
Masks Over Masks

She is a young, independent and lonely woman. He is an arrogant, controlling, and powerful man. Diana Aimer met Alexander Dunkelheit by pure coincidence ... or perhaps it was the work of fate. Who knows? The only thing we know is that many secrets are deeply hidden in this couple... and the masks we wear to hide the more toxic side of the personality.

Amaterasu_N · General
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43 Chs


On the snowy night in late December, a beautiful young woman dressed in white came out of the hotel's main hall.

The young girl, who looked to be sixteen or seventeen, with long golden-red hair that shone in the light of the crystal chandeliers, her face was as tender and kind as a fairy, with small pink lips, a small nose, straight and delicate and golden eyes like new and beautifully polished gold coins.

The only thing that would go against this image of a gentle lady was the fierce and indolent aura.

The tender, creamy cheeks were abnormally red, and with just one look, it was known that something was not right.

The young woman removed her pale golden shoes with high, thin heels and ran to the hotel reception.

"Excuse me, is there a room available?" The young woman asked in a breathless voice.

"Yes lady. The rooms on our 25th floor are still available." Answered the receptionist very professionally, but visibly tired and sleepy.

"Just give me one."

"Okay, I need an ID and credit card."

The girl opened the branded purse and took out a platinum credit card and ID, and handed it to the receptionist.

The girl's hands were shaking, sweat dripped from her forehead and nape to her thin, charming neck.

The receptionist handed over a key card, credit card and identity card.

"Here it is. Room 2509, 25th floor. Thank you for staying at our hotel."

The young woman no longer heard the words of the receptionist, she took the items and ran into the elevator.

The young woman pressed the 25 button and after the elevator arrived, she ran into the living room, passed the key card and entered.

The nicely decorated room was dark. The young woman slid to the floor and hugged herself. Her whole body was shaking and she was barely able to verify that the door was closed properly.

The young woman's vision blurred and her breathing was unsteady and labored. The mind was a mess, if someone asked her name, maybe she wouldn't know how to answer.

She crawled to the huge bed and managed to climb with great difficulty.

She felt her body so hot, so hot it looked like it was going to melt.

On the bed, the young woman found something cold. Something cold and comfortable for her hot body but the well-designed white dress hindered contact with this cold thing.

She pulled on her dress and felt like someone was also pulling on her dress. But how could anyone be here?

She finally managed to remove her dress and felt the cold. She hugged the ice pack and the ice pack hugged her.

The young woman desperately kissed the ice pack and the ice pack, after a few moments of hesitation, returned it.

She clung to her ice pack as if she couldn't breathe if she let it go.

A tall man with blond hair and blue-green eyes was the so-called block of ice.

Louis Dunkelheit Brienne.

That night, in the hotel's ballroom, Louis, who received an invitation from a friend, was present. As he didn't have much to do, he agreed and after drinking a few glasses of wine, he decided to rest before returning home. Who would know that something like this would happen?

Louis woke from his sleep with someone hugging him and kissing his lips.

A smell of cinnamon and mint on your nose, delicate and fresh.

Louis noticed the young woman's breathless and unsteady breathing. He tasted faint champagne. So weak that it was impossible for the young woman to be drunk.

'Is she on drugs?' He thought.

It was not the first time that he had heard of some bad characters drugging beautiful young women to rape them.

Louis gently pushed the girl and turned on the bedroom lights.

He knew this woman. The iron lady of city B.

The young woman was Agatha Neres.

His youthful, smooth appearance was a complete sham. This woman was already twenty-five but looked like a sixteen-year-old girl.

The only thing that was not misleading in its appearance was its lion's aura. The red hair and feline eyes exhibited much of his personality.

She was a firm woman indifferent to everything and everyone. And he didn't like to waste time.

Not even with sex.

A few days ago, Agatha met a man and the two went to a hotel room.

She undressed and said "for 10 minutes, I will do whatever you want. In that time, you are not allowed to put your penis on me. To have that permission, during those 10 minutes, work to make me reach orgasm only with your hands and mouth."

After 10 minutes, she got out of bed, put on her clothes and left, without reaching the crucial part of sex.

That was her problem. She did this to some people. Until that night, no man brought her to orgasm. So she was a virgin.

Yes, virgin.

Since you heard your mother say, "If a man can't make you orgasm with just your hands and mouth, don't have sex with him. It's going to be bad."

She took it to life, especially after hearing her friends complain about the pain the first time.

Who put this aphrodisiac in your glass? The possibilities are so many…

Louis knew perfectly well that Agatha Neres would never climb into someone's bed willingly in that way. He heard an acquaintance of an acquaintance say that she was a woman who suffered from frigidity and would never get a decent sexual relationship because she was too demanding.

Louis sighed and carried the girl to the bathroom. Turning on the bathtub taps and letting the half-naked girl soak in cold water, Louis took out his phone and called Steve Beaufort.

"Dude, it's one in the morning! You must have something very important to call me this late!" Steve complained when he answered the phone.

"Man, I have a problem. It looks like a girl was drugged with an aphrodisiac. What do I do about it? Is it better to take it to the hospital?" Louis was a little taken aback.

"Aphrodisiac? What I know has been successful recently is quite ... complicated." Steve commented in a strange voice.


"Well, that aphrodisiac makes a person release a lot of adrenaline, norepinephrine. Blood pressure increases, wheezing, red face, hot skin, things like that. But the problem is that if the brain doesn't release endorphins, serotonin and other sex hormones, she will have a high fever, the more fever, the greater the risk of later problems and even death. Not to mention the adrenaline problem, she will have a heart attack."

"Is this thing so dangerous !?"

"Yeah. A lot. So I suggest you take care of it in the traditional way. You can even send the girl to the hospital but, she may have a lot of problems later if they inject hormones into her. It will survive but it will cause a lot of damage."

"Are you telling me to ra-pe this woman?"

"What a horrible thing to say! I'm telling you to bring this woman to orgasm. Until your blood pressure and fever go down. Won't you tell me that you don't know how to use your hand and mouth? I don't have a cousin so useless."

"Don't be ridiculous. A man who can't bring a woman to orgasm with just his hands is not a man. I'll work it out. Good night."

Louis sighed and hung up the phone. It looks like it's going to be a busy night.

He took Agatha out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel.

Laying his soft, slender body on the bed, he removed his sexy lingerie and sat elegantly, leaning against the headboard. The girl's body was pulled into a sitting position on his lap and he spread her legs, throwing each leg on one of her knees.

His right hand lightly touched the moist, pink, soft lips between the woman's legs and felt the hot moisture drain.

About her rhythmic and rapid movements, the woman in her arms moaned and bowed her back in an arc when she reached orgasm.

The woman's long red nails scratched the sheets and he could see her beautiful golden eyes slightly open and roll with pleasure.

The woman's goosebumps were inviting. He was really getting excited watching this beautiful woman enjoying herself in pleasure.

An hour and a half later, his hands were slightly stiff so he stopped touching the woman who had experienced six or seven orgasms under his hand.

The woman's face was relaxed. A slight smile on his lips.

Louis dressed her in a hotel silk robe and ran to the bathroom to relieve himself and take a cold shower.

One hour later, Louis called his assistant.

"Kevin, find out how Agatha Neres appeared in my room and who drugged her."

"Yes, sir."

Louis sighed and lay down on the bed, pulled out the soft comforter and covered the girl and himself.

He listened to the girl's quiet, rhythmic breathing, and was unconcerned about the effects of the aphrodisiac.

And he watched the girl's beautiful and gentle face until he fell asleep.

Last July 31st was my birthday.

I was so busy thinking that I'm getting old that I forgot to update.

So I spent a few days working harder and updated more.

It was a very sad birthday.

I only received the wishes of my friends and family via the Internet because of the pandemic.

No party, so sad.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Thanks for reading! ❤

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