powerful energy. I will have to get him to do this more.'

A.I.- Good job on getting her to sign. The benefits will be worth it later. I assure you.

'Still want that information. Do not think I have let that pass.' Leo thought back determined to remind the program. 'Luckily she fits into a few small things I am personally interested in.'

As he worked away, the door was finally opened far enough.

Leo looks over at Jack. She is just watching the door after coming inside and giving everything a once over. A few traces of blood on her clothes but not her own. Looking over to Morinth who doesn't have a single drop of blood on herself they make eye contact.

Her eyes dilated. Then a feverish flush taking over. She was basking in the aftermath of the battle. The amount of people she killed almost matched Zaed's. But something about Leo right now caused her to throb in bloodlust. She wanted to spill his blood more than anything right now. "Boss you look like crap... What happened in here?"

She asks in a predatory voice. Almost cooing a little. Seeing Sha'ira so close did nothing to abate that feeling. Zaed nudged Jack to look at the woman.

Jack was unnerved from the energy released in a constant stream. This heavy biotic asari just rubbed her the wrong way. No matter how she tried to reconcile it. Instincts said she was a danger.

"Hmm?" Leo pondered a little looking at Morinth. He would like nothing more than to cut her brain open to see how it worked. But that was not on the table. "A very dangerous assassin and some strange tech. With a little paint and time, it should be fine. You all are ok right?"

"Yeah, just peachy." Zaed shifted his stance. "Lost three guys that would have done well working for you. Two left. If you are interested?" Leo gave a curt nod. "Good, I will run it pass our Turian friend." Stepping to the side, Zaed went to work on his omni-tool as he moved back out.

"Will you bring me some water please?" Leo said to Jack. Trying to get her out of her staring contest with Morinth's side. "Jennifer!" He barked loud enough for her to respond.

"Yeah.. water. Sure." Jack moved away slowly.

After a few minutes and checking Sha'ira over and making sure she was stable. Sha'ira bitterly pulled away composing herself. Just in time as C-sec made it into the room.

She was instructing C-sec about what happened now. Leo not wanting to say a single thing. C-sec wanted them to stop by later for some final statements. But other than that, they should be in the clear. Jane made it over with Nihlus.

Putting themselves between the body of the clone and Leo. For good reason. C-sec took the clone Lang body. There was nothing to be done about it. Which just made Leo grumpy on the way back. A fine test subject taken away.

"Trouble just follows you everywhere it seems." Jane said quietly. Looking her brother over and seeing nothing was wrong, she relaxed a little. 'Not wounded in the least. Not covered in blood either. Unlike that female over there.'

Morinth tugged her cowl down some more. In control enough to not attack Leo considering the situation.

"Well good work at least." Nihlus said. "Sha'ira has quite a few friends in high places. Do not be suprised if some people send a few messages of thanks your way. Might wanna boost your encryption up more on your omni-tool."

"Duly noted." Leo checked his omni-tool right quick. Kasumi had gotten a message off to the person he needed to make a trip somewhere. 'Well, that bait is set. Let's see how it pans out later.'

After a little more time, they left the chambers to go back to the Normandy. Making it to the hanger, plans had to change. Alliance officials wanted them to come for questioning about something. Apparently, the orders came from up top at that.




An Asari made preparations to take a ship out. Mercenaries were onboard ready to do some damage. Matriarch Aethyta had funds galore. Considering the fallout with the Asari council members and the other Matriarchs, she moved a little more subtlety in the last few years.

"We are ready when you are mam." A commando came up with four others trailing behind. "New info suggests the contact is leaving the citadel soon."

"Good. We part now." Aethyta said grimly. A final look around, she spat on the ground in disgust. "Power for the future will not be made here. If what this person says is true even more so, then Thessia will burn on its own."

The commandos flinched at her statement. Their Matriarch may have had a falling out with their homeworld leaders, but this was more final than anything. They headed off to leave for a rendevous point.

'The contact has become more active with information lately.' Aethyta thought as she moved. Her stride powerful commanding respect. She wonder if this was how her parents felt during the Krogan Rebellion and Rachni Wars. 'A militant Asari is what is needed. This will be my proof.'

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack)

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