
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 10 Matron Sha'ira

Leo and Morinth walked very casually. A technique he studies at the lowest level allowed him to blend in with the crowd. So much to sample and explore from the archives his brother Max left to him. Spirit energy helping disrupt his facial features and walking pattern from Citadel sensors. Emitting a very odd energy signature.

It was not long before they reached their destination.

"Excuse me, my mistress would like to speak with you two, can I have a moment of your time?" Her every word came out like honey but her eyes never broke contact with Morinth. "She feels it is important to speak with the other Shepard." Before Leo could answer, someone made the decision for him. Her pinkish hair flickering in the light.

"He would gladly meet with your Mistress." Said Morinth in a tone that left no room for argument. Almost predatory in nature.

"Follow me," said Pinky.

As they followed her, Leo grabbed Morinth by the arm "What are you mixed up in?"

"You are to Biotically charged and from what I can feel, you have gotten stronger since yesterday. Asari are more intuned with their Spirits, or what you refer to as the Soul. Well, she can help you spiritually and in other ways. Now let's go!"

She was concerned but there was something else at play. Morinth had more secrets then most special forces groups. How else would she go about hiding from her mother all these years. "Plus I can get my own answers about you as well. I need to know..." she mumbled. "if the Goddess is actually real for my people."

"Oh, this will not go well."

Leo was a little pre-occupied by the A.I. It was explaining the benefits of certain people he contracted. How some provided more power than others for what he needed. Just insistent enough he didn't hear the rest of what Morinth was saying.

Led into a hallway that went pass the office full of people waiting for the company of several 'hostesses' you could call them. They were prostitutes plain and simple really. Just not always the physical kind for some. The room had several exotic smells floating about. The aroma never floated far from 10 by 10-foot areas

"Hmm, what weird smells." Leo mumbled. Then his blood energy circled a bit. Warning of the danger to the body. Remembering that at least one of his people was playing around on the Citadel at this point, he sent a message off. The response back was quick. 'Seriously?'

Zaed responded that he was close by. Really close based on the coordinates check.

Leo looked around and low and behold, he saw Zaed coming out of a room with an Asari. Not much could have been done in there that was not left to the imagination. A hickey around Zaed's collar didn't help either.

"Heya boss, came for some fun?" Morinth just squinted at him. If looks could kill, Zaed would at least be bloody. He moved over and spoke with Leo a little bit. Much to the annoyance of Morinth growing further. Getting what was needed, Zaed made an excuse to break away. "You all go ahead I don't wanna meet this person. I don't see any benefit in it for me. Plus I have some things I need to check on in a bit anyway." His eyes moved over to some mercs in white waiting at the bar in the room. They looked grungy, to say the least. They did not belong.

Former Blue Suns that were on his shit list still. Defintely needed to meet with about some things.

"Aye, no problem man. We will catch up later." Leo said as he gave him a little nod and continued on his way when called to the next area by Pinky. 'I wonder how many he would end up killing?'

"Commander Shepard, please this way if you will. The Matron is waiting." Pinky said as she gestured with her hands for them to go pass her into a room. A hard edge look in her eyes that alerted Leo to something odd. She was not wound up a few seconds ago.

*Chish!* The door slid open revealing an Asari woman sitting on a white bed. There were a few different bottles before her on a small table with a few glasses. Some glasses already full, one almost done. That was placed on her right side. The room was quiet and a few pillows lay on the floor.

"You ok?" Morinth nudged Leo as she moved to the Hostess. "We need to get down to business. Do not become an issue now."

"Maybe you should relax and take this situation slowly?" Leo suggested. "I mean really now, it is not like we are here to start bringing down the entire Asari matriarchy due to treachery of sorts. That would be stupid. Are you ok is the bigger thing."

"No... boss I am fine." She said shaking her head. She looked at the Matron and really wanted the answers now. "Please Sha'ira, let us get this started." The matron gave a slight nod before turning to Leo expectantly. "Be seated there to the side Leo, please."

Leo's spiritual sense shot around the room confirming some things. Besides the way the drinks currently were and the concealed breathing of someone outside on the balcony made things kick up a little tense-wise.

Leo approach the matron normally. Not trying to give any hint that he knew something was wrong. Spotting a few pillows on the floor also kicked up an issue. 'They look fancy as hell, why have them on the floor?' His spiritual sense maneuvered outside the room. A few more mercs made into the waiting room. 'Feels like it is developing more. How fascinating. My ears are almost hearing it. Like a direct line instead of into my mind itself.'

A.I.- Your new abilities are seeking ways' to help you in your day-to-day life. The spiritual sense will get better the more you use it. Considering you have little to know moral boundaries, I am sure you will develop them quickly.

'Not up to snuff to my previous body.' Leo thought about how long it would take to match that genetic tampering he did over the years. Some were quick but the different technologies available made his mind race with improvements. 'Test subjects. I need them even more now. The Citadel does have a bunch of.. "rats" available.'

Typing away on his omni-tool, Leo sent a message to Jack. Explaining the benefits the experiments would have to the kids. As well as the face they would receive food and medical care. Considering her mental state, this would be a fun little experiment.

A.I.- Champion, this body is at most an Alliance expert's body. Your mind is just to fast for the body currently at this rate. The good news, this is generating more blood energy. Causing your body cultivation to kick up a notch. Taking into account your torture and psychological damage along with the poison samples that placed into your body last night, A breakthrough for your body will have unusual results.

'Ah, so many possible outcomes.' Leo looked over the prelim data. Not really paying attention to the two talking Asari.

"Commander," said Sha'ira. "I believe you can help me with something and I can help you in turn. I had a .. well a new friend help me with something to clear my name. Your sister did a wonderful job. Quite the Paragon if I say so myself."

"Yeah, she is something." Leo said neutrally. Morinth gripping her knees agitated. "But do continue."

"It hasn't taken away the doubt of some others. As I find myself still in this "situation," I believe the correct course is to rectify it with a more hands-on approach. You see in my profession, it is not good for business when the clients doubt you. Trust is quite key for what I do. Are you willing to help me?" The Matron eyes now had a pleading look to it.

Leo's senses caught the movement of the balcony guest move a little.

"Depends on what do you need to be done and how can you help me in the end." Leo asked her in a flat tone as he began looking around the room slowly. He showed interest in the clothes that were attached on display in the room. Very sleek and form-fitting outfits for service. "Need to have your tailors contact. I know a few people I would like to see in that black number."

Checking out the pottery that was close to a window showed a reflection against the surface. Looked to be .. a heavy pistol. The person it was attached was defintely dead. So she did have protection of sorts. Just died already.

"Commander, or do you prefer Leo these days? The info won't really help you per se, but could help our friend over here." She said towards Morinth."I think you want some info on your siblings don't you think that is worth helping me instead of looking into the Goddess Athame?" Her gaze on the young Ardat Yakshi was quite peculiar. "Or how about your mother?" Morinth shuddered under her gaze and balled her fist even tighter.

"What do you know, tell me! That accursed mother of mine needs to be dealt with!" Morinth yelled at the Matron. "I did not ask to be born this way! She does not have the right to kill me! This is all her fault!"

*Bwoom!* Biotic abilities flared outward knocking some items down. Leo stood up placing a hand on her shoulders. Giving a few words of comfort. More than what was needed, she is a seasoned warrior and not that fragile to comforted like a child.

"I.. am good.." Morinth forced out. She caught movement in the corner and got herself under control. The Matron herself looked unfazed like this was exactly what she expected to happen. "..we will do it to get the info. Right boss?"

Leo gave a simple nod agreeing.

"I will give you the info on her now in exchange for your help. I believe with Leo here, you can get it accomplished. But he has to go or no deal that is my only offer." Sha'ira hit her omni-tool as she looks back and forth between the two. "Care for a drink to cement the deal?"

In the reflection of the vase, Leo could see small bends of light reflecting on something behind the body. The "guest" was getting ready to make their move. Small traces of dust moved around the form a little. But that was wrong. No way was the place dusty. Closer probing with his spiritual sense matched it to the waiting room air.

'A type of poison maybe? But I am fine as well as Morinth. But the Matron has barely moved really. She looks a little a flush on a closer look. No way this lady's place was dusty.' The movement circled around to the matron. It showed a silhouette of something slightly moving upwards towards her head.

'Well, he means business.' Leo felt a burst of mental anguish off the person. This guy was a perfect cultivation resource. 'I wonder if I can try something without killing the person?'

"Leo we have to take care of this mission quickly. I need to know if she is close to my location." Morinth moved to the door. Her hand in front out of sight. Biotic energy wrapping around her fist. "If it is about money later, I know a few people that will pay big towards getting this done. I will do whatever you need if you help me on this."

"Listen Mori...." Leo could see this was really important to her but was having trouble himself. Her mother the Justicar would be a powerful ally when taking over the Andromeda galaxy. Especially knowing what has happened to her sister or sisters usually. "It's not that I don't want to help per se. But other plans are set up for your mother and sisters."

"You know about my sisters' situation! They are just prisoners! What plans could possibly work with my mother!?" She turned to Leo halfway. Mindful to keep her hand to the front still. "Justicars tend to stick their oaths! No matter the stakes!"

"I understand, but I have my ways. But you won't like it. Or believe it." Leo said to her with a grin. The look on her face said otherwise though. She was ready to strike and he was not sure if it would be him or the guest that was trying to kill the Matron. "Look, I think we can help the Matron but if this goes south don't blame me ok?"

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack)

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