
Masks Over Masks

She is a young, independent and lonely woman. He is an arrogant, controlling, and powerful man. Diana Aimer met Alexander Dunkelheit by pure coincidence ... or perhaps it was the work of fate. Who knows? The only thing we know is that many secrets are deeply hidden in this couple... and the masks we wear to hide the more toxic side of the personality.

Amaterasu_N · General
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43 Chs

Should I return the favor?

At six in the morning, Agatha woke up naturally. This was the time when I used to wake up and get organized for work.

She always arrived at the office at 7:30 in the morning, before everyone who arrived at 8:30.

She was the CEO of her family business. The only daughter of the Neres family. It was her job and responsibility to deal with all of this and she was getting very tired.

Some people drink to relax, but Agatha, whose grandfather was an alcoholic, drank no more than two glasses of champagne and was disgusted by the alcohol. Agatha, whose good friend died of an overdose, and who always had a sense of proportion, would never touch drugs. Agatha, whose grandmother died of lung problems thanks to cigarettes, never smoked.

She was under pressure and couldn't seem to ease it. Numerous hobbies were done and it was not at all relaxing.

But today it was different.

Today she woke up with her whole body relaxed. She slept well! She, who suffered from insomnia, slept well!

It was the first time in ten years that she had woken up feeling well and relaxed.

She felt mild lethargy but it was delicious lethargy.

After stepping out of her vortex of joy at sleeping so wonderfully well, Agatha noticed something strange. A pair of strong arms hugged her.

It was warm and comfortable.

The hard chest of a man with a good physique.

'What happened with me!?'

His golden eyes rolled in confusion.

She didn't remember sleeping with anyone.

With a quick review of her body, she realized that nothing hurt. Which probably means they didn't have sex.

'Okay, it's not a ra-pe. Calm down, woman. There must be an explanation for that.'

She got up in a sitting position and looked at the sleeping man.

'Blond, tall, handsome ... Very handsome! Wait, wait! Is this Gallen Brienne or Louis Brienne? A tiny teardrop shaped under the left eye! It's Louis Brienne! What am I doing in bed with my male god? And wearing a silk robe… what a pity, it looks like there was no sex… wait, why am I thinking it's a pity? Oh, it must be because he is so handsome that I certainly don't mind having sex with him. '

Agatha met Louis at a party some years ago. It was just a brief introduction and they rarely met, but she had a thing for him. A very big drop.

But it would be absurd to want to get involved with Louis Brienne.

He was so perfect.

He had an elite family, an incredible career, a wonderful face, a sexy body.

He was completely and absolutely perfect!

Even the so-called 'Iron Lady of City B' did not have the courage to flirt with him openly.

The truth was that women are cruel.

She still remembers that Miss Presley, someone who had a kind of relationship with Louis, was unable to make friends and the few friends she had were men.

All the ladies alienate Miss Presley.

With a little bit of reason. Miss Presley was arrogant and said publicly that Louis Brienne was hers to do as she pleases and that she would be the second Madame Brienne whenever she desired.

Some said that Louis liked Miss Presley, but the truth is not so. Louis really likes Miss Presley for her prowess in bed.

Nobody knew, but she took classes with a luxury prostitute to learn how to please men.

The two "dated" two years ago and she was a woman with amazing skills in bed.

How could he not like it?

The problem was, he liked it and she played.

Miss Presley always thought that no matter what, Louis Brienne was in the palm of her hand and that she could play all she wants. She would play cat and mouse with him. When they get married, he would go to the moon for her.

That was Miss Presley's way of taming the man.

Louis noticed that the girl woke up when she moved in his arms but he remained quiet with his eyes closed.

How did he end up hugging the iron lady to sleep? He didn't know, but he blamed the cold. She was hot.

That was a good night's sleep. He felt refreshed. How long had it been since he slept well? Only wild, intense sex with Vanessa Presley made him sleep well, so he was addicted to her.

He noticed that Agatha was lost in thought and decided it was time to wake up.

"Good Morning." He said in a hoarse voice. "How do you feel?"

"Mr. Brienne, good morning. What happened yesterday? I can't remember."

"You were drugged. Aphrodisiac."

Agatha screwed up her eyebrows and remembered that she was really on drugs yesterday.


"I had to help you with that. Don't worry, I didn't use anything other than my hands. According to the doctor, it would only pass if you had orgasms so I had to do it. I hope you don't blame me."

"Oh, no. I think I should be thanking you. It was nice of you to help me like that."

"It's fine," Louis replied with a smile. 'It was fun to see you orgasm so many times under my hand and your super sexy expression.' He thought but didn't add.

Agatha spoke with a slight sparkle in her eyes. "I'm actually a little skeptical about your words."


"Yes. How you made me have an orgasm with your hands."

"Do you want me to show you?"

"Actually, I want to. Do exactly what you did."

Agatha had a flat expression on the outside, but with a sly and sly smile on the inside.

'If there is a possibility, I will take advantage of that until the very last moment. Have an intimate touch of my male god! This looks so perverted! Who cares? I want to!' She was practically leaping with excitement inside.

From the first time she saw him, she wanted to try to have sex with him. She was fierce when doing business and brazen when dealing with people who were unimportant in her life, but when she got in front of this man, she felt shy like a little girl when she was a twenty-five-year-old lady.

"Okay. Let's do the same."

Louis sat against the headboard. He pulled the girl's body into a sitting position on his lap and spread her legs, throwing each leg on one of her knees.

He was shirtless or pants off. Just a black boxer covering the large volume of his groin. And Agatha felt it all.

His right hand lightly touched his lips between the girl's legs and he felt that there was moisture, but it was not running as before.

He used his right hand to touch her clitoris and his left hand to lightly squeeze her soft pink nipples.

He felt her legs tremble slightly and his hands tugged at the sheets.

Soon, the nipples were hard and the body slightly prickled. Moisture running down the fingers of his right hand. Then he increased the attack speed.

And she came to orgasm with a sexy moan and rubbed her bottom against Louis' groin.

"That was fabulous. So how should I return the favor?" Agatha smirked. All the sexy, feline aura attracts the man who was sitting behind her.

"Return the favor?"

"Sure! I don't like debt." Agatha's soft, red lips were close to Louis's ear and her warm breath touched the ear.

"And can I order what I want?" Louis swallowed. The left hand still on the pink, hard nipple.

"Whatever you want. As long as I can do this, I will do it." Agatha rubbed her bottom a little more on Louis's groin. He was completely hard.

"What if I want sex? What if I want you to have sex with me for all the times I made you orgasm?"

"Done. How much was it?"

"With this one? Seven or eight times."

"Okay. So I owe you fourteen or sixteen sex dates?" Asked Agatha biting Louis's ear.

"Certainly sixteen." Louis felt a shiver. 'Sex with the iron lady. Why do I feel it will be good?'

Agatha got up and took off the silk robe, letting it fall to the floor.

"Let's start?"

Louis stood up and kissed Agatha's pink lips. It was surprisingly sweet.

He ran his hands over the soft back and touched Agatha's beautiful bottom, squeezing lightly.

Agatha took off his underwear, touching his penis with flexible fingers. Rubbing his head in the palm of his right hand while his left hand was pulling the hair on the back of his neck.

He was much taller than she was, six feet three inches from a well-built man. The strong chest and abdomen with eight packs was really beautiful.

His eyes shone with lust and malice. Agatha's touches drove him crazy.

He felt he would end up in her hands if he didn't do something.

He tossed it on the bed and opened the nightstand drawer, taking a condom and unrolling it on his throbbing member.

And he quickly entered the soft, wet folds of Agatha.

She cried out when she felt the man's member invade its depths.

"Are you alright?" Louis asked, startled by the shout.

"Okay. It's the first time so it must hurt, isn't it?"

"Your first time… you are a virgin… so I felt a…" Louis groaned "So tight. Why? Why did you do that?"

"What? Give you my virginity? Because I wanted to. I have no romantic ideas that I will find a prince to marry me and be happy forever. I decided that I would have sex with the man who makes me orgasm. That's the my prince. And guess what? You are the happy man who did this. "

"Agatha, this is more serious than the guy who gives me an orgasm."

"Oh? So are you going to go out with me and give me more fun to pay for it?" She asked as she squeezed his cock tightly inside her.

He groaned and she smiled.

"Isn't it nice? Come on, give me more!" She moaned in his ears and lightly scratched the man's strong shoulders.

Louis could not stand the lust that ran through his body. He could only move his waist hard and hear female screams and moans. Agatha scratched her back and shoulders, squeezed his member deep inside her and wrapped her long white legs around her waist.

He used his hands to squeeze the girl's full breasts and hard nipples. She was warm, soft and delicate throughout.

She was a virgin but it was the best sex of his life. There were no tricks, there were no games. It was simply connection and compatibility.

He never felt that, not even with Vanessa Presley.

The orgasm that followed was devastating for both of them.

Louis groaned and plunged deep inside Agatha who screamed lightly and dug her nails into his shoulders, rolling her eyes and feeling the thrill of pure pleasure. The more Agatha's inner walls shook, the more pleasure Louis felt.

It was surreal.

The two calmed their unsteady, panting breaths by hugging each other while he was still inside her.

"Miss Agatha Neres?"


"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I'm feeling sexual abstinence.

I can't even go out to find a boyfriend in this pandemic.

Luck that there is a novel to read or I would die of boredom!

I'm even improving my culinary skills.

I feel so feminine crochet and macaroons.

I like it!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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